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    Wow, those were both great posts Cowboy and Ava. I know I am an alcoholic because I would continuously lose control of my drinking. I would try and set limits and could never stick to them. I woke up so many times wondering what happened the night before and wishing I had stopped after the first, second or third drink. My personality would change when I drank and sometimes I could be very obnoxious and argumentative. Anyway, I am so glad I don't have to think about it and worry about how to control it. I was so sick of being sick. As you all know, the best thing is to wake up Un Hung.

    I am in bed now and am going to have a great sleep and wake up feeling good. Love that!

    By the way Ava, I am glad your dog is doing well.

    Goodnight Gloamers.

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Good Morning Gloamers!!

      I love to have the time to come here and read, Unhung! with a cup of coffee. I love being a part of this group and learn so much from each of you.

      Pepper, I'm thankful that you posted/shared here during your time of distress. I haven't had the chance to battle such a strong craving yet and am engraving how you handled the situation into my brain. I don't know if the experiences of others actually helps during a severe craving?? but I think it must. You wrote in such detail what you were going through and I thank you. I'm sorry to hear about your work. :hug:

      Ava, you're in a place I'd really like to be and am striving for. Taking each day as it comes, not being too hard on yourself, grateful for the person you've become/rediscovered. I know I'll also continue to find strength as I continue in sobriety. And this sentence is great in reference to your boss..."The good thing is we are working on our issues even if others are not." It's so important to remember, isn't it? As long as we're working on OUR issues, we really can't go so wrong..

      Nar, I'm jealous of your Sunday breakfasts. Where did you go this week? Was it better than last? Do you always order the same thing? I hear what you say about how awful it is to go with a hangover! Ughhh.. Nothing worse than facing a morning with a hangover.

      I KNOW I'm an alcoholic because (and of course it's been progressing for a number of years) for the past year each and every time I've had a drink I've had terrible feelings of remorse. I've broken promises to myself and others, I've snuck and hidden alcohol, passed out so that my kids couldn't awaken me, have gotten drunk in the mornings and at work, have lied to the point of not being able to separate out the truth, have physically hurt myself in accidents, have had my friends confront me to say they don't like me or want to be around me when I drink, have admitted to myself that I'm an alcoholic but haven't stopped drinking, have become someone I don't recognise or like or want to be. There is not a smidgen of a doubt that I'm an alcoholic and I have finally ACCEPTED that and I hope that someday I'll be so proud of the person I've become that I'll have no shame in discussing my journey. It helps me to just write it out sometimes. I don't ever want to forget..

      ABCowboy, I appreciate your posts here and all over the site! I haven't yet found the Limerick Thread.. Where is it?

      and does anyone know where the Multimedia Thread is??

      LB, Are you going to post a picture of the pups in Spider Man? That sounds so darn cute! I remember last year when you climbed on top of the house to throw candy? down at the people. Is that right? When is it exactly-- in Feb?

      Hugs and love to SL, Pav, NS, J-vo, Pat!! and everyone stopping by here today. Have a wonderful Sunday.
      Last edited by lifechange; January 25, 2015, 03:12 AM.


        Hi all,
        The weekend is now nearly done.. And Un Hung
        Binged watched Season 1 of The Fall.. And did 4 minutes on the X trainer today
        Hope it's all good where you''all are..


          LC, your post reminds me so much of the ones Ava has written over the last year - unflinchingly honest about what is going on. And look how far that approach has gotten her!

          One thing I've noticed, and that I think is so important is that she (sorry to be talking about you like you're not here, Ava!) - but anyway, she has never seemed to feel that she was a bad person. Bad things happened to her and she did some things she wasn't proud of because of alcohol but that didn't make her - or any of us - inherently bad people. And now look at how proud she is about where she is now. It's an inspiring story - love you, Ava!


            lc, the limerick and multimedia threads are now both on page one in the General Discussion area
            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


              GReat posts. I know I'm an alcoholic, because I've got all the traits of an alkie. I guess it's harder for us in the acceptance arena because a negative connotation has always been attached to this disease unlike heart disease, diabetes. It's not their fault they have those, but people believe it's our weak selves that allowed this to happen to us. I guess in a way it is, but I do believe in the disease model now. After that video NS posted (and if you can, please repost that as i want to share with my family) it became clearer to me how this is a disease. Yes, we still ahve a responsibility to make the right choice and not take that first drink, just like someone with a heart problem has to take responsibility and take their heart pill. But all bets off after that first drink, or forgetting to take a pill that will keep you healthy. I know I"m an alky because every time I drink, bad things happen to me and my family. But I'm a good person. As we all are.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Good morning everyone. UnHung Nar here

                Ava, you are amazing, and sound so strong in your quit. Like "don't mess with me AL or I'll kick you in the ass"! So awesome.

