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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

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    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

    Morning loamers
    well i had a crap night sleep but thats life i suppose although i did sleep in and only just woke up to Liam opening my door to see if i was alive. oh bless him, what a thoughtful man he is. he didnt want me to ruin his saturday.

    Wag congratulations on day 50 that is terrific and bet you never ever thought you would be there, it was a great feeling to think that "hey im doing it". Wasnt all that fun some days but way better than drinking. The days just become normal after awhile Wag where you dont think about al that much and you just get on with daily life, thats what it is like for me now. Funny but i had a feeling of having a wine last night. and i must look really stupid when i have those as i just stop and look weird and shake my head. Why would i want a wine when i visualise how foul it would taste and i would end up where i was. No thank you. Then i think i drank too much coffee and had a crap sleep.

    Ginger hello and welcome, ive seen you around on mwo and you are getting some great days up which is fantastic.

    Pat sorry i did not reply last night, fell asleep but then woke up and that was about it for me. what is the name of the app and does it cost? i used to have a relaxation one that my psychologist gave me and i have put it in a really safe place. Probably wen i was drunk.

    Nar it is 70 days for you here in Aus land so i cant say anything about 69. I could but i wont! Happy 70th.

    Pav, i can relate to the anxiety at the end of our drinking career. I was popping xanax daily blaming everything but al and i was even losing it at work, thinking i was losing my mind literally. Sub consciously though i knew that it was drinking and i could not carry on like i was for much longer. Thank god i was still posting on mwo while moderating (isnt 1 to 2 bottles per night moderating) and NS said something about me mentioning that i was going to stop after my daughters wedding and mums visit. That set my mind in motion to actually do it again and well here i am.

    Mum is booking flights for me to go to her place for four days at the end of July. I am pretty excited to be going and she wants it longer but i have to work so not to be. Funny how i was dreading the Thailand holiday with "dragon lady" and now i am excited to see her. Not even a thought of drinking or how i will not drink. I dont drink now so the option is not there. Take al out of the equation and i realise that my relationships with family are so much better. There are no positives to go back to drinking that i can think of.

    Well it is a crappy cold day here in Melbourne and another cup of tea and then motivate to go and do a bit of shopping. Maddison goes to the vets today to get her epilepsy meds and a check up.

    Hope everyone is great xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

      Ava, it does cost, it's a book and audio, a friend gave me both so I don't know how much, but to great, just walks you through easy manageable things each week
      Mindfulness: A Practical guide to finding peace in a frantic World
      By Mark Williams and Danny Penman
      He's got such a soothing voice too!!


        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

        Patrice, I saw the book for kindle on Amazon but I didn't notice any audio with it. I'll look again. I may need to order it from their site. I think I saw one.

        Someone asked me once (a long time ago) what I thought I was put on this earth to learn. At the time I said serenity. I just never have EVER been able to unwind and relax in the moment. I've always used AL to slow down and stop thinking and doing. Without AL, I need to learn how to do that myself. I'm like a wound up rubber band about to break sometimes. It doesn't make me want to drink though. It just makes me want to figure out why I'm like that and how to change it.

        Thank you all for letting me butt in to your thread. You sound like a pretty close knit family of strong amazing women!


          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

          Yes it's ok to be sad. Its ok to be angry. It feel our society tells us it's not ok. We're suppose to be happy all the time.
          This was something I thought about this week as I was sad. Still working through some negative things with hubby, but we are working on it. And today was better.
          Thanks NS for that info on the recovery carriers. And it's interesting to me that there are addiction carriers too. Oil and water. I am pretty sure that was the case in my house these past months.
          Its great to be seeing new facew. Wag, Ginger. We are a great team here.
          Have a great night ladies.
          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

            Ginger my drinking was to stop me worrying. Worrying that i was pleasing everyone or not pleasing everyone, worrying that i was not doing right by everyone, worrying that i was not good enough, so i put my head in a bottle. Now i know that the world still revolves if i dont worry and i cant fix everything. And i feel kind of more logical now when i speak instead of being all over the place though i thought i was logical drinking mmmm, i dont think that i was somehow.

            yesterday i took Liam to the dentist and driving home we had the best conversation about our addictions and how we are now that we are recovering (he is an ex crack addict). It felt great to be able to express to each other what we used to feel to how we do now and our insecurities on this journey. We are both of the opinion that life still goes on but we are stronger in how we deal with everyday life and that we are not bad people and we deserve to be treated with love and respect.

