Morning ladies!
I went to my counsellor yesterday, it was pretty good.
I told her about the picture that Sugar posted with the beautiful lady getting up in the morning telling her we all love to feel good in the morning and not hungover. My counsellor suggested that one of us Photoshop that picture and put a hungover lady in that bed, feeling sick and puffy to remind us what it looks like to be hungover! I thought that was a really good suggestion! So if anyone knows how to do that can You? We need a picture of what we Want to be AND What we DON't want to be!
Anyway, I told her I was looking at the WFS group and she thought that was interesting. She asked me to read the statements out loud to her and comment on them which I did. Then I told her that I thought the WTF group was good....OMG it was so funny because I meant WFS but I said WTF. She cracked up, we both laughed for a while at that one!
Hey, they have a retreat in June. June 6,7,8. We Should GO!!! We could meet there and hang out. Oh man, it would be so much fun and we could really talk about our drinking. It is something to think about. I know this is a completely anonymous forum so some of you gals might not feel comfortable with that. I would be fine with it though. I would love to meet you gals in Pennsylvania and go to this converence, shop a bit, go to the spa, walks, yoga whatever.... but mainly talk about sobriety and work on that. I also know we are all in different income brackets and this may not be doable for everyone.
Anyway, something to think about. It might be a really good way to help us stay sober just looking forward to June so we have a goal in mind. I think this could be another tool where we can help each other Not Drink AL. It is great on our awesome forum but this would definitely be value added to this relationship we all have online. I think it would make us more accountable to each other. I know it would help me for sure and I need all the help I can get!
Biggest Hugs,