                Yesterday for breakfast I had fried oatmeal in an iron skillet with maple syrup, pine nuts and blueberries. Holey smokes! It was delish. We live in an area of Calgary they call breakfast alley and there are some amazing breakfast places here, that's why I am always going for breakfast.
                Pat, isn't The Fall good? Love that show. I'm watching The Bridge now, it's good too.

                Howdy Cowboy! Glad you are here. Let's go for breakfast sometime!

                Talk soon,

                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                AF April 12, 2014


                  Hi Gloamers, had a busy week and so did not check in until now. Looks like I missed 2 mega milestones, 11 months for SL and 2 YEARS for NS! I feel so happy for you girls. The individual victories - (both small and big like these 2) I believe fuel the machine that is our success as a group. Positive energy coming together is powerful! Wishing everyone a great rest of the weekend, and looking forward to catching up with a thorough back read next week. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

                  Ps We just polished off (2) season one shows produced by Amazon. Transparent, and Mozart In The Jungle. We watched Them via the Amazon channel on our tv. It is free because we pay for Amazon Prime. ( 70$ a year for free 2 day shipping on Amazon purchases all year).
                  Last edited by jane27; January 25, 2015, 02:02 PM.
                  AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                    Quick check in today, looking after me and mine this weekend....all good and will get better and that is what counts.

                    j-vo, coming up to 30 days - truly well done friend, I know this time is not easy for you, but you are doing it!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Jane, were those good shows? I am enjoying watching TV these days cause now I actually remember what I watch.
                      It's interesting when I see a movie for the second time and it's actually like the first because I don't remember most of it due to my unlimited AL consumption the first time!

                      SL, glad your looking after things especially yourself.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        SL, my mood swings have been really bad. I'm fine then the next minute ready to lose my mind. PMS is a possibility right now, but all last week, I felt off more than on. I've been eating nonstop and that makes me feel like shit. I need to use whatever energy I have left after work and move my body. Drink more water. Eat healthier. Funny. We know what to do, but it feels as though it's such a struggle to get there, just the littlest things are hard. I could sleep 12 hours if I had the time. Yesterday I napped twice. I usually take a saturday nap, but twice! None today. So, besides being a cranky bitch, I'm getting through it one day at a time, one moment at a time. Have a good night.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Oh, first day of counseling tomorrow after work. That's if we don't get 4-8 inches of snow. I need my head examined, and right now, damn it!:sad:
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            I hope the snow doesn't interrupt your appointment, J-vo. It will be great to get that started.
                            I'm sorry your moods are so erratic but glad you're not adding all the extra crap that would come with drinking! That would make things just so much worse.
                            Please let us know how things go tomorrow. xx


                              Hang in there J-Vo, these shitty feelings will pass and you will start to feel better. It's wierd that you are getting snow and we have Un seasonally warm temps here. Like a 35C difference from last year. Tomorrow it's going above 10C and its January! Am I inHawaii or what?
                              Anyway, we are grateful for the warm weather up here.

                              Have a great sleep. Looking forward to a UnHung Monday and I get my Othodics tomorrow, yay!

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Hang in there, J-Vo...those mood swings are terrible. If you experience them regularly with your cycle, maybe try Evening Primrose oil? My doc recommended that and I've been on it for a few months, and have no idea whatsoever if it has worked. So I can't vouch for it, but what the hell, I thought I'd mention it. Even if it's a placebo, it's high in other good stuff like GLA, which is anti-inflammatory. I wonder if inflamed moods count?

                                I hope you get to your counseling appt and that it goes well!

                                Also, HAPPY 2 YEARS, NS!!!! :yay::sohappy::thumbsup:: You are an inspiration to me and have totally been there when I needed propping up, and I so appreciate your voice, your friendship and your support. My daughter and I watched Fried Green Tomatoes last night, and there's this line that goes, "There are angels walking around this world masquerading as people" and you, NS, are one of those for me!

                                Goodnight and Good morning to all of you wonderful people!
                                Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014

