Thank you for your insight Jane. Yes I do think he's backed into a corner. I have been a bit mean lately too. Not cooking much. Not helping him with his laundry. I use to do those things from love not because I had to.
And Ava you are right. It's been about a month since the last binge and he is going through PAWs. This happens with addictions other then alcohol. I am praying thid time he makex it past this point. I am going to try and be a bit kinder. Enough about me.
NS :bday3: Thank you for your love and support.
Patrice I thought about you a lot today. One of my ladies is married to a man from Malaysia. They are going there in September. We had a long conversation about the climate. Now I know where you are and a little about how you live.
J-vo please don't pass out on that mat tomorrow. And inam excited about your vacation for you. Waiting to see those pics.
Jane I too have been feeling a bit out of it lately. But we really miss you when you aren't here you know. I have been stalking you on the gratitude thread.
Wag I too wanted to ask what started you drinking again. Thanks for sharing that with us. I just don't have a moderate gene in me. It seems everything is done overboard. I am working on that.
I think all of you ladies are kind and have so much to share. And give back. It's really sad but I have made the discovery that that is not the case with all people. There are mean, evil people in this world. And sometimes just plain selfish.
And NO I do not deserve to be treated badly. Thank you for that affirmative. As I was abused as a child I tend to think that I do deserve that. But not drinking has given me a different opinion on life. Just like you J-vo. My self confidence is growing. I may have gotten a little big for my britches there for awhile, a little humility beagle, I had to remind myself.
Whew what a journey sobriety is. Happy, overwhelming, scary, sometimes painful, and I am sure there is more. But definately WORTH EVERY STRUGGLE. Every day I wake up like a kid at christmas with that longed for present under the tree. All bright and shiny just waiting to be played with. Enjoy your sobriety ladies. That's what we are working for.