Patrice, I started reading my son's required for for English class (didn't finish before he turned in) about when Phnom Penh was overtaken by the military in the 70's. Now I can't remember the name of the book, as I want to finish it! All of the people had to leave the city and go into the country.
LB, I'm so happy for you that your business is booming and blooming!
LC, so much to learn here. I love how we can bounce these topics off one another. Remember, feeling great is just as good an excuse to get your butt on here as feeling bad. It's a sober community and we need each other. When one is down, the other is up. So glad you're back.
Hi Kailey!
Roxy, great post about delaying -gives you a better chance to change the reward. Excellent advice. It makes us delay that thought and that craving goes away if we just give it time.
Daisy, replied to your post in NN. So glad you got over that last night!
Jane, social phobia almost put me in the nut house. For many years I couldn't sit in meetings without the humiliation of blotching up all over my face and body. I would have to get up and leave every single time. Yes, people talked about it. Yes, I hated myself, became very depressed, didn't want to live. Tried every medication on the market. It was a combination of growing out of it, gaining more respect for myself, that the severity of it decreased. I still have problems from time to time, but am getting a better handle on everything, especially without alcohol. I need to listen to that podcast on "Addictive Personalities." And what I especially found interesting is the 4,5, and 6's to be normal moods. Maybe the "blah" feeling I was feeling is just a normal feeling? We don't have extreme moods and that's good, it's more balanced. Yeah, every now and then it's fun to be in a 9 or 10, but getting there won't be by way of alcohol. And it's not ok to be at 1 or 2, but sometimes it's gonna happen as long as it's not chronic or long-term. I'm gonna think on that one more. Thanks!
Have a great day ladies!