One very lazy day under my belt! Saturdays more often than not are pretty quiet for me. I think it's just a reaction to too much pressure during the week. I did get some overdue weeding done, and a little housekeeping, and that's about it. Happy to say I've had virtually no thoughts about drinking. That's new for me on a Saturday! I'm looking forward to waking up refreshed and happy tomorrow and maybe even getting out of the house!
No announcement yet.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
One very lazy day under my belt! Saturdays more often than not are pretty quiet for me. I think it's just a reaction to too much pressure during the week. I did get some overdue weeding done, and a little housekeeping, and that's about it. Happy to say I've had virtually no thoughts about drinking. That's new for me on a Saturday! I'm looking forward to waking up refreshed and happy tomorrow and maybe even getting out of the house!You had the power all along, my dear.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks know me too well! Seeing you doing so well really helped me get a grip. Thank you.
Kailey....lazy days are better than hungover days....they were lazy and worse! I am so glad I checked in....reading about you weeding has just reminded me that I have a bootful of plants for my garden....forgot to take them out, so at half past midnight I am heading out to retrieve my plants and water them...who says this site is virtual just saved my plants Kailey!IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi loamers
Well work tomorrow, wow why did i depress myself from saying that already? I went for the interview and will find out next week. I never know how i will go but i do know that one of the women that interviewed me i had a run in with a couple of years ago about how my neurology clinic was run. Oops is all i can say. I have another interview on wednesday for casual work through the hospital. something will come along if i dont get this job.
My arm has its moments, can be doing something and get that shooting pain still and sleep is crap but thats life i suppose.
Daisy so pleased you got past your day 67, no stopping you now and your whole attitude has changed girl. Proud of you. Hope your plants lived.
Pat hope you are finally feeling better and you know i am only a "whats app" away.
Well only a quick post to let you know i am alive and well.
Its funny how now i talk about not drinking more one of my sons friends knows he has a drinking problem and is asking for help and how i have done it. he says he is "just going to do it" and trying to explain that that is great in theory but hard in practice is another thing. I am glad i am able to help and pass on what i have learnt in becoming and staying sober. If it was that easy just to stop there would be no MWO but fingers crossed he will succeed.
Love to all xxxxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
What a great weekend for us. Many group wins.
And yes I understand family drama. Thought I had the market cornered on that one. But it comes and goes. Just holding firm to the thought of it going has kept me sane in the past.
I too went through a real blah period. I Still have blah days, but overall that feeling has passed.
LC your day at the lake sounds wonderful.
J-vo I love going to the casino. And a late dinner with music.
Kailey I thought weekends were suppose to be do what you want time. Being lazy sounds wonderful.
Daisy glad you remembered those plants.
Frances glad to see you.
SL you are sounding good.
Wags I too am truly enjoying my life again. Addiction is like a huge chain that holds us down. Mant people think they are losimg out, giving up something. The only thing I lost and gave up was being a prisoner to something relentless.
Pav the ferry ride sounds fun. Glad you enjoyed it.
I'm getting up early tomorrow for our trip to New Orleans. Lots of walking.
Night all.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi, All:
Quick check in. A delicious meal out with my siblings and parents - they were all drinking so I was able to be the DD and it was all fine. I really only wanted to taste DH's beer at the beginning because everyone else was.
I had a walk with the Bubble Hour on self medication today. At the end they have a guest who has a daughter, a step daughter, and a husband who was her drinking partner. She owns her own business - cleaning houses. Except for her New York accent, I thought I could be listening to LB! But then she started talking about giving up sugar and I thought I could be listening to NoSugar. Then I thought - FFS WE SHOULD do a podcast. I know Nar already suggested it, and I'll have to crawl out from under my anonymous rock to do it, but it definitely sounds like fun!
Ava - Sorry about your shoulder. I am glad you could be there for your son's friend. I hope I can be there for people, too, but I haven't been out much with a lot of people this year for some reason. You're now the COOL cool mom.
Kailey - I sometimes feel weird when I don't have enough to "do" on a Saturday. I need a scheduled project, and while I have been doing SOME things, I feel like I just hang out too much.
