Hey, GLoamers
Just a couple thoughts -
MWO is really awful right now, isn't it? I've tried everything I could think of in terms of getting the truth to RJ but it doesn't seem to have made any difference. If any of you want a contact person should this site ever disappear, send me a PM and I'll give you my MWO email address. That would help us hook up somewhere else if necessary. Soberistas has a fee now so I'm not sure that would be a good option. Any other ideas?
Anyway, J, I'm glad you watched that video. I think it is a good explanation (and rather funny at parts, which helps....).
LC, good job on posting and using MWO to get past those cravings. They are annoying and sometimes really hard but not as annoying or hard as hating yourself and your life, right? The worst craving EVER is better than the self-loathing and fear that drinking brings to an addict.
Wags, you are at a funky time where the 100 day goal has been met and the challenge of day to day AF living is gone (which even though it is a drag, it is stimulating in its own way, especially for competitive, goal-oriented people) but your brain has not yet healed enough to avoid drifting back to what it knows as pleasurable and easy. Just hang in there - it passes.
:h NS