Hi Gals!
Pav, my son is taking a gap year so he will be sticking around I think. My daughter is off to another province in September for University. Taking Biological Sciences...we will see what she does. She is interested in Naturopathy but you never know what happens in Uni.
So glad you are doing so well. I think I listened to that pod cast but I have to check. I have listened to them all I think and a few multiple times.
DB, The Bubble Hour, check it out! These women put some wonderful podcasts together and they are SO helpful. I found the one with Dr John Kelly the most helpful for me. Check them out sweetie pie.
Of course your hubby thinks Pedi's are a waste of time, he is a MAN! Go for it Dottie, they are awesome!
I am planting my Daisy's today (I will think of you Daisy). It is a beautiful sunny day here and I am BBQ'ing chicken for supper with roasted beets and brussel sprouts, sweet potato and smashed potatoes. Then I have leftovers for work all week. I have been trying not to buy lunch too many times a week to save money (and calories).
So I am 50 days tomorrow and it has been super easy. I don't mean to sound glib. but this time I really know I am not going to drink. Before, I did not have it out of my mind. The door was slightly ajar, I thought I might have a drink or two sometime, obviously I could quit If I wanted to.
This time I don't have that feeling. A large part is due to my new knowledge of addiction through Dr. Kelly. From what science says, moderation, is pretty rare once you have an AL problem.
I remember him saying "once you are a pickle, you cannot turn back into a cucumber". I know I am a pickle!
NS, thank you for all your advice in the past and pushing me to do better. All of you, thank you.
Anyway, off to do some gardening.
Love you girls,