NS, take me next time!! That sounds so fun! We have beautiful weather here today. I am wearing a black skirt with a pink sweater and pink shoes. Fun!
I wish I lived by the beach. Enjoy that Pat. I have snow about 8 months out of the year.
J-Vo- feeling blah? Come on Girl! Oh YEAH, lets get excited, woohoo!!! Ok, maybe not.... well, just relax and rejuvinate and you know as soon as summer starts you will have a new outlook. This will be an awesome sober summer, right?!
Eloise- Hello. Glad you are here.
Lil B, Big hugs from me. OMG, that would be hard to deal with. Think this one through hon. (I know you will)
NS, love you, my recovery carrier.
Walking home now. Talk to y'all later.