            Just take everyday as it comes, look at the sunshine and your family and appreciate them. We dont need to rush to complete anything, we just need to accept that this is what we are. Beautiful sober people that deserve the best. Sometimes i think i am that chilled now i will stop!
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

              NoSugar;1674036 wrote: I just watched this video that Skullbabyland posted:
              It is funny but so true and touches on our reluctance to feel negative emotions -- just substitute whatever addiction you've had for obsessive checking of a cell phone.

              It reminds me of a Brene Brown quote that really hit me when I heard it - you can't selectively numb. Your addiction might lessen the bad stuff but you lose all of the good feelings, too.
              Will have to go check out the video when I log off MWO for the eve...

              Love the Brene Brown quote. So true - we CAN'T selectively numb, and we miss out on such good genuine and meaningful stuff when we drink. Very good thing to remember.
              Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                Thanks so much everyone for the 50-day kudos and all of your kind words. This thread is really wonderful - so many thoughtful, supportive, real people here. I feel like I got lots of warm hugs from you all, and I'm so glad I've been AF long enough to really feel that. Now that's the kind of healthy high I can use.

                Hugs back to each and every one of you



                Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                  Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                  Hello - read back, such a lot of great discussion going on. I am sorry not to be contributing more. This thread was a huge support to me and helped to get me on the right track. I love all the support that I see here, and wonderful discussion on such relevant topics.
                  There is so much success on here, big and small and each one counts.
                  Take good care Ladies and keep on with the mission....I plan to!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                    Hi, SL!

                    It's great to have more people posting here - glad you joined in along with Wags, Ginger. You've helped increase the Thread Density !

                     The density of recovery carriers exerts a profound influence on community
                    recovery prevalence (the total number of people in recovery within a defined
                    catchment area) and community recovery incidence (the number of people
                    initiating recovery in a defined catchment area within a set period of time—
                    usually the past 12 months).
                    Bill White's writing is kind of dense there but it sounds to me like the more people working together, the better everyone's chance to succeed.


                      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                      Ha - thanks NS - as long as you aren't calling Me, Wags and Ginger dense :H
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                        NS, I think we are doing pretty good in this catchment area

                        I am going to read that article.

                        Thanks Pat for the meditation reference, I am going to check that out. I need to do more of that.

                        Wags and Ginger, glad you are here. The more the merrier. Just like Bill White says.

                        Ava, that is nice that you had a good talk with your son. You both can share your experience with addiction and really relate to each other. That probably helps you both. Your. Good momma. Thanks on the 70 days.

                        SL, have a great sleep tonight in that still pretty new bed.

                        Life, I have been reading your posts and they are great.i learn so much from all of you. Thanks for being so supportive life.

                        Pav, we probably are cross posting.
                        J-Vo, I can see how strong the draw of AL must have been for you. You are one strong lady to be able to kick this thing.


                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014


                          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                          NS, I think we are doing pretty good in this catchment area

                          I am going to read that article.

                          Thanks Pat for the meditation reference, I am going to check that out. I need to do more of that.

                          Wags and Ginger, glad you are here. The more the merrier. Just like Bill White says.

                          Ava, that is nice that you had a good talk with your son. You both can share your experience with addiction and really relate to each other. That probably helps you both. Your. Good momma. Thanks on the 70 days.

                          SL, have a great sleep tonight in that still pretty new bed.

