Thanks Patrice! I'm working through it for sure.
Lil B, you have so many cool interests!
Nar,:l and enjoy your day!
Daisy, wow, you're breaking through this with us! The tools you used are great and they worked. Keep using them. So happy for you. And one thing Ava mentioned to's not all about me. I'm doing this for my family and friends who love me. They would be devastated if I picked up a drink.
Funny story...DS just got his license on Monday or Tues of this week. So he decided he needed to clean out my car which will eventually be his car just now. Anyhow, he comes up just now and says, I found something in your car. I can't believe you Mom! I'm feeling myself get hot, like "busted! and WTF did he find!" He showed me three dunkin donut receipts. He said, "You keep saying you're fat and crying about it. How are you gonna lose any weight when you're going to Dunkin Donuts! I don't wanna hear about your being fat anymore if you go to Dunkin Donuts."
Have a great day ladies!