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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

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    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

    Frances, thank you so much for sharing those quotes
    They are helping me today


      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

      Hi Girls,
      Well, thanks for the great posts. Just finished reading. And Frances, thanks for bringing that to our attention as I'm one that Al has been trying to bother me. Congrats on 100 and Jane on 150. So happy and proud of your girls.

      I'm going to check out Ellie's blog after I post here. Need it.

      What's been happening with me? Last two weeks have been kind of stressful. We won't find out about position moves until the end of June, as I think principal got ticked off, and rightly so, at the people trying to find out too much, trying to manipulate his decision. Actually I thought good for him. They should wait and squirm. Anyhow, I got my final rating is it was really great.

      The last two evenings, I have had swelling inside my ankle and a bit on lower legs. I have no idea why and I've never had this before. I'm annoyed by it and if it continues, I'll call doc.

      Tomorrow is my last day. We have a nice retirement luncheon, then a few girls are going to another woman's house. They'll drink responsibility, and I may go if I'm feeling up to it. But I will not drink. I need to remember why I need to come here everyday besides the fact that I love you girls. I come here because I'm an alcoholic and I've got a big issue with alcohol, and if I drink, bad things happen, my life falls apart, and so therefore, I do not drink anymore. Just sayin...

      Nar, think about what i just said, and I'm gonna read that blog now. pm me tomorrow if you need to chat. I'm here for ya and those voices will go away.

      Gonna pm a few people then hit the sack. I'll talk to you gals tomorrow.

      Ava, are you having sex right now? How was it? I guess we should be pm-ing that stuff...

      Pat, you're doing great!

      Kailey, where are you?

      Daisy, you're a strong girl How did the backdrop go?

      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

        Hi all. Was quiet last night because I needed a night to get my thoughts in order. I decided to try a 30 day Netflix trial and thought I would never watch it. WRONG! I binged a whole season of "Orange is the New Black" in a couple of days. I don't know - maybe cable was safer. LOL.

        Sorry that I haven't anything thoughtful to say tonight. I will read back in the morning and do better, I promise. Tonight I'm reeling. My mom and I have had two fights this week. That's remarkable, because we never fight. Ever! And that is so wrong on so many levels. My family is so...what's the right word...waspy. I don't know, but I am certain that not one us has expressed an authentic feeling to each other in our lives. No wonder we are all such a mess. So now my brother is sick, and I can't hold it in anymore. These things need to be talked about NOW! The reception has been frosty.

        Don't mean to make this all about me again, but I just did. Sorry. Tomorrow I may be able to focus and will be back in the game. btw...telling my mother what I REALLY thought for the first time in 55 years was sort of liberating. Scary, but liberating.

        ps. NS - I found Ellie's blog when I was researching head/neck cancer for my brother. She's amazing. This post made me laugh, even though it's not funny: One Crafty Mother: People-Pleaser In Pain Since most of us have some people-pleasing tendencies, I thought you all would get and appreciate this. Live authentically, ladies. It's the only way - difficult - but the only way.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

          Jane happy 150. You are really great. I'm happy you're days are adding up and you are getting stronger.
          Frances thank you forcthat wonderful, inspiring post. And congratulations on 100 days.
          I talkex to J-vo the other morning and she ask me to share this with you ladies.

