Wags, I love your take on your situation and how to handle it. I wish I knew you in person - you're such a cool woman. xx, NS
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Welcome, Rooni! You're right about no one complaining about quitting drinking - the big regret is that we didn't do it sooner. What are your new tools for making this quit stick (other than hanging out with us)?
Congratulations on 4 score Ginger! You've almost made it seem easy.
Good job facing The Enemy, J! It can't sneak up on you now. Since your son is integral to your quit, think about having him realize you drank again and worse yet, are drinking again.
It's just not worth it. :l NS
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
NoSugar;1685644 wrote: Wags, I love your take on your situation and how to handle it. I wish I knew you in person - you're such a cool woman. xx, NSAnd likewise to you about being a cool woman - right back atcha!!!
I for one really appreciate all that you offer, suggest, and give so freely on MWO. I am guessing you are similar in real life, but maybe this is a special place for you like it is for many of us.
Back to what someone posted a week or two ago - it would be fun to get us all in the same room and see how things went. I'm sure certain connections would be stronger than others, just like they are here, but it would be wonderful to get so many strong-minded and supportive women together in the same place.Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Rooni - welcome to the Loamers thread! Like Ginger, I'm pretty new to this crew but feel like I've found a home.
j-vo - Superb job passing on the JD! I love how you said, "No way!!!" Now, it's great that you are realizing in advance how having your son gone has been a trigger of sorts in the past, and that you are posting about it here. I firmly believe that the more I do these two things (anticipate, post) the better I am able to surf urges, ride roller coasters and be a weeble who might wobble but does NOT fall down. I suspect that many of us feel the same, and I hope posting and getting replies will help you as well.
When does he leave for this trip? Can you plan a few extra things for yourself while he's gone? Bike rides? Get-togethers with AF friends? Long posts on MWO?
You sound solid and you have a lot of recent success to ride on, but it's really good that you aren't getting complacent. Use this as a sign of strength and embrace it for all it's worth!Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Roonie :l so glad to have you here. This is a fantastic bunch of strong, loving, caring ladies (and a gent or two). I am back on day 5, so we are in the early stages together, again. We can do it this time. And I agree. Whatever works for you, Antabuse or no.
Jvo- sweetie! I am so glad you are realizing a couple of red flags for you and coming here to talk about them. I think NS gave great advice about imagining the disappointment in your son's eyes if he realizes you are drinking again. I know I have disappointed my girls over and over again. It is just not worth it.
Jane, my friend! I sure hope doogie can figure out the problem and get you fixed pronto. You are way too valuable to us and to your family to be dragged down by feeling like shit all the time. This had got to stop!
Have a great evening gals :l:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Rooni! So glad you are here missy! Yes, us Loamers will help you get through this. We are a strong force to be reckoned with. I know it has been a struggle for you, just like all of us. We all have our days. The beginning is tough. Read some posts in the tool box, that really helped me.
Big Hug
J, glad you posted. You sound strong though, saying no way to the JD. That's great! We will have to think of other things to do while your son is away
Like Star and NS said, you don't want to diss appoint your girls.
Hang in there Jane. Hopefully Doogie helps you.
Hope you had a good day at work Ava!
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Jane can I please borrow those diamonds to wear? Laughing is such a great thing. Doogie. :H
J-vo :l just like your af vacation and the beginning of summer, you have this. I know you do. You are a wonderfully strong person and once you get through this time, you will be stronger then ever.
Star please just spoil yourself a little right now. At least take your lunch away from work. J-vo's calm ap sounds like a wonderful thing to set yourself up for the rest of the day.
Welcome Rooni. Glad to see you here. This is how hubby used antabuse. He took 1/2 tablet every other day for a month, then we switched to 1/2 tablet once a week for 6 months. This sober time gave him time to develope new habits and really realize how wonderful life is without alcohol. It is not a crutch it is a tool at our house. A wonderful tool.
NS I too feel thst life has become much more managable without alcohol. And somewhat the same after this much time. But staying here is very helpful to me. I have begun to work on so many other things in my life.
Kailey good to see you hanging tough.
