Mum is booking flights for me to go to her place for four days at the end of July. I am pretty excited to be going and she wants it longer but i have to work so not to be. Funny how i was dreading the Thailand holiday with "dragon lady" and now i am excited to see her. Not even a thought of drinking or how i will not drink. I dont drink now so the option is not there. Take al out of the equation and i realise that my relationships with family are so much better. There are no positives to go back to drinking that i can think of.
Your last sentence is powerful and sums it all up. I think this - that there are no positives to go back to - is key to keep remembering. When temptations pop up, they are often through a guise of something positive, some "benefit" we'll get from drinking. This is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and we must see it as such.