          MY BABY
          When I first had my daughter she was SO fragile. And tiny. I was afraid for her. I guarded her with my life. Never letting her out of my sight. She was so small, I didn't even give her a full on bath until after the first month. It was a 24 hour vigilance. At about 6 weeks, I started feeling a little more confident and started getting a little more sleep. Again at 6 months. Again at 9 months. At 13 months she began to walk and sleep through the night. And time passed. Now she is a 30 year old woman. I still call her every day to check if she is ok. Do you need anything I ask?
          As a small infant she was ill with a SLIGHT cold at about 3 months. I was afraid she wasn't able to breath, so we packed up and went to the ER. Of course they laughed at me. But I was reassured and so it went. I always had an emergency plan. Fever? Tylenol. Teething? Orajel.
          As with all babies she fussed and cried when things weren't right with her. Sometimes she downright screamed bloody murder. Everyone knows that frantic, top of the lungs baby scream. And we will do anything to shut it up.
          My quit is my baby. In my early days, I watched over it and cared for it as a new infant. I was terrified. It was so young. Time passed. 6 weeks, I began to feel confidant. 3 months, 6 months, 9 months. As each milestone passed, so my quit grew and became stronger. I am at 13 months, and it is beginning to toddle. I still watch over it carefully and guard it with my life. It is my baby.
          Sometimes my quit fusses and cries. I know this is my addictive voice. I use reading and posting like I use to use bottles and clean diapers to stop the fusses. And rocking and comforting can be compared to good food and exercise.
          But there are times my quit screams bloody murder. This is where my 911 emergency plan comes in handy. I have a list of people I can call. Several ladies are on that list and you know it. I e-mail if I can wait for a response. If not I get in my car and drive to my daughter's house, or I DEMAND she comes to mine.
          I am dedicated to raising my quit to a healthy adult. But I will always check every day. Do you need anything?
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

            Little Beagle, your post is wonderful - you love your sobriety like you love your daughter :l. I hope you put that in the toolbox and the nest and every other thread you can think of. Everyone needs the opportunity to read it.

            Great to see you here, Frances! Since you are on day 100, you clearly are a lady on a mission! Congratulations! The quotes you posted ring so true - the phrase that really struck me is "because you'll normalize it". That is so true and our world makes it so easy to do - even encourages it. If you have time to post here, we'd love that!

            Moss, that perfectionist post was funny - and so dang familiar! Your comments about your family are, too and I've certainly been guilty of burying my feelings and needs to avoid conflict. It is scary to speak the truth and face the fall out from that. This is such a stressful time for your family, your guards are probably down. Maybe that will end up being a good thing.

            Like LB so beautifully expressed, let's cherish and nurture what we've gained.


              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

              Lil B, that was really inspiring. What a great way to think about our quit. Thank you.

              Frances, thank you for the wonderful posts. Moderation, ya right, not for me. Tired of that struggle.

              J-Vo, I won't drink! You ladies have helped me so much, every post makes a difference.

              Jane, glad you are checking out the Bubble Hour.

              Well, I'm falling asleep so goodnight.

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                Busy here, today!

                Jane! Congratulations on 150 days! Rock on, sister. I love having you here ? your realism, and cool musings on sobriety and life. Keep it up!

                Nar ? You probably listened to that Bubble Hour on relapse prevention, but I recommend it. Also, I posted something about the pink cloud ? I?ll go find it and post it again. Stay vigilant! Think about sex ALL THE TIME if you have to. Go check out 50 Shades of Grey. ..

                You, too, SL ? when you?re feeling funky, thinking about drinking AND posting less and less, I see warning signs. I may be putting too much on a busy couple of weeks at work, but I hear you writing of struggles, feeling like drinking, and then I don?t see you here. What?s a loamer to do but worry?

                __________________________________________________ _______________________

                OK ? I started writing this post from the last page I read, and responding in a word document as I read along. I was blown away when I saw the responses you all posted. Nar, SL, J-Vo, Frances ? You are all so strong. I would go back and look at what Ava and I were posting around 100 days or so ? we had tough times, too. They?re not all gone, but it was a rough patch for sure. SO happy to see you all posting about your struggles here BEFORE you drank. Stay strong, ladies, this will pass?

                Ellie talks about her relapse in the episode I linked above ? it is heart breaking, but eventually uplifting to hear that she is back on track. I was a hard fall, but short. As you can imagine ? she has a lot of advice about how to avoid relapse.

                LB ? What can I say ? you wrote a very beautiful post. I hope you do share it all around MWO ? it makes so much sense! Another great Bubble Hour is the one on gratitude. I feel like that is how you live your life, LB ? with gratitude and strength. Thanks?

                I came here for a ?quick check in? and was moved by the love, strength and teamwork here. So very grateful for all of you! Frances, welcome and I hope you hang out a while ? those quotes were important to share.

                Hang tough, ladies. We got this!



                  Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                  LB, wow. That was Toolbox worthy!!! Please post it in there. The best analogy I've ever read or heard. Love you Lil B.