OK, I'm off to bed. I ate too much! So much better than drinking too much, though.
Happy Weekend,
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Quickie for me this morning to say hello!!
I will have time to read back this evening.
We are off for a long train/bike ride to a lake that we love to go to, but rarely have the weather for! Wishing you all a happy, relaxed Sunday. I hope you are all well.:h
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pav, I listened to the Bubble hour once and loved it, but have kind of forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder, I'm going to tune in again.
Frances, isn't it amazing that a a whole houseful of people could ignore two bottles of wine? In the past I would have brought my own for sure. And then made sure the others got opened so that there were people drinking with me.
Daisy, glad you remembered your plants! There's nothing sadder than watching plants die brought home for the garden die because they done get planted (ok, lots of things are sadder, it's an expression!)
Wags, I agree. "Happy" is taking on a new meaning for me. It's not quite as much of a high... I haven't broken out dancing with my husband on the back patio with music blaring while sober, and it was an almost nightly occurrence ... but I'm happier in a calmer, deeper way. More pleased with my life in general, happier with all my relationships, and definitely happier when I look into the future.
NS, the family drama is still in high gear, but I've stepped back to let them all sort it out after having my say! It's kind of a mess, because my family doesn't "do" drama, but we're getting through it.
Ava, good luck with the job. Got my fingers crossed for you. You need a change. My shoulder was bothering me for a week or two, and I was starting to accept that it was going to be a long term injury, but in the last few weeks it's just cleared up. Hope the same thing happens to you!
LC, have a great time on your bike ride!
Good morning to everyone else I missed. Love this group of people and hope you're all doing well. I'm still on high guard today. I've blown plenty of streaks on a Sunday, but it won't happen today!You had the power all along, my dear.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Morning Girlies,
Going to get ready for church shortly. Had another great fun-filled day. A baby shower (which I normally balk at because I'd be hungover) and I tried to win every stupid game they had. I won one of them! Got a stupid puzzle but will take that to work with me so when kids have downtime they can put together. Then BIL gave us the best tickets in the house for an MLB game because he couldn't go. Nice dinner, best seats in the house, and my DH got on tv right behind one of MLB players. One of his friends took a pic of it on tv and sent it to him. It's a big hit on FB! We were to the right of home plate. Lots of fun. Even in the rain!
Pav, tugs still here and there, but much easier to deal with. And when someone says how good you look, that's the best incentive, isn't it! The bubble hour is one that i need to listen to more of. How great we can really relate to those women so much that you think it could be us talking.
France, glad to have you back. And you did some good self-talk through some of those moments.
Kailey, the transition from drunken happy dancing to a more peaceful happy is a big change. But lately, I've wanted and felt that I could do some sober dancing. I'm doing it while on my treadmill where no one can see! It feels good. Glad you're being so productive on your day off.
Ava, that's great your son's friend is asking you for help. Hopefully he'll be ready way before we were ready or even recognized it.
LB, being a prisoner to something relentless hit the nail right on the head. I was so free this weekend, and never would have done everything I did this weekend had I been drinking.
LC, have fun on your bike ride!
Wags, NS, SL, El, Ginger, and all Loamers, have a great Sunday!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hello sweet Loamers :l
I am back again and so very ready to be well.
I have finally accepted the fact that I can't achieve sobriety by myself. I have been trying not to "bother" anyone and trying to be strong and do it all on my own. It is not working.
Although this past year has been very difficult for me (2 daughters? weddings, the death of my daddy, one daughter missing for 3 months and much stress at work)? nothing was made better by my drinking. As you all know, drinking only makes all burdens heavier. In addition to that, I have been drinking more than ever. It is time to stop.
I am using this weekend to ?jump start? my plan, which includes reading here and on other sobriety blogs, eating frequent, small meals, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of rest. Basically just trying to take care of myself.
I know MWO is the right place for me to get the support I need and I thank each of you in advance.
