Star - so sorry to hear what you're going through. In my prayers
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pav, actually it is a balmy +8C today. Almost bathing suit weather in Calgary! LOL. But alas, temps are dropping down to -20's this weekend. -29ish on Sunday. So hubby and I are going to go play squash and do yoga on Saturday. Lots of indoor fun to be had!
Giraffe, I ready the thread on the glamorization of alcohol that NS pointed out above. It is really good. Check it out. I even added a comment.
Ya, the glamorization of alcohol. I can't believe how people always say: "oh, just drink wine dear" to solve all your problems. WTF?? That is going to solve my problems? THAT IS my problem for crying out loud!
Anyway, I am glad I know that and have finally been able to do something about it. I really feel good about how much I have NOT drank since Nov. 1st. (besides my little slip, which was really little). Compared to how much I drank before, it is awesome. I used to drink pretty well everyday and then extra on the weekends. Hungover at least once a week or more. I really don't want to go back there ever! So I will keep coming back here and getting my counselling from you ladies and other MWOers.
Like I have said before, these habits are hard to break but if we keep walking this AF path it becomes easier and easier to walk and soon the other Path(AL) is grown in and this(AF) is the only path we walk.
How can you tell I am not that busy at work! Ha ha!
I just did a yoga class and feel great! Will be walking home at 4:00 before it gets dark and will make supper for my fam. Life is good.
Talk soon,Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pat hope you feel more motivated today, those first days are crap, totally crap, i used to think i had a grip on moderation, its ok, i can have af days until the af days became non existent AGAIN. FFS that al brain is a shocker. Thats why i cant and wont start again as i definitely know where i will end up. You will be fine and dandy in a few days and i dont suppose jet lag helps. Big hugs.
Star I dont know about your daughter either but i hope you are okay. We can only do so much for our kids and if they dont want to help themselves then we have to decide what to do ultimately. Try and look after yourself. I had a lot of stress last year and decided to moderate, didnt work, so try and keep yourself busy and we are all here for you to just talk, we listen.
NS so true, we all love each other on here, even though distance is a hurdle and i would love you all closer, i know my true friends are you guys on here. You all understand, we are all in the same boat, rocky sometimes but steady at others. There is always someone here with a kind word and a hug if needed.
Jvo too cute but man i could not teach kids. 4 put me through pure torture sometimes even though i love them to death. Maybe now i am older i would have more patience. I seem to be drawn to older people in my line of work. I missed your long post this morning when sitting here with my cuppa but life moves on. Oh how is the non smoking going? Jvo i think you have my exercise dvd's with yours, can you dust them off and send them. I remember doing the Jane Fonda cassette years ago and i had the video cassette too. Oh those were the days.
Giraffe that was a long drive, hope you had someone to share it with. Me and wine, well i just imagine pouring it and looking at that lovely golden yellow or pale colour and imagine it as urine. Seems to work for me and just the thought of smelling it, god forbid. I go back to work on Monday also, it has been so nice not to get up at 5.45 am everyday. 66 days walk proud girl that is awesom.
Dot stay warm and doing nothing seems a great idea. It is not stinking hot here so i am happy as at least i can do something if i want.
Pav would you believe it my daughter had drinks with her brother and since we had to fast for 10 hours i said to her i am not going at 11am this morning to give blood as i so need my cup of tea so fasting begins tonight. I just want to have it done now. Funny how my mind has switched as before i was like, a blood test, okay, i will stop drinking now and have the test in 5 weeks then my liver will be fine. Not sure whos brain i was thinking with when i could not stop drinking for one day let alone 5 weeks. I have my SIL tomorrow coming over with her alkie friend. I had a dream last night i met her at the door and she had the hugest bottle of champers i have ever seen, at least 2 feet tall. I looked at her like WTF and it was like "well i gave it to you now we have to drink it". I remember vividly i took it and thought about who i was going to re-gift it too. No way was I opening that bastard!
Free keep going girl. I went to the same place you went to a couple of months back, not a nice place to visit really and much safer being here and accountable.
Nar you are sounding so positive and it feels so good doesnt it. I just keep smiling all the time for no real reason except i am happy. I am starting to look better which is great when looking in the mirror as it is not one of my fav things to do. Not sure who's wrinkles have attached themselves to my face in the past ten years.
Well today i am finally finishing this damn kitchen, pay some bills online of course and just enjoy the days i have left off. My other dog has a sore foot so will have to have a look at that when she stops sleeping. Hoping no vets are on the cards as sooooo expensive.
Love you guys and today i will not drink. Its getting harder to count the days now and remember what I am on, that is a good feeling and all thanks to your help and support. I will look at that link now.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Thanks everyone for the kind words, well wishes and support on my 60 days yesterday. It means more than you know. You've all helped me along this road every day. Yes, I was gifted with boobs, two glorious boobs. So thankful since mine have taken a dive these past few years. It's nice to have perky ones for a change.
J-vo and Dottie, gotta love Hell's Kitchen. He cracks me up. Pav, tune those bottles out! R4L, I so hear you about trying to drink through grief. It doesn't work, though.
Ava, I enjoyed reading about your Shih tzu and grooming, haha. We have a Shih tzu, long-haired Chihuahua mix named Frankie. DH has a grooming license on top of everything else, so he grooms both our dogs, thank goodness.
