OMG - NS when you add "I think" to the end of a sentence, it makes me wonder if I should just delete that post. I really was just trying to help. But she is pretty fragile right now.
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
OMG - NS when you add "I think" to the end of a sentence, it makes me wonder if I should just delete that post. I really was just trying to help. But she is pretty fragile right now.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I deleted it. I'm not sure she is ready for the truth yet. She has a rough road ahead of her. Hope she fares well. Thanks NS. I'll actually sleep tonight.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MossRose;1650327 wrote: OMG - NS when you add "I think" to the end of a sentence, it makes me wonder if I should just delete that post. I really was just trying to help. But she is pretty fragile right now.
This is such a tricky business - trying to communicate clearly with typed text and silly emoticons with people we can't see. If you were worried, maybe deleting was the best decision for you and perhaps for her, too. It is so hard to know if/when we're doing the right thing, isn't it?
Everything I write is just what I think - I sure can't claim to be an expert in anything except my personal experience. Maybe I'll start putting "I think" at the end of ALL my sentences :H!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I think...a lot and I think Loamers around the world are great! No, it's like I know, believe that the Loamers are great!
I'm not going to read tonight. Just got home and it's almost 10 p.m. DS had a baseball game, then we came home to regroup, DS went out with friends and DH and I went to a nice Chinese restaurant. Little pricey but soooooo good. Now I'm pooped and gonna just relax. Will read all posts tomorrow. Love to you all!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi J-vo - great to see you. Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing night.
NS - I was having lots of second thoughts even before I saw your post, so decided it was for the best to delete. Sometimes, I just get on a roll. Like you all didn't know that already. LOL.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Maybe you got some benefit from thinking and writing about your experience. And I had the opportunity to know you a little better - and be impressed with how much progress you've made.
I thinkthere is so much benefit in posting - organizing your thoughts clearly enough to share them with others. The whole process helped me enormously. I had become so bottled up for fear of revealing my dark "secret".
Glad you're doing fine J-vo - good night.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
NS - funny you should mention our "dark secret." I mentioned a while back that I had a friend who wants our relationship to be more. I keep putting him off. Tonight I told him the truth about everything - the drinking - MWO - everything (just hung up the phone as a matter of fact). Then I waited for his response. It was all good. He was quiet for a bit and then said..."I really like you." That meant more to me than all the false "I love you's" in the world. Having someone "like" me meant the world, especially since I spent so many years not liking myself.
Anyway, I couldn't keep my mouth shut, and ended up posting AGAIN. When will I learn?
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I KNOW :H your latest post to her is fine!!! She needs a friend.
I'm so glad to hear that the guy you mentioned is still in the picture and that you're letting him know all of you. (Bren? Brown would be very impressed). I hope you like him as much as he likes you! xx
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Moss, glad to hear from you. Looks like you and NS are getting things Done here on MWO- I think...
Invited to the in laws on Sat to celebrate my up coming 50th and Easter. I will not drink. I hope there is not pressure to. I will just say my stomach is queasy or something. I don't want to have to explain anything to them. My in laws are Alkies for sure, drink Everynight and they are 83 years old. So, I will just eat and enjoy the food and company and go home to bed SOBER!
Dr Kelly (The Bubble Hour) convinced me that my brain does not want any Booze, At all , Ever.
J-Vo, Pav, Jane, Ava, Humble, everyone, Lil B.
Love your girls!
I am going to bed. Good Friday tomorrow so I have the day off. Yay!
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi all - taking tomorrow off, and with Monday and Friday off it makes for cramming 5 days of work into 3 - crazy, so quick check in to say hi.
I read thru and glad to see everyoen here. Jane, sorry you are still feeling off base, hope equilibrium settles back,
The family discussion is interesting - one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't. My family is 6,000 miles away. My ex is either estranged from his, or they are passed on. Trying to celebrate holidays just the three of us can feel pretty pathetic at times - it can be nice being quiet, but I really feel bad not having family celebrations for my girls. I remeber what I used to have when I was young, and sometimes I wanted to escape, but now I know what I had.
Pav - I have felt a bit unsettled thsi week - major cravings on Monday, and then tonight driving home ready to start a three day weekend, my first thought was wine, and it hung around the whole way thru. I almost bought a mini bottle of wine to "cook" with and managed to call myself on it!! Got chocolate instead:h
NS and MR - writing down my thoughst made them all the more real, posting has been a huge part of my recovery for sure
I know I have not checked in with everyone, but need to do a little more work, and then I can switch off - see you all later:l“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
We do indeed Jane (and it is lovely to own up - a great confessional:H:H)
Happy to hold hands this weekend, that works for me....
jane27;1650411 wrote: Just stopping in to bid my Loamer Family a good night. Let's hold cyber hands and get thru this holiday weekend together! Love you all
Ps SL, nice work busting yourself on the cooking wine! We have such nerve some times, don't we?“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi, Ladies:
My, we DO have nerve sometimes, don't we. I remember once a while back thinking that maybe I'd get lucky and someone would accidentally hand me a vodka drink instead of a club soda. I was petrified and hopeful at the same time... Of course, vigilance won the day. SO glad the thoughtful part of your brain won out, SL!
I was reading around trying to get my head around this Pink Cloud that is around these parts these days. I am definitely in the "fake it til you make it" stage that Byrdie talked about - feeling flat and blah. I found a great little post on grieving the loss of alcohol that I thought we could all use. I know I grieve the "fun" me - the good times AL and I had. I absolutely NEVER want to go back there, but, as I posted in the nest, I am confused that I am not jumping for joy at every sober turn. Here's the post (from One Crafty Mother?? One of the Bubble Hour hosts??)
Heartbreak. Grief. And fear.
I grieved and was heartbroken over the loss of alcohol. I grieved the loss of who I was when drinking actually did work. I grieved the fact that I now identified with a group of people that at one time I judged—at one time I swore I wasn’t one of them. I grieved that I would have to work hard at recovery—because just abstaining from alcohol wasn’t going to be enough for me. I grieved the loss of a part of me.
I feared facing my life without a means to numb and hide from the hard times. I feared that alcoholism really was something that was out of my control. I feared that for me, there would be no turning back once I knew for sure and admitted that I was a true alcoholic.
All of this isn’t to say that there isn’t so much to be gained from sobriety. I have a beautiful, sober life now. But, I write this post for anyone who might think that their feelings of grief and sadness are wrong. You need to feel what you feel. And if you feel grief about getting sober that’s okay. I’ve been one to over-think almost everything and this is one of them. I’ve made up that it has to mean something if I feel sad about it all. Am I headed for relapse? Shouldn’t I always feel happy now that I’m sober? Fear and grief are real feelings that we all feel. In my experience, having a spiritual connection has greatly reduced these feelings and I still turn to that connection every time I feel fear and grief come up. But, I remember in early sobriety, they were quite common feelings.
I am SO grateful to be sober, I really am. I also understand that it is ok to be sad as well...
Off to bed in a little bit. Take care, ladies!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pav :l thank you - I have referred to it as a feeling of loss. I really struggle to more from depravation to gratitude- I am happy not drinking, but I am not grateful - hopefully I will be. This sums it up well - I need to grieve.
Sweet dreams all:l“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pav thanks for posting that, it was needed tonight.
Jane I will be happy to hold hands this weekend.
Narilly I was wondering how it was sleeting at -1?. :H
I am going to check out the bubble hour tomorrow. I am off. And Monday, so far.
I will check in again in the morning.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.