jVo congratulations on 90 days that is freaking amazing!! WOOHOO and keep on enjoying your wonderful vacation. Glad you're enjoying it sober - so much better truly, even if at times it feels like it's not - that's just that sneaky f-head and you are smart enough to know it! Funny about your SIL; you've just rocked her world a little and probably making her think a lot about herself too. I sometimes marvel at how much I drank in every situation anytime everytime whatever I was doing if I could drink, I would drink and there were plenty of folks right there with me. I haven't been on a vacation with others yet since I've stopped but I can bet there will be some confusion when I do!
Jane I am so sorry to hear you feeling so down and also guilty about not wanting to do something you feel like you should be doing because others want you to. NS had great thoughts on that. Have you talked to your hubs about how you feel? I'm wondering if you just said to him that you know he likes to be with the boys when they're there but that you need some space at times - he might completely understand? You might find that what you're worrying about isn't something he's worrying about. I could be off track there but that just crossed my mind. I really hope you feel beetter soon and so glad that you're not drinking!
Ava - it must be cold there if you don't want to take your clothes off for the shower!

NS - I think it was you who recommended Mans Search for Meaning on here...I am reading it now. I'm just about half way through and am at the part where he starts to introduce Logotherapy - I'm getting a lot out of it - thanks for the recommendation!
Hi Nar, Daisy, Ginger and everyone else! Hope you are having/had a good weekend. I had a good one. watched some good ball games (my kids) and the weather was just beautiful low 80s and low humidity. Not looking forward to going to work tomorrow but very happy that it will be a short week!