Hang in there, RG!!
I am just going by what NS says, as I trust her and all the ladies here very much. Every day at this time--beginning at 3 at the latest, I'm going through a pretty difficult stretch. I don't have any alcohol in the house and I won't allow myself to go out until the urges subside. I've done damage the past few months by giving in and drinking when the cravings got to be too much to bear. And to be honest, I wasn't giving it my all. I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that I would drink again so I sabotaged myself. This time I am being 100% honest with myself. I KNOW what's going on in my mind and I will NOT give into the alcoholic voice. The cravings suck though. I will be very grateful when they give me a break--when they are least far and few between!!!!!
ramble ramble... off to play board games...