Hi, Ladies:
Yes, Roxy, that is the power of community. Actually, I think of this - I would/could lie to myself, but I can't lie to you all - my friends. I could be in denial with myself, but since you all know the truth, you wouldn't accept the denial. Keeps me honest for sure.
I had a lovely day - started off on a short hike up the hill behind my house and decided to keep going and going. Ended up taking a 6 mile trek and had my DH pick me up at the end. It was beautiful weather, and I listened to 1.5 episodes of the Bubble Hour - I recommend the one on shame.
When I was listening I kept thinking of things I wanted to share with you all. One thing is they distinguish between guilt - what I did was a bad thing - and shame - I am a bad person. They talk about getting over the guilt but having a harder time getting rid of the shame because that is the way we operated even before alcohol was a problem - negative self talk, etc. They mentioned Brene Brown a couple of times - her talk on shame was pretty powerful. Anyway - I recommend a listen.
Tonight we had family over for dinner - one person other than me not drinking (rare for my family - he's an in law), and all was good.
Ava - Could you imagine if NS posted she drank? That would get me to my core. Byrdie talks about her quit buddy who fell off the wagon and disappeared at 6 months - if you did that I might have to actually come fly to Australia and try to find you. Actually - if any of you did that. Your drinking or not is not all about me, but I have a healthy fear of relapse that I think I can avoid and if someone I thought would never relapse did, it would confuse me to no end.
I agree, SL. Go team Loam !!!!!