Thanks for telling us about your uncle. He is the kind of example we need to keep in our minds and hearts. I think our perspective is a little skewed here on MWO because we don't have people who have been sober for 10, 20, and 50 (!) years posting. We only have a couple with 5 behind them. So people here who seem like "long-termers" are actually in the early days of a life-long commitment. I love hearing about people like your uncle
DB, good luck with your house. I have many things from the 2 generations before me that I know the next generation doesn't want. (I didn't either and so much is in the attic!). I'm working on finding homes for them so that my kids aren't faced with the burden and so that things that someone would love aren't just dumped. Less really is more! I always encourage my kids to acquire and keep only what they truly need and/or love. Makes everything so much simpler!