                  Still haven't checked out Ellie's relapse, but have plans to do that tonight.

                  Last day of school here. Feel so blessed. This has been a huge year for change. A pivotal point in my life. This is the first year where I was sober for the most part, I was blessed to meet you ladies, I had such an awesome group of kids at work, my DS worked his ass off at school and sports (well not new, but proud of him), my DH is so on board and supportive of me in my journey, and so much more. I'm ready for the next chapter of my life, a sober summer. I don't know how many chapters I have left, but I know you'll all be there until the end of the book. I love you girls.
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                    Hi all,
                    It's nearly 6 pm here in Malaysia. I had all these plans to do things today, make the most of being child free but alas I've done F.A..had the worst sleep last night up at 2.30am didn't go back to sleep...
                    Grrr today I have had zero energy, can barely drag myself off the couch.. Anyway the good thing is I didn't drink and won't now. I've eaten heaps of food but it's still a mission!.. So going to have a bath, listen to a podcast and take half a sleeping tab. I do need sleep! But I will awake tomorrow and it will be day 10

                    Strength to you all... I understand about the holidays coming up, it's the same for me.. 6 weeks of holidays coming up, no routine
                    Take care all


                      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                      Hi all,
                      It's nearly 6 pm here in Malaysia. I had all these plans to do things today, make the most of being child free but alas I've done F.A..had the worst sleep last night up at 2.30am didn't go back to sleep...
                      Grrr today I have had zero energy, can barely drag myself off the couch.. Anyway the good thing is I didn't drink and won't now. I've eaten heaps of food but it's still a mission!.. So going to have a bath, listen to a podcast and take half a sleeping tab. I do need sleep! But I will awake tomorrow and it will be day 10

                      Strength to you all... I understand about the holidays coming up, it's the same for me.. 6 weeks of holidays coming up, no routine
                      Take care all


                        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                        BTW, my baby has settled down a bit. I gave him tylenol! And shoved a pacifier in his mouth!
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                          LB - I love that is really perfect! This is my new baby and I will do everything I can to protect it and keep it from harm. I will keep this in mind when my baby gets fussy colicky, etc...and I will continue to nurture and protect it even when it seems like it is on its own and all grown up!

                          J-vo - glad your baby is settling down for the moment. Mine too.

                          Patrice - you are doing great! Glad to hear the quotes helped you.

                          Thanks NS & Pav - whenever I find myself thinking "can't I just drink normally now? Only when I'm out/every once in awhile?" - I read read read read read. And this week I started saving bits here and there that resonated with me so I can look back on them later.

                          And thanks for the welcome to hang around I have been lurking for some time now - there is always something to be gained from others' experiences! You ladies are a great group, so supportive and thoughtful!



                            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                            PS: Lil B I 'second' the idea to post this in the toolbox and newbies nest. It is perfect and will be very helpful to me and I am sure so many others to think of their quit in this way.


                              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                              j-vo;1668659 wrote: BTW, my baby has settled down a bit. I gave him tylenol! And shoved a pacifier in his mouth!



                                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                                Morning ladies.
                                J-vo have a great last day.
                                Pat Malaysia? That really is a steamy place. Very different from here. And I have to tell you there are many times when I can't sleep, but at least I don't have that nasty, anxiety GSR that comes with a hangover. I never want to feel that again. And you don't have to either.
                                Frances saving things to read later when you need a little boost is one of the things I do. One of my favorites is the post on transitions. In the toolbox. I think as our quit matures we go through many ttansitions. Some small and some big.
                                I know that there were several larger transitions where I was very tempted. Oh I'm ok. I can moderate. I'm not that bad. The time between 10 months and a year were particularly trying for me. But I followed protocol. Read, posted, talked to Daughter. I got through it. Because there really is no alternative for me. I cannot go back. I have tooooo much to lose. For me it is more about keeping that wonderful feeling of accomplishment then having to start over.
                                I could start over if I needed too, but I I DO NOT want to go there. I am with Ava. Whatever it takes.
                                Ava I think I am taking over your Gazette.
                                No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