                          Life, I have been reading your posts and they are great.i learn so much from all of you. Thanks for being so supportive life.

                          Pav, we probably are cross posting.
                          J-Vo, I can see how strong the draw of AL must have been for you. You are one strong lady to be able to kick this thing.


                          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                          AF April 12, 2014


                            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                            Hi, Everyone:

                            Close, Nar. I'm a bit late tonight. Congratulations on your 69 in as many ways possible!

                            Wags and Ginger - welcome to our catchment of sober people spreading the sobriety. Glad you came here and posted. Way to go on your 50 days, Wags! Amazing, and thanks for celebrating with us.

                            SL - glad you popped in. Glad to hear onward and upward.

                            NS - As always, thanks for the links and information. I love that you're a facts-based person, too, and that you share your research with us!

                            Patrice - the mindfulness journey sounds wonderful. I posted a link in the nest about mindfulness actually changing brain chemistry (meditation). Did you see it? No need, if you're already on that journey.

                            LC - Happy Anniversary! I thought my husband and I were finished about 6 years ago, but we pulled through and are in a good place. It helps that I have accepted that no matter what I do I can't change the way he acts ("I think he should be more..." doesn't work, as it turns out). Glad you've worked things out.

                            Ava - I have heard that crack is very hard to stay sober from. Does Liam have a support group? It is great that you have each other.

                            LB - Sorry for your stress this month with your husband, and for the oil and water situation. I really can't believe how strong you are to stay sober in that situation. You are amazing.

                            I know I am missing folks, but my eyelids are heavy and I'm off to bed. As it turns out, Friday IS just another day. I didn't really think about alcohol at all today (except when people reference it on Facebook on a Friday night). Good night sweet Loamers.



                              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                              Hi, Everyone:

                              Close, Nar. I'm a bit late tonight. Congratulations on your 69 in as many ways possible!

                              Wags and Ginger - welcome to our catchment of sober people spreading the sobriety. Glad you came here and posted. Way to go on your 50 days, Wags! Amazing, and thanks for celebrating with us.

                              SL - glad you popped in. Glad to hear onward and upward.

                              NS - As always, thanks for the links and information. I love that you're a facts-based person, too, and that you share your research with us!

                              Patrice - the mindfulness journey sounds wonderful. I posted a link in the nest about mindfulness actually changing brain chemistry (meditation). Did you see it? No need, if you're already on that journey.

                              LC - Happy Anniversary! I thought my husband and I were finished about 6 years ago, but we pulled through and are in a good place. It helps that I have accepted that no matter what I do I can't change the way he acts ("I think he should be more..." doesn't work, as it turns out). Glad you've worked things out.

                              Ava - I have heard that crack is very hard to stay sober from. Does Liam have a support group? It is great that you have each other.

                              LB - Sorry for your stress this month with your husband, and for the oil and water situation. I really can't believe how strong you are to stay sober in that situation. You are amazing.

                              I know I am missing folks, but my eyelids are heavy and I'm off to bed. As it turns out, Friday IS just another day. I didn't really think about alcohol at all today (except when people reference it on Facebook on a Friday night). Good night sweet Loamers.



                                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                                Good morning. My mind is in the right place this morning, but it usually is when I first wake up. I have only one plan this weekend - I won't drink. Easier said than done at this point in my recovery. A trigger I need to really be prepared for is spending the weekend watching my husband drink. We have such a long standing history of spending our weekends together gardening, barbecuing, and just generally relaxing, always with plenty of wine for me, rum for my husband.

                                He's supportive when I say I won't be drinking, but of course he knows I say that a lot and it doesn't happen, so it's really up to me today to make sure I make it happen. I'm really getting tired of spending so much time in the early days of sobriety, and I know there is only one way to get farther down the recovery road...put the time in, and don't take any steps backwards!

                                Thank you for all who are living examples of how it can be done!
                                You had the power all along, my dear.

