NS and j-vo - Yes, I'm counting yesterday as a victory all the way around. We had a ton of fun at the race event, I'm gradually getting to know people better (and finding other AF allies), and it is huge that our central reason for being a group is a very positive physical activity. I've decided that if I get nothing more than I'm already getting, I'm still thrilled having this sport and team in my life. It will be ok if I never join in for jello shots

j-vo - You're welcome for the book ideas. I hope you find something that suits you. I love the blog link you shared - my "before" weekends were a bit different, but the striking improvements that have come with AF weekends mirror his (the blog author's). Thanks for sharing this.
Feeling so good today, so happy. I thought I'd be exhausted after such a long day yesterday, but I actually had so much energy I worked out twice today (morning and evening). I couldn't have done any of this 10 weeks ago...