Wags I know you will work this thing out with your coach. Maybe changing teams is the solution. Finding the best fit for YOU. I don't like the feeling of someone not liking me. I mean it's ME we are talking about. I am cute and lovable. What is the problem? :H
I fell asleep on the sofa this evening so I'd better get to bed. Long day tomorrow.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks for all of your replies. I know I'm much stronger than I was back in March when I had that fall. Whenever DS was gone for the night, I'd make DH go out somewhere, or we'd stay home and drink. Yes, DS not being here is a trigger, but I want to say "was" a trigger. I'm going to pretend that he's not away! No, I need to be truthful with myself and not try to avoid his absence. Ginger, yep, agree. Navigating around triggers is much better than the GSR's and self-loathing. I feel as though the time I've put in (AF) I've built a stronger foundation and won't fall as easily as I had in the past. I won't fall at all! NS, yep, even though we don't talk about it, he's well aware that I don't drink anymore, and I don't have to talk about why I don't. I will be having some conversations with him about my family dynamics and the alcoholism that runs in the family soon. Wags, August 5 or 6 and I like your idea of planning for a few extra things. I'll be busy beginning my planning for school and finishing up cleaning out some bedrooms while he's gone. I want to be on top of things before returning to school. Star, that was what was hardest on me...DS seeing me in that state. LB, night girly. Jane...Doogie! I guess we all watched that show. I love Neil Patrick Harris. Hope your appts. go well. Tired. Thanks girls. I'm going to be extra aware of how I'm feeling and if I do feel wobbly, then I may even take one of the antabuse..I will if I have to!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
J- Vo, you are stronger now and as time goes by you will keep greeting stronger. All these new and improved habits are shaping your new life without AL. I am so happy you are doing so well!
Lil B, yes, I agree you are very cute and snugly
We'll, goodnight girls.
Ava, have a great day, give your arm a little rub from me.
Ginger, Wags, Star, glad you are here.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi, Roonie! Glad you're here!
Jane, I keep meaning to mention that your avatar cracks me up every time I see it.
LB, I completely understand what you mean about using antibuse as a tool. It's really like that last little piece of the puzzle for me. I can't believe how it's just completely taken the focus off alcohol for me.
I had the funniest fleeting thought as I pulled in the driveway tonight. Just a content moment of looking forward to my evening (dinner, a little tv, a bath). What struck me was how many times I have pulled into the driveway and thought about that first glass of wine. Or I would pull in and think about how I was not going to drink. Either way, drinking...specifically drinking or not drinking wine, has always been front and center. Tonight, not even in the picture. Yes!!!
I'll be taking a quarter of a pill in the morning, and that guarantees me that I'll be sober another week. That just excites the hell out of me! I'm sure I'll have triggers in the next week, but I'll deal with them. Like you said, Ginger, dealing with triggers is nothing compared to dealing with self loathing. It's amazing how quickly I'm leaving that negative frame of mind behind. Also the desperation and worry. Life is feeling pretty damned good!You had the power all along, my dear.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi Loamers
Well a quick check in while the site is working. I am off to mums tomorrow for four days of sun and being spoilt. I cant wait to spend some time with her and sit in the sun and eat seafood and be looked after. Im also going to have lunch with Petrel so that should be nice also. Meeting another mwoer, wow!
Have not heard about the job but thats okay, the wheels take forever to move in the hospital i work at. I also need to have an ultrasound guided injection into my shoulder with steroids for my arm. Now to me that sounds just like the "bomb", cant wait for that one! This is where i wish i had someone to hold my hand but i'm a big girl so i have to put on my big girl pants and take it. I'm on a waiting list at the hospital and i did tell my office manager and he did say i could go at any time to have it done and he said if i needed to go home afterwards that was fine also. Its like working with Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
I may not be on while i am away depends on what mum has planned. such a great feeling to know that now i can deal with not drinking without checking in constantly but its a great feeling to know that if i need anything i can always come on here. It will be nice to have a coffee with mum instead of worrying if i will have enough wine to get me through or hiding a bottle in my bag for when she goes to sleep so i can blackout. The only planning i have is what to wear for lunch.
xxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ava, good luck with your shoulder procedure. It does sound fun but I'll bet it's worth it! How fun to spend time with your mom. Mine is just starting to fail health wise, and it's so hard to watch! I appreciate every moment with her.
I'll bet you and Petrel have a great lunch!You had the power all along, my dear.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks Kailey, its much better my time with mum now i am not drinking and planning my drinking and being a bitch with a grudge and blaming her for everything that happened in my life. I have so much to be grateful for being sober.
Oh i will have lots of gossip with Petrel, he probably wont get a word in.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ava enjoy your time with your mom. Have some seafood for me!! And your lunch. How fun. Meeting another MWOer. :l
Kailey enjoy your freedom. Freedom from alcohol. How wonderful it is. Nowadays when I get ready to go somewhere I don't have to worry. I just know. Nope. No alcohol for Me. What a relief. No, will I say or do something embarrassing? Will everyone look at me with pity and contempt? Nope. Just normal life. Isn't it great?No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.