Thanks for the link to the thread about alcohol being a lie, NS--perfect timing and I'm going to read it next.
Star, still praying for your daughter, hope all goes well and that you are staying sober through the difficulties.
Pat, here's lots of support and encouragement coming your way. We are here.
Giraffe, glad you enjoyed your trek and that you are back safe and sober. I like Ava's idea about imagining its urine, although some people do drink their fresh urine for its health benefits...:0
I'm going to watch a movie this afternoon since I got off work early. Going to make some tea since it's a dreary and rainy day. Still alcohol free after all this time, never thought I'd be here now. Feeling better and better by the day.Every AF day is a milestone.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
:HWow! Lots of reading! You girls need to get back to work!
Hoping for a two-hour delay tomorrow, as it's freezing and snowing. Yea, this is why people hate teachers...Because we want more time off than we already have, and even after we've had two weeks off! I'm ashamed, but I still want that two-hour delay
Pav, get the bottles to your sis, and fast! They are not speaking to you, and if they are, it's to tell you lies. We can never trust that poison again. Yeah...Robin Thicke's song is kinda sexy, as he is. Miley is a little pig, and I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone, but craving the negative attention is unhealthy.
R4L, it's so good you have an exercise routine. That's the best way to reduce stress. Keep on running. And while you're at it, can you drag my ass off the couch, and I'll go running with you, though I might just die after three minutes. Oh, and eat!!!!!
Nar, how was your daughter's birthday celebration? I bet you enjoyed that cake! Habits are so hard to break. I think SL was talking about that the other day. But hey, look how long we've carried on this habit of drinking in certain places, times of the day, and with the same people. Habits don't form easily, so yes, let's fake it till we make it. I like your "Al path that will grow in eventually." YOUR HUBBY DOES YOGA WITH YOU? Sweet!!!!! Great routine girlfriend.
Humble, I loved the Rita Hayworth video. I loved the fllowy green dress she had on towards the middle of video. Wow, I wish I could do that. I'd have to have surgery first to remove one of my left feet and attach a right. It got me into a great mood, as I love the Bee Gee's. So sad only 1/3 are left. Andy Gibb died way too young. He was my second concert. I'll never forget it! Donny Osmond was my first. Actually it was "The Osmond Brothers." You're sounding very upbeat and strong.I just threw up in my mouth a bit when you mentioned the urine thing.
Ava, what's a "wog?" And FFS? The not smoking thing is going well. I still have a 14 mg patch on my arm. DH is right with me on this, and that makes life so much easier! Damn, I feel good! And damn, you sound so good!
Star, sending positive thoughts and prayers your way, dear. Keep coming back to post. I'm so glad you found your daughter and now can take the next steps to do what you need to do. Stay strong, dear.
Giraffe, 66 freaking days! Awesome! Welcome back. I'm going to look something up regarding the taste of alcohol. I think it was the Jason Vale or Alan Carr book. I'll let you know, but they addressed the taste of AL and it's an acquired taste, not that we can "unacquire" it, but we don't have to worry about it, because we won't be drinking it!!!
SL, DTD, Patrice, NS, Freefly, Dottie, and all the lovely Loamers, have a good night!Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Very quick check in - just got home from work and girls still off, so house a mess!
See I have lots of reading to do, will catch up later.
Tough day at work - my work is making miracles, but sometimes we don't get to do our work and that just stinks - did feel like letting the car go on automatic pilot on way home, but managed to steer the car directly home....felt yucky that the bad habit could have crept in that easily!
Yes Pav! 31 green dots will be wonderful - let do this thing!!“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Haha! It's been freezing and snowing here since October!! We don't get any snow days here- unless it snows like 10 feet or something!
Enjoy your 2 hours tomorrow sista!Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I have achieved something else in my life now, a clean kitchen and loungeroom (all combined). 4 years worth of not doing very much and damn i am impressed. Now i deserve a well earned nap.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MAE Loams
(Just a quick fly-by from my side.)
Giraffe, I missed your 66 days yesterday - I know that you did quite a lot of them before coming here, and that's one thing I definitely would not have been able to do without support. So: big hugs! There are about 7 wineries at a quick count in and around my small village, and then of course Franschhoek and Stellenbosch and so many other place within a short drive from me. And all of them are sooooo beautiful. I'd love to visit them (to look, not to taste), but maybe need some more AF muscle.
Humble, have I congratulated you on your 60 days? Really can't remember. Just in case: :goodjob:
Star - I hope thing work out for the best - thinking of you!
Hope this is a lovely Friday for all of you, despite whatever life throws at it. Stay strong and positive!14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi Loams
I am sorry No Sugar, I was reading through the last couple of days and realized it was you that had asked what my plan was, not PAV.
Not sure the detox machine is working yet but there was sure a lot of junk in the water. It turned orange with lots of black and red flecks. I am hoping it will clarify my system.
Day 2 done with only a few thoughts of AL at the witching hour. Had a great work out and got some work done but so much to catch up on. Feeling like I am so behind on things is a trigger but drinking doesn't get the work done. I am resided to chipping away at it. J-Vo I would love to have you run with me. My running buddy moved away last month so it is feeling a bit lonely. I do run with a group but we would also run on our own if we could not make the group run.
Star, so glad you located your daughter. Hope things get better.
Hugs to everyone! :0)
R4LDon't worry, be happy!