That is one mad kitty, Jane! LOVE the picture and the new avatar (reminds me of 2 friends I have here at home..). Will the MIL ever learn? She just pops over without any sort of notice? And you probably can't hide out till she leaves? That's a tough one-- but if you gave her a look or attitude even near the one in the picture you posted, maybe she'll get the hint!:l
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
That is one mad kitty, Jane! LOVE the picture and the new avatar (reminds me of 2 friends I have here at home..). Will the MIL ever learn? She just pops over without any sort of notice? And you probably can't hide out till she leaves? That's a tough one-- but if you gave her a look or attitude even near the one in the picture you posted, maybe she'll get the hint!:l
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Day 18
Wishing everyone well. J-vo, thanks for mentioning the Calm app. I love it! On call tonight but have the entire Labor Day weekend free...I think about AL a lot and need to stay busy and calm. Do not want to start over. That first week of sobriety is a bitch- poor sleep, foggiest, crankiness, restlessness......I hope everyone has a plan for the upcoming 3-day weekend. Would love to hear them. Love to all
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Early evening ladies,
I'm sitting on my back patio and it feels like an early fall day. Beautiful outside. Drinking a cup of half caff! Love an afternoon cup.
Today was another great day. I know everyday won't be perfect. Nothing's perfect and that's ok. But everyday can be sober and hungover free.
Got to talking about respect in my class as it's my number one rule. Asked kids to give me good examples and non-examples. They had fun with that one! Also talked about the differences between individuals (as I'm preparing them to work in groups). I mentioned something that I wasn't planning on saying...something I've learned through recovery. I told them that while they're in groups, NOTICE the good things others contribute and not the bad. We all have our strengths an weaknesses. Let's recognize the good in others. Jeez! What a great discussion we had.
Wags, do you need to tell them two weeks prior to leaving the group or can you wait a little longer? I know putting it off wouldn't be good for you either. But that's a tough situation and one where there might be judgment because people judge when they don't have a true understanding of others actions. That's sadly human nature. But on the other side, knowing that this may happen, even though it's uncomfortable, may help you. This is a growing and learning opportunity for you Wags. Let us know how you did it so we don't have to deal with something like that! Just kidding.
LC, good on gettin back to the gym!
Ava, glad you're getting walking in. Makes a big difference when adding that cardio into our emotional and physical self.
Nar, good for you for being assertive! That's soooooo not easy to do. Especially with a boss.
Dottie, over-committing certainly makes my anxiety increase. I know at times our schedules will fluctuate, but I need to be careful with that kind of thing.
Jane, omg, your MIL needs to know now! Can you pretend you're not home? Or will it take a straightforward talk with her. Like, "MIL, don't freaking come to my house unannounced EVER AGAIN!"
and then, "Love you MIL."
Rivergal, I saw you're on 18 with me. We're doing this and not stopping. Too many good things ahead for us.
Pie, enjoy being "calm." I used it today for 8 minutes after lunch. It certainly helps.
Have a good night.
Miss you NS.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
j-vo - that does sound like a great discussion you had with your students. I'm sure they really appreciate how you talk with them like people who are navigating their wa toward adulthood and not little kids.
I would wait to tell my team and coach, but I want to be sure they don't hear rumors from anyone else first! That's my biggest motivator for telling them soon - I think things would be far worse if rumors trickle down. The paddling community is fairly small and at least a few people on the other teams already know I'll be joining them. I think I'm going to say something in the next 2-3 days max, and then just take it as it comes.
Stupid freakin' spammers!
Jane - LOVE the cat pics and story, but sorry you had to deal with MIL's drop-in visit.Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Jane god forbid if anyone popped over to my house unannounced. the other day one of the boys friends parked across the driveway and so i had to park elsewhere and boy did they get it when i walked in the door. a whole friggin road to park on and they parked there. she needs to be told i am thinking.
Damn spam, least it has not hit here or nn.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi sweet ladies,
Hey, I am going to sleep now, sorry, too tired to post too muc.
Sorry arbour MIL Jane. Wags, it looks like you have things figured out, which is great!
J-Vo, Teacher of the Year, that's what you are.
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi, All:
I'm with Nar. Bed time for Bonzo.
Jane - that cat made my night. I think you have a book in you, too.
I'm a reformed people pleaser - will go into details another time.
NS - Hope your trip is going well!
'Night, Gloamers.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good morning, Lovelies!
I hope Nar and Pav are in deep sleep lalaland right now.
I woke up several times last night and the night before feeling a bit out of sorts and anxious-- thought about what it could be and realised I am in the worst days of my usual PMS that I seem to forget each and every month. This is usually the time I've decided to drink--without giving it much thought. So I was pretty chuffed to see it for what it is-- that already made me feel worlds better!!
J-vo, sounds like a couple of great first school days. What a huge challenge to teach 14 year olds-- I am very impressed. Spirit's response to your gratitude a couple of days ago was great.. I felt the same way as he when I read it..I'm just 2 days behind you and Rivergal. I love having people just ahead...
Rivergal, Hi!!! Good to see you!. I'm on day 16, so following in your footsteps--actually, WAIT! I'm on day 17!! I was thinking it was Thursday--but it's already Friday..So that makes 3 of us close together, which is very nice. I was also having a constant al voice a few days ago-- nearly drove me batty. Seems to have let up for now. It sounds like you have a solid plan-- part of my plan is to drive everyone crazy here with my rambling. It helps me so much some days to just read and post and read and post. Do you have any nice plans for the weekend? Which 3 day weekend is it? Is it Labor Day?
Jane, Maybe you should blow up a picture of that cat and hang it on your front door!! Problem is, that might scare everyone away...
Ava, Hi!!!! I agree with TFIF-- even though I only have a couple of hours of work today, I'm glad the weekend is just ahead. :l to you!
Where is NS? On vacation? Or busy working?
Hi Wags and Pie and Dottie.
Ok off to read-- found an old article from the NY times from NS--"Is sugar toxic?"I already know the answer to that one, but it hasn't helped me to cut it out completely yet..
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Good Morning Gloamers.
Friday before the long weekend, yay! My hubby has taken my daughter to University which is about a 12 hour drive away so it will be me and my son this weekend. I am going to try and keep busy and keeping the AL thoughts away. I should be fine.
Hope everyone has a great day today. My day will be stupid busy but its Friday so whateva!
Life- you are racking up the days, way to go!
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Jane - You are braver than I would be re: beer at A1's party. I would have major concerns about liability, other parents, etc. I would not personally want the responsibility of determining whether a 19-year-old was in ok condition to drive after the party, but perhaps some will be designated drivers? It sounds like you have considered everything carefully though, and I sincerely hope all goes well.Everything you want is on the other side of fear.