Allan Carr's book (and the heartfelt reviews of it on Amazon) helped me gain several fairly long AF streaks in the months before I joined here. But unlike many of the book reviewers, it wasn't quite enough to get me free. Support by people I quickly came to like and respect, as well as learning to notice and truly appreciate the changes in my life, made all the difference.
One problem I had with the book is that while I agree that more people than we (or even they) know have problems with alcohol, and that it would be fine if the dang substance evaporated from the planet, I don't think that everyone who takes a drink is just at an earlier stage of addiction than those of us here. I don't think demonizing it as a poison for everyone makes sense or is at all helpful. We need to learn to graciously be around people who can drink without negative consequences and that is almost impossible if we're convinced that it is a poison for them, too. This of course does not apply to people who drive drunk or become abusive, but there are several people close to me who can enjoy a couple beers after work on Friday or a toast on New Year's Eve. I'm just not one of them and that is fine.