Morning Loamers,
Welcome home, Kailey!!!!! So glad you've decided to join us here. We're on the same mission as you are and we get her done!!! I'm glad you've taken the choice off the table as our dear Byrdie tells us to do. No more wasted time. What's in your toolbox? Tell us a little bit so we can know your path and support you along the way.
Daisy, how are you today?
Ava, I'd say you get the mom of the year award. But then again, we'd do anything and everything for our children. It's a fine line where the enabling may start and some people just can't see it or don't want to.
Jane, forgive me, but I haven't read your post just yet. I will read it later and respond.
Dottie, that's a tough thing you're doing. I haven't had the same experience. I was in a few different houses growing up and one in particular I loved. It's in my dreams from time to time, and guess what! DH and I bought a house very similar to it. So the memories will never leave you. Hugs xxxooo
LB, having good conversations with DH! How great that is. You sound in a great place right now. Now, the punching bag sounds inviting. Whose pic is gonna be on that bag? Just kidding!
Getting ready for a walk for cystic fibrosis. A friend's daughter has this disease. She has to do treatments daily and requires a lot of medication to stay healthy. She's 12 years old. I hope it's a great turn out for them. Will read and catch up later this evening. Have a great day!