I know NoSugar; inside and out! Just need to keep that in my head at all times....
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Jane :l so tough.....
Giraffe - yeah!! So very well done!!!!:goodjob:
Daisy -- great to see you coming back!
Nar - I do most of my posting on a lap top. I just got a mini from work, I am away at a work function this weekend, and will be taking it to stay in touch here, so will find out how that works. Occasionally late at night I have tried to use my phone, but the screen is so small for my poor old eyes...
Cooling down here from our two day 100 degree heatwave, and winds have changed - hopefully bringing some relief to the terrible fires in southern cali. I am off to a community do for work in Reno tomorrow - will be reading, not sure how much posting I will get in.
Hi to NS, Pav, LB and j-vo (j-vo, is my daughter with you? she has field trip too today:H)“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi Everyone,
NS, just read your shout-out, thank you for remembering me! I know I have been MIA but I have been reading LOAMERS from time to time and keeping up with you all.
SO here's how I am: I'm doing well! I guess the big news for me is that in the past few weeks I have cooled on AA. It's a great program, but like J-vo, I feel terrible and less-than when my sponsor tells me to go to this meeting and that meeting, call her every day, call other people every day. It's a full time job and I already have one! Also, I was asked to speak at a meeting, and when I said no (I am phobic about speaking in groups, I mean paralytic!) I was told "you can't say no in AA." My thought was a rebellious, probably juvenile one, but it is what it is. I really loved the people in the group but the program itself is not appealing to me. Well, I tried, and I would encourage anyone else to try it. It helped me at the beginning!
So with all my spare time, I am going to train for a cycling benefit for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. I figure it will be a healthy thing to do (it's a 100 miler! should be interesting) and something to keep me away from AL. Not to mention raising money for a good cause, esp since my daughter has Type 1.
I hope everyone has a great evening and I'll try to post a little more often!!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ok, I'm going to lose my mind, as I just lost a long post and I'm really mad now. So I'm going to go, as I have to get lots of food over to a friends house. DH was able to donate lots of produce from work for a walk we are participating in on Sunday - a daughter of our friends has cystic fibrosis, and they're having the walk and dinner on Sunday. I'm glad we're able to participate in this! I'll be back to retype my lost post and hopefully I won't still be mad that I lost it... Shout out to the ladies below! Acadia I saw you posted and I had typed up a response to your AA thing. I'll redo that later!
PatriceSometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Nar, see I'm in my car reposting what I'd lost. But I'm not driving!!! So this ipad rocks. I got a regular-sized ipad and mom bought me a keyboard which was a must for me since I type on mwo lots. The keyboard is also a cover, so two in one. I love this because it's easily transported and again, I can take out and type anywhere. It's hard to type on the screen if you don't have keyboard.
NS, we do lots of fundraising. For this play, the kids paid, but it was a small amount. The venue was an old church transformed into a playhouse and it was so beautiful. I loved the intimacy of it. The play was shown "in the round." I've been to concerts like that but never a play. Pretty cool. The girl who played the main character, Hannah, was only 14 years old and when I told my kids that, their mouths dropped. I love going to big shows in town, but these are so personal and fun.
Ok, getting out of car now, so will continue later.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ann! So great to hear you're great. The bike ride sounds amazing. Interesting about the AA story. I hear there are many different types of meetings, so maybe another one is for you? If not, are you going to supplement with MWO or something? I listened to the Bubble Hour podcast and the first step toward relapse for two of the women was pulling away from their sober community (what they call complacency). I have no idea what you're up to - just wanted to tell you what I had heard.
Daisy - welcome back! Make this your last one. Stick close - we're really racking up the days here.
I had an epiphany in yoga today (well, that might be an extreme, but you'll see my point). When you're trying to go deeper into a pose, you become mindful, breathe, and challenge your body to go deeper. It is an amazing thing how much more you can do when you put your mind and body into the same thing. I thought I had hit my limit - refocused, breathed into it, and viola I was much deeper in the pose. I felt so great that I had worked THROUGH the difficulty rather than working around it - suddenly I thought of alcohol. Giving in, focusing, breathing - we can do a lot with mindful practice. It isn't always easy, and sometimes it hurts, but boy is it worth it.
That description wasn't nearly as eloquent as the thoughts during my practice, but I hope you get the gist.
Feeling bendy, present, and happy this Friday night. A lot of beer drinking friends coming over for a BBQ - I'm not nervous that I'll drink, but this is a first for me, to host the drinking crowd. I'll check in later or tomorrow.
Love to the loamers.
PS - I post on a computer or sometimes my phone (although I'm with SL - slow going and hard to read).
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
hi loamers
well its saturday here and looks like rain. bloody weathermen have no idea, they told me it was going to be fine so i have washed my flannolette sheets and i cant live without my favourite sheets on my bed.
I am back at work, managed 3 days the week before last and 4 days this week gone and hoping to do a whole 5 days next week. feeling 87% better so i am pleased.
