Great post, J-Vo! The fact is, I'm having to face that I only did some things with enthusiasm because AL was invited. I sort of convinced myself otherwise (although deep down I think I knew...) and fooled other people who now wonder why I'm not so eager to be involved. Sober is much more than not drinking is all I can say and figuring that all out takes some time.
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Great post, J-Vo! The fact is, I'm having to face that I only did some things with enthusiasm because AL was invited. I sort of convinced myself otherwise (although deep down I think I knew...) and fooled other people who now wonder why I'm not so eager to be involved. Sober is much more than not drinking is all I can say and figuring that all out takes some time.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
NS, I too, didn't feel justified in critisizing or complaining about what DH or DS did or said, I didn't feel in a position to give my advice or properly give my son consequences when he rightly deserved them, such as his smart mouth, or whatever stupid things kids do, as they're expected to do, in whatever developmental stage they're in . Now, I can yell at him when he deserves it, and not feel bad, but to teach him what he needs to learn to be a good person. Yes, I can kick his ass when I need to. And that feels good.
Ava, do you have a journal thread? Where? And so glad that your SIL's visit went well!!! To have your daughter's support and all of your children is the biggest blessing. They've got your back, sista, as we all do here, too, When you quit smoking, will you use a tool, such as patch, nic. gum or e-cig? We have a thread in general for N. roll call. Make sure you visit.
Pav, I really like what your therapist said, and I love when you share her valuable knowledge here. First, don't make any judgments in our lives in early sobriety. That makes so much sense. We need to get used to this first, live it, learn it, and be it for a good while. Just as I try to know it's not ok if I don't start eating "just right" now, getting the lean body I want to have, and having and doing everything perfectly. One thing at a time, ODAT. My DH, too, didn't understand why I was on the computer for so long, and he was feeling neglected I think. I showed him what I was doing, explained that it's about reading, learning, reflecting and posting. If I'm going to do this and be successful, it's going to take time. And he understood!
All my girls, have a happy Saturday or Sunday.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Morning here again and today is the day before i have to go back to work. Just the thought! So i am not thinking! I remember when i was first off work and i woke up so early everyday and now i have to reprogram as even though it is an extra hours sleep it feels great.
Thanks guys for your kind words with SIL, it needed to be said but i was not bringing it up, i just kept offering coffee and soft drink. I am going over to stay on Thursday night with her and her friend but i am not worried. I think also saying it makes me more accountble also not to drink as when she left I thought it went so well i then thought "gee a wine would be nice". FFS, but that went in a flash.
Ican deep breaths with DH, i am single so i only have my boys to drive me nuts which they do constantly but love them to death, lazy shits!
Pav i'm not that scary lol but PMS time i am ready to kill with a look. Your therapist is so right we do need to reshuffle our life again and it will take time but probably also for those around us as I found i did not participate in the day really, too busy nursing a hangover. I think i am driving my kids nuts as i am so happy now so they have to deal with the new me.
NS you are a treasure and I am so glad i have met you. I like you could never say anything to my kids as what i was doing to them and myself was horrendous so i let them get away with everything. Now i think we all feel happier in ourselves so we express it differently. Yelling at them used to blow my brain out hungover, not now though as i dont yell. Its all just learning really. Thanks for reading my post, i figure i say more than enough on here and it was just something i had to really say to myself in words. For too many years i have written it down for just me and i think i needed to share the hurt and confusion with ones that understand and have probably had the same pain and who i know would never judge me or my life.
Humble please send hubs over here to groom my dogs, just every three months would be fine and hey will give you a break. The blood test was quite easy but a bit apprehensive about seeing the dr. I know before i maybe would have had the test and then not gone back for the results! Damn logical really. Now i need to bite the bullet and see what i have actually done to my insides, hopefully nothing but i am not worrying not till i speak to him. Boz and Phil missed out big time i am thinking, dont know about you but Phil is still looking for that something that is missing in his life. ME!
Jvo you hit the nail on the head with the boredom issue. I wish i was as eloquent with words as you guys, damn! Everyone used to say to me to get a hobby. I had no idea what and then i started drinking so i had my hobby, drinking, everything else was a chore that took up my drinking time and I mean everything. Like you i would let my boys get away with everything and the girls would say "mum you have to say something, they are using you" and man it was way too hard to even think about it. Now i just say to them that we need to talk and they listen, could be that i also state i will smack their attitude into next week if they keep it up.
When i last gave up smoking i used patches, hate gum, and a spray that you spray into your mouth and made be burp and dry wretch until i realised if i had a mouthful of spit it was ok. Pure nicotine heaven lol. The government subsides patches but wont subside anything for al addiction. I wont get into that as my posts are way long enough. Yes i do have a "dooby" its called My Story.
Well that only took one big cup of tea so now a coffee and contemplating the linen cupboard. Pat where are you, Star hope you are okay, Iclem busy or avoiding us?