I don?t feel very strong right now, but at least I am not in the middle of a crisis (Thank God!) I will make myself accountable by posting at least a couple times a day, if just to check in. I hope to be more helpful to others soon.
P.S. I am so very proud of all of you racking up the days. That is awesome!
?The only way out is through? - Byrdlady
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Passing thru and just dropping in to say hi to Star - missed you:l
Things to do today - a Sunday off and no hangover, no plans to drink either - so lots to do instead - love that feeling, it really is worth the struggles and fights to get here...
State fair today and not too hot - think I will get a henna tattoo today for this months "reward" or acknowledgment.
Keep up the good fight - the other side is so well worth it...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks, Lassie.
I need you strong girls to lead the way right now and help me remember how it's done. It makes such a difference to have your great examples to remind me how to act!:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
It is great to see that you've come back to us, Star :l. You've drifted away the last couple times, I think because of the family challenges you've gone through. I hope those are resolving and there is peace in your home. Do you have an idea for a new "tool" to prevent you from backing away this time? Is there a little something extra we could do for you?
Pav, I just listened to the BH podcast on self-medication that you recommended - thanks! I thought that was really interesting and informative episode and of course, I really related to the no-sugar, no-gluten, no-alcohol woman.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks, NS :l
I will think hard about what else I may need from you and I thank you for asking. Yes, I have backed away, but the family issues are no excuse. Everyone has problems. I just chose to try to numb myself with alcohol...knowing that was NOT the answer. I am at a point right now of being very sick of myself. So much so that I don't even like me at all. Besides following the great examples of my friends here and holding myself accountable, I just need a little self esteem and that will come with the sobriety.:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Star, so glad you are back! :l:l
Now you are ready for a new chapter in your life and we are all here to help you write it. You are a strong woman and you can do it. Look at me, 99 days, holy smokes! I relapsed a million times over the past 14 years and this is the first time I really feel like a Non drinker.
You will get there too.
It's amazing now, when someone asks me if I want a drink I think 'wth? Get away from me with that question! I don't drink FFS!'
Holy smokes! It has been a busy place.
Daisy, I think I saw 69 days by your name today. It's gonna be a good day for you! It was for me
Ya, family drama is tough, it is so emotional. I can picture you hiding in the bathroom. Sad and funny at the same time.
Ava, what are the chances eh? Your interviewer was someone you had a run in with. Hey, that doesn't mean you won't get the job though. I can't wait until you get a new one. You deserve it.
I hope you can help your son's friend. It is amazing how many people are like us.
I am going to Costco now to squeeze the Australian black licorice. Geez, they might be watching me and saying 'there's the lady who squeezes the black licorice and never buys it'
J-Vo, your evening sounds so fun! I wish I was there! Imagine, you woke up with no hangover too. How good is that? SL, same with you. Waking up and feeling good, YES!
On tv J-Vo, MLB baseball? You live the life!
Pav, the self medication podcast is a good one for sure. I think we would do a great podcast. We could call it um....Ladies on a Mission. Pretty original eh?
Ok NS, I am a little shocked. WHO doesn't like hot chocolate and marshmallows? I live in the coldest country in the world. We live on the stuff in winter!
LilB, have fun in New Orleans. I really want to go there sometime. Yes, you have had your share of family drama, thank goodness you are such a strong woman.
Enjoy your bike ride Life!
Kailey, :l
Last night I went to the chuck wagon races and it was so much fun. The races were in a small town and we were pretty close to the horses. It was exciting. We were in the stands and the company that invited us were buying beer for everyone. I really wanted something fizzy but I wasn't going to drink any beer so I just got through it. Not a big deal but part of staying vigilant.
G- hope things are rockin and Rollin for you!
Sam, come visit sometime
Ok, I am off to Costco then we are going for Ramen (Japanese soup).
Love you girls! This may have been a record long post for me!Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks Nar :l
99 days! Fantastic!!!
but er....
Squeezing the bags of black licorice at CostcoHmm...That's a new one! Did you put that in the toolbox:H:H
Whatever works:new:
Great job on avoiding the beer at the chuck wagon races!
Luv ya!:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.