Giraffe a huge congrats on 200 days, that is wonderful and keep smiling. i am so looking forward to my 200 but damn they are dragging atm but i know i will get there sooner rather than later.
NS i think my problem is with this friend is that i am over her being negative and i dont need negatives, i have lived with that feeling for years and always put on a brave face and taken the shit thrown at me and then drank to take away the pain. i dont do that now, i dont need to and i am a good person. Fuck her, and the last two days her emails have been all flowing with happiness and how well i am doing but i know that she is trying to get me to open up so she can try and put me down again. That is not going to happen. God why are people like toddlers having a tantrum, she wants me to give her praise and all she gave was negatives. Now i have spoken to you lovely loamers my head is in the right space on how i react to her which is a part of me growing up.
SL hello and glad you are keeping on track. i know how you feel about keeping in your shell. when i was sick i did not want to keep saying i was sick, 4 weeks is way too long to be sick and so i went quiet. not saying i did not read and post occasionally and their were the pm's making sure i was ok. I know i cant leave here if i want to stay sober but in saying that (as pav did) i sometimes forget now, which when i first started i was fanatical about being here. I just know i need to and want to be here connecting with you all.
LB i remember vividly when liam was saying to me that he was okay with his ice addiction and i knew, as only a mother does, that he was going downhill at a rapid rate of knots. the only thing i could do was be there for him. i mean he was selling this shit too so i was angry with him for selling it to people knowing full well how addictive it was and him smoking the profits plus more. When he was ringing me crying and suicidal i knew i needed to get him home to me but that was his decision also and thank god he made the right one. 15 months later he is a different man, with issues due to ice like anxiety and angers quickly, shit sleep patterns sometimes. I dont push him to talk but i do listen when he does. He regrets selling it to others but as i tell him we cant live in the past anymore and he is ok. I could not make him stop, it was his decision only, just like my drinking, my choice not anyone elses. This was his second stint at drugs, the last he was addicted to speed and coke.
Nar hello lovely. I think if i found loamers 5 years ago i would not have stopped drinking, i didnt have a problem with al as far as i remember. yes denial is a funny thing. But now we are all more than ready to be sober and stay that way and its wonderful we have each other. Oh god what you said about your son sneaking his gf into his room, do not be decieved. My daughter had her bf stay when she was younger and my ex said they were having sex and im like "dont be stupid she would tell me". oh guess who was stupid, that would be me! but i always preferred they do it at home instead of under a clothesline (oh think i did that)! Hormones are wonderful things in teenagers and the fact they think we know nothing! Enjoy your weekend away and i hope your cousin has a great day with you. This week at work one person died of an al related accident and another woman came in with seizures from al (she is in quite often), and she is my age. they caught her trying to drink the hand wash as she thought it had al in it. well we used to have hand wash with al but found too may alkies were drinking it. god how sad is that.
Jvo, you seem to be so busy with school and excursions and sound so positive in your life now, i am so proud of you my friend.
Jane, well, well, well (three holes in the ground). I think the issue is a thing called "respect" which teenagers dont have much of as we were never their age. God how i made it through 4 teenagers is beyond me! The HO saying she might be pregnant is a great sign that she may well want to get pregnant or is attention seeking. Maybe hubs needs to have a word to him and put his foot down. I can only say i am glad it is you and not me as "been there done that" and i have the badge but sending you a brick in a dark brown to hide the blood when you hit him on the head! Though i am interested in the rest of the story please.
Pav i love that word "epiphany" and yep kind of got how you felt, well maybe if i did yoga i would understand more. I love that we know we wont drink, god life is good to get to this stage. i was driving home from work yesterday and thought "its friday, i feel like a wine" and then im like wtf woman and that was the totality of those thoughts. I am keen to get to my six months as then i am giving up the fags. whoa bitch on wheels here i come but i am over smoking and they cost a fortune and i want to take the 4 children on a weekend away so with not smoking i can do that sooner rather than much much later. I hope your bbq is fun and no one gets too pissed, at least you wont be massacred!
Daisy nice to see you girl, keep up those af days and keep posting. Life is great af and if you ever feel like taking that first sip, post first, there will be someone to talk to you.
Dot good to see you checking in. Hows Maddy going? I can imagine he is just part of the family now. My maddison is doing so well with her diet now though she had a seizure the other night but not like she used to and i have been giving her her meds daily. sign of old age i suppose.
Well i think thats about me. i am going to clean out my linen cupboard, been talking about that for 5 months now and tye moved out of the garage (his decision to be in there) and back inside the house. of course he put his bed up and then went away for a 2 week holday (which is costing me a fortune for his holiday) so i am going to go through his clothes and make it nice for him when he gets home so he can destroy it in 10 minutes.
have a great weekend loamers, love and hugs.
Hi Aca, glad you have checked in and are doing fine and dandy. AA sounds a bit intense from the sounds of it but as you say each to their own and if it helped you then that is a good thing. I have watched the tv series "mom" and her and her mum go to AA but its all about them and so funny. worth a watch i must say.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ava I am relieved to finally see a gazette. I too wonder how I made it through the teenage years with my 1.
Jane I feel for you. The disrespect. The I will do as I please attitude. But I am waiting for the whole story.
Daisy stay close and this will be the last day 1.
Pav I like doing yoga at night to stretch my back. The epiphany is wonderful. I have one every now and then.
Acadia great to hear from you and you're doing great. AA isn't really for me, but it helps a lot of people. Especially getting started.
I have a galaxy tablet, 10", that I do my reading and posting on. My pc was trashed this past fall when it was in the back bedroom. I do love the portability and the privacy of my tablet.
Dottie good going on the gym. I am thinking of doing kickboxing to relieve some of this frustration. The studio is across the street from me. Convenient.
Giraffe 200 days is huge. I really am happy for you.
J-vo glad your day was a success.
SL I have been watching the news about the fires in San Diego. Terrible. I hope they get relief soon. Have fun in Reno.
Have a good one ladies.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ok, ready to retype the rest of my post!!
Ava, nice gazette tonight! I watched a few episodes of "Mom" and it was really funny. I'll be catching more of those. Good luck with your cabinet!
Daisy, great to see you posting here! Keep posting and build up those days. Each day we get a bit stronger and wiser.
Dottie, can you rub off a bit on me with the workouts?
Giraffe, congratulations on a big 200! That's such a huge number, I don't believe I can count that high! Woot! Woot!
Jane, I got nothing for ya, no advice except my dad found me with my boyfriend and called me a slut, which means the same as a ho, so hmmm. I'll let someone else tackle that!
Pav, of course your son was the best in the play! I agree. The yoga thing sounds pretty cool. My gf wants me to try hot yoga in the summer with her. I'm gonna give it a shot. Do you think it defines muscles? Well, I have to lose the fat first in order to see any muscle, but thinking ahead.
SL, I know you're busy, but glad you're posting. How have you been feeling with the shingles? Is it healing? I think I saw your daughter today at the play! She's so cute!!!!
Nar, have fun at cousins. That sucks about your other cousin. That has to be really difficult having that mental illness and to boot a drink problem. I know you'll have a great time as you sound strong and happy.
LB, you've been a better couple of days; better than a few days ago and I'm glad. You're all making steps forward, baby steps and that's awesome. You're the rock in the family, and I know that's a pretty big job, but I have lots of confidence in you! Gonna look up that book "hiding place." Too hard to comprehend the "whys."
Great to hear from you! Like Pav mentioned, leaving a community is when relapse happens. Are you going to look for another home group or change your community to MWO? If so, I think posting daily would be great for you. I can relate to everything you wrote in your post about the expectations, and I had more than a few condescending conversations with my sponsor and others. Not my thing as I already had such low self-esteem and it was doing nothing but making me feel worse. Please chat with me if you want about that. I went to AA for six months, but when I left, the voice came back and told me I wasn't like those AAer's and I started drinking again. AA wasn't for me, but neither was drinking.
Ok, I'll talk to you girls tomorrow. Love to you all!!!!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Xo girls
Great Gazette Ava! Thank you. Ya, teenagers eh? Like you said, it's better than them doing it under a clothes line! I told him he could have sleep overs with her when he moved out. He just said "ok" and smiled. I am a sucker for that smile.
Acadia, glad to hear from you. That's too bad about AA. Like Pav said, maybe a different meeting would work? Keep coming back to us Loamers!
Thanks for letting me know what computer you girls are using. J-Vo, Lil B.
I went out with my cousins tonight and told them I'm not drinking anymore. They were a bit suprised but did not say too much. I did fine when we went out. I saw wine everywhere but did not entertain any AL thoughts.
Anyway, I'm falling asleep.
Goodnight xoNarilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Xo girls
Great Gazette Ava! Thank you. Ya, teenagers eh? Like you said, it's better than them doing it under a clothes line! I told him he could have sleep overs with her when he moved out. He just said "ok" and smiled. I am a sucker for that smile.
Acadia, glad to hear from you. That's too bad about AA. Like Pav said, maybe a different meeting would work? Keep coming back to us Loamers!
Thanks for letting me know what computer you girls are using. J-Vo, Lil B.
I went out with my cousins tonight and told them I'm not drinking anymore. They were a bit suprised but did not say too much. I did fine when we went out. I saw wine everywhere but did not entertain any AL thoughts.
Anyway, I'm falling asleep.
Goodnight xoNarilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanx Scottish, available, lil beagle and j-vo!
NS; The Book Thief is also among my top 10 reads; I finished it and read most of it again immediately.
Just finished The Signature of All Things - also a fantastic read, and almost done with B Kingsolver's Flight Behaviour - very highly recommended.
It's so awesome not to have to turn back to the previous 2 chapter book to remember what I had read the night before, ha ha.
xxAF since 28 October 2013
600 days on 20 June 2015