Looks like I'm missing out on the action! Is "pencil" a code word for something? :ey:
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Looks like I'm missing out on the action! Is "pencil" a code word for something? :ey::heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
winding down for the evening. Watched two episodes of Resurrection and still can't seem to get into it. Not a fan but DS watches it so...
Night ladies.:lSometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Morning loamers
well lots of pencil problems i am noting. I am not stressing about a pencil till i get home. wonder if they have vibrating pencils????
NS i never subscribe to anything, oh i did a dating site once when drunk, bad move on that one i must say. Some cringe worthy moments.
Jane i still not no pencil, persistence pays off lovely. You sure need a pencil before your 100th.
Jvo i enjoy driving to work now, knowing i have all my faculties about me. god the days hungover just wanting to get into a certain lane and not move till i had to were the worst. I just cant believe i drove hungover everyday and made it to work without an accident. I have watched all the eps of resurrection and really enjoy it. Watching BB and has taken me a bit to get into it still but everyone says how good it is so i will persevere.
LC glad to make you happy lovely. i did think of you this morning regarding constipation lol, come to thailand and it will take you two days to be over regular. Thats an option i thought of for you. I love the way you guys just pop into my head.
Nice mug dream, i am sitting having my second cuppa now before i go to the free breakfast. I dont know how some people can eat salad or pasta and rice for breaky though, me its cereal and toast and more coffee.
hi rusty, welcome and glad you like us, we are not a bad bunch though some tend to talk a lot.
Nar porn to oil, now that makes so much sense. I am sure you could sell buckets of the stuff to the porn industry you were in! Makes me think maybe a career change in that direction could be fun.
SL glad its you at the dentist, i have an aversion to them big time and maybe now i will put it on my "to do" list. My gums were shocking when i was drinking but it was never al that caused it. I need to find a dentist that knocks me out i am thinking.
How are you Dot? Warming up now? How is Maddy? My maddy is not missing me at all, we have facetimed and she hears my voice then goes looking for me but she is quite content with Mia which is great.
Well best be getting ready for breaky and then a massage, think i will go the neck, shoulders and back today, the pressure points in my feet are so tender so will give that a miss. Oh then there is the facial that i so have to get.
Another sober day. Pav you will have a ball on your trip, i keep thinking of you. Well i keep thinking of all of you and wishing you were all here with me.
xxx love and hugs.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Goodnight gals, all those pencils tired me out!
Will talk tomorrow.
Ava, enjoy your massage. I would like one too!Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Jane, is that pencilus interruptus?
You all gave me a great laugh tonight - thanks!
Good night (and Ava, SO jealous. I'm getting a massage on Thursday but mine costs a bit more than $10). I am in a much better space about my trip this week - I actually went to a sporting event and didn't even want a beer. Didn't think twice about it. That's a miracle.
Lovely ladies, sleep well (and wake up well, too).
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Happy miracles Pav - it is so lovely when something like this happens!
Wish I could like a massage, sounds wonderful, but I just can't do it - one of those stupid self confidence things
Good evening DB, LB, Nar, j-vo, ava and Jane - sweet dreams all :l“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Morning girls!
Great night sleep. Went to bed when I should have because I didn't take an extra long nap yesterday, because I didn't need to. So that was wonderful. The wind is whipping around this morning and bit chilly so I can't wear my new open-toe shoes todayMaybe I will anyhow...
Dot, that's so wonderful to hear about Maddie. I felt my heart warm, too, when you were talking of them and how they're adjusting. The love of doggies is so magical. I never had a dog until I was 38 and I can't tell you how my life has changed because of my special love. He's getting old but gives us so much. I read a quote on facebook, "Your dogs may not be present your whole life, but to them, you are their whole life." or something like that.
Hi Roxy!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I was not happy with myself at one point yesterday. I was gossiping with a gf about another gf. I felt terrible inside after that. I thought, "if she were standing here, would I have made the same remarks and hurt her?" The answer is obviously no. And I noticed how I reacted to another co-worker. I snapped, and was quite sarcastic. Again, I thought to myself, "why did I do that? Does anyone deserve to be treated like that? No. So I need to think before I react or gossip. Both make me feel crappy inside, and I don't want any crappiness to get in the way of my happiness. Just some thoughts.
Have a great day ladies.:hSometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.