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That is funny SL! I guess you'll have to go to the dollar store to get some sunglasses.
They will be super special.
Enjoying my sober Friday night. Watching curling on TV with my hubby. A bit boring but it's nice anyway.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Love the sunglasses!
Ended up spending the morning shopping with my daughter for jeans and bras for her (sound familiar to anyone???) Two items of clothing women love buying - haha. No luck in the jeans dept but success with the other. I even scored a new top to wear to work. Had a quick lunch together at a cafe which was fun.
SL, so glad to hear -- totally celebrate those D's, as they are progress, and show she CAN do it! I'm so glad the tutoring is working out and your daughter is feeling positive. That's like half the battle. My daughter had her first good day today in a long time, and asked if we could go out for coffee after school, which we did. She was very energized as she told me about her day, and said she felt better for the first time in a long time, so that was huge. And she actually wanted a friend to come over tonight, for the first time in months (she's been isolating herself) so that was a good sign too!
Dottie I hope the snow begins to melt where you live and you can get out of your home. My heart breaks for you...thank you for sharing how you're doing.
Jane, I'm not a hoarder but my house looks like I am. Some rooms, anyway. I want to get rid of this crap, I just don't have the time. That's what I tell myself, anyway. But the reality is I don't know how!! I'm very organized when it comes to my work - but I can't organize a book shelf at home.
TT - fun shopping with your daughter, it sounds like - bonus that you found something for yourself!
Take care, all - and I hope everyone is slowly warming up ... I think spring is actually on its way
:love:Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014
Hi, All:
SL - Happy that your daughter is finding some support. I need to find that tutoring center here for my son! Don't spend that $1.22 all in one place...
Pepper - Glad your daughter is having a better day, too. These teenagers and their emotions!? Actually - my husband better beware - two teens and an almost 50 year old - there's a recipe for hormone soup. Will he come out alive?!
LB - I hope you're doing ok - we haven't heard from you much lately. I know you haven't felt your best...
I had dinner with an old friend who has a husband who is an alcoholic. He keeps lying and doing gawd awful things, but she stays with him because she is afraid to be alone financially. It is frustrating to watch because she is a smart, funny and together woman and I can't imagine how she could possibly stay with him - I feel like she needs to work much harder to make herself financially independent as soon as possible, but she doesn't seem to be doing that. I really can't figure it out, but it is hard to continually have sympathy for her when she isn't doing anything for herself. And I think she thinks I'm not a good enough friend because I don't call to check on her all of the time. I've known her forever, so it is hard to extricate myself, also. Good thing I have learned how to let stuff like that go when the night is over...
Ok, folks. Good night. I just ate my favorite kind of ice cream and am on my way to pick up my son - because I CAN because I DON'T DRINK. Phew.
Hi all,
Pav I know what you mean about friends who don't move to change an unacceptable situation even when it is within their power to do that.. It's really hard to be financially dependent.
Everyone sounds good, me too
I hope you are ok , Dottie
Being financially independent is a biggie for me. Many people get frustrated with me because they think I don't try hard enough. This is a big issue with me. One that has been really getting me down recently.
That and having past wounds ripped open. I've been thinking about ways to change my life lately. I'm not happy with the way it is right now. A little less working and a little more doing things for my community would make me feel better. I am working on it.
I could waffle on all day. I feel torn right now.
But I'm not drinking, so this will eventually work itself out.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Hi Gloamers,
Nar, I love the dollar store! Everything seems to be slightly defective but it's such a great feeling to pay only one dollar per item.
lil, you've been on my mind.
Have 3 cricks waiting to collide in my neck. From moving heavy stuff around. I'm not one of those people that can envision what will look perfect in a space.( I do it the messy way)...
Over on Nesters I saw that Rahul accidentally had a sip of a drink with Vodka in it. I'm worried about him. AL is such a monster. Hoping he checks in today.
Anybody doing anything fun this weekend? Well be watching Brothers & Sisters on HuluPlus this evening. Need to think of what to make for dinner. Love to allAF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
Hi Gloamers
SL i once got a cheque for 1c and i still have it. i thought FFS by the time they paid for postage and an envelope and the cheque, why bother.
Dot i hope you are looking after yourself and you dont drink. i always wonder if i was experiencing a loss like yourself how i would cope and i honestly hope i do it like yourself. i am thinking of you daily. it has been a shock to all of us on mwo.
Pav,we are who we are. I never thought i could do it alone, thought i always needed a man and went from a 17 year marriage straight into another one. The last one burnt me badly and 7 years later i am still alone and love it but i was scared. i dont need a man to make me whole, i like me now. She will sort herself out and yep its not your problem! Men are good for a couple of things though!
Tree, it sounds like its cooling down in NZ now. Darker in the mornings here but still warm enough for me. i love winter but not looking forward to it, we have had such a nice summer for once.
Nar how is my liquorice smelling friend? i love boring nights, i love being boring. i am going to youtube crotcheting after i watch the new hunger games movie. how hard can it be and i used to crotchet when my gran was alive, mmm only 20+ years ago. at least i will remember. how is your son enjoying Thailand. i go again with mum in 6 weeks and cant wait. i think back to last years trip and how anxious i felt and worried and now i feel like i have done it sober before. Oh i have!
Jane i would not stress to much aboutRahul, he had a sip. i did the same thing a few weeks ago and it made me want to vomit and at no time since have i wanted to have another drink. he is strong in his quit as i am. it is his choice what he does and in his posts he hates al like we all do. Hows the decluttering going?
pat you are sounding so good lovely. I am so proud of you. Not sure about your cooking tendencies though!
LB its good that you are strong enough to deal with the shite. Even when we think we arent, we seem to pull something out to keep us going and strong. I have had a crap year with my job and its been so stressful and i have looked at leaving but i will lose too much money so i have to stay at the moment. i did decide that when i come back from thailand that i am doing a Drug and Alcohol course and hopefully in a few years time work with teenagers. i have a plan and god i am so not good with plans.
I have a nice quiet house atm so after i give my mads her epilepsy pill and pops her steroids i think i will watch this movie.
Take care everyone xxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Hi all - incredible weather, had my Saturday walk and loving my Vit D.
Pav - sorry about your friend - it is scary. I left my marriage with very little, lost the house (which was in my name). I had bought my first house at 19yrs old, and at 48 found myself renting. Here I am 52 and hopefully getting approval for a mortgage in June and can buy the house I am in (rent to own situation), I have some in savings and some in retirement. I do make a good wage at work, but I get nothing else, no money to help with the girls - so tell her it can be done! I am very careful with money, and rarely splash out - but 4 1/2 years and I am back on my feet, and feel so very free. I won't be retiring when I planned, and worry about paying for college (hopefully) and weddings - but it is worth it!
TT - successful bra shopping is a huge success - to have got both would be just too lucky
LB - you don't sound good....I am hearing things rattling around in your head, can you clear them out??? Sorry you are felling torn...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Wow, SL, you are amazing. It takes a strong woman to get to where you are. I met my friends yesterday and one of them recently paid off her house (with her hubby) and the other married some rich guy with a bunch of houses. I still have a huge debt on my house and I started comparing myself to them. How dumb is that?
My circumstance is way different and I have had different struggles. I can't copare myself