Way to go Jane and J-Vo! Wow, you gals are doing so well.
Keep up the good work!
Jane, I read your HUGE post and holy smokes, you have been through the ringer! I have not had to deal with anything like that in my life. Your sister sounds like a very selfish person for sure. Don't let her sh-- drag you down. You are a strong, positive woman. Thank you for sharing. Onward and upward right?!
That movie you mentioned sounded really interesting too. I will look for that.
I watched the new movie with Leonardo deCaprio "Wolf on Wall Street". It was a bit much. The story was interesting but seriously, I didn't want to watch a porn movie!
I was in that business for about 10 years and so I could relate to some of the stuff. Alot of AL and drug abuse in that movie for sure.
J-Vo, Pav, you girls are so busy with younger kids playing sports. Such a good way to keep busy and away from AL for sure.
Life, I'll be over for some peach cheesecake!
Ava, sounds like you are doing well in Thailand. glad you are finding time to post. Wow, your brother sounds like he was a piece of work! Makes me appreciate my brother a little bit more for sure. Thank you for that. Sometimes we don't realize how lucky we are.
No hangover today. Was up early for breakkie.
My daughter is going to Europe for 50 days with a few other kids. It is kind of scary but she is a very mature smart kid. I don't 'over parent' her so she can actually make her own decisions. Some of the other kids have helicopter parents and they don't let their kids make any decisions or do things by themselves. It really takes away their ability to make their own choices and be confident in their decisions. Unbelievable.
Anyway, no hangover here. Feeling great.
Talk to you soon.