As usual you have all made a great start to my day in Aus, everything you guys say resonates with me and you guys are such beautiful people and its a blessing to me that i know i am never alone in working to sobriety and i don't ever need to be as alone is dangerous for us alcoholics.
NS only 20 days till a year for you, i am counting the days. I think Nar should make the cake, i will bring flowers, any particular sort being your favourite? Have a great night guys xxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Tried to do the link correctly from YouTube but didn't work. This is a good song to sing to thinking of Al as our love and we can survive without him. It felt good this morning when I listened and thought that way.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
I LOVE that song. I made a CD with about 12 versions for a friend but Gloria is my favorite:
It is a PERFECT theme song for this mission - great idea, j-vo! (Hope this link works)
Well, Ava, zinnias and Gerbera daisies are my favorites.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Gosh this thread is moving fast!
I am knackered - one more day and off call! Got tree down today, gave up waiting for Ava and cleaned living spaces myself, now want to tackle rest of house - but it is getting dark and I am pooped, so will finish for now.
As we talk of those old thoughts, I did get a fleeting thought about a reward for work well done...came and went thankfully!
Hoping for some quiet tomorrow to get a day of rest before back to school/office schedule...
Hope all are doing well. Today is a week back on track....yeah! Would prefer to be at 52 where I would have been if I hadn't gone on holiday - oh well...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
SL i am sorry but have been up to my ears in the linen cupboard and also i had a bed full of clean laundry to fold. Figured i should do that and drag out some work clothes for tomorrow. Listened to Elvis Presley and bopped around the house. The CD i have jumps like mad, now i really dont think it is due to me showing no respect for my cd's at all, i am going to blame the boys. I will get to yours eventually.
Feels good doesnt it to get something done with the house however small and yep i have those fleeting thoughts of reward also. My eldest son Liam commented today that he has never seen the house so clean. they know as soon as the music goes on it is house cleaning and i make sure i clean for the full cd.
Good on you for your week, i know when i blew 40 days i was mortified but not enough to get right back in like you.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
At first I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side...
LOVE our new theme song. I could sing it note for note with Gloria (ok, my notes would be wrong, but man I can belt it out)...
The times I get bored now when I'm sober is when I am talking to a drunk person. Sheesh - it is hard to put up with. And being sober, I realize how many people are buzzed or drunk around me.
We went bowling with a bunch of friends - at first I thought I found the one thing I actually do better when under the influence as I started off very slowly. But I picked it up and won in the end (I'm not a regular bowler, mind you - just go from time to time with the kids). Anyway - it was fun, every adult drinking but me, and as usual I looked longingly at the first pour and then didn't give it another thought.
Tomorrow is my last day home before work - I have to actually do a little work tomorrow so that I am not overwhelmed when I get there on Monday morning. I'm happy to be getting back, but I will have jet lag as my body has adjusted to the midnight to 8am sleep. I'm going to have to retrain myself to get up in the dark (boo), and try to figure out how to get exercise, too.
SL and Ava - I will be inspired by you and clean the house FFS tomorrow!
Ok - night night, loamers. See you tomorrow.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
SL, Ava, and Pav, maybe you will all inspire me to clean the closet I've been threatening to do here for a couple of weeks. How can I be bored when I can look forward to that activity upon waking in the a.m. Hope somebody has coffee brewing FFS!Every AF day is a milestone.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Pav, the one thing i would never do to you guys is sing, even the kids tell me to shut up and i can never remember the words. I was trying to think of the next few lines to that song and got "blah blah blah" lol. I did think of googling it but just woke up from my nap and groggy.
I have been going to bed after midnight and waking at 7 or 8am so it is going to be so hard for me tomorrow sitting here at 5.30 trying to string two words together but dont worry i will not let you down.
Humble half my linen closet is on the kitchen table and that is where it will stay probably till next saturday, everything is a work in progress.
Well i am going to watch "mrs browns boys" that Tye just downloaded for me. She reminds me of me! Ahhh Fer Fecks sake! I think it is coffee time Humble.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi, I am feeling so good - but so want to get on and do more - it is catching!!
I wonder what I will tackle tomorrow - I really beed some rest as I am getting a lovely chest cough, but this cleaning is soothing my soul!
Clean laundry Ava - hmmm, maybe clean beds all round tomorrow - one of my biggest treats is a clean bed - LOVE IT!!!
I am also hoping some activity helps me sleep - my sleep patterns are restless again.
Pav and HR - what is FFS - even asked my 15 yr old and she couldn't help me out:H:H
Watching The Proposal with my girls, soon be back to routine....hate waking up to the alarm clock - even when I am working, I can get up a bit later when I am not trying to get two teenagers up and better get to bed before midnight
Night loamers - see you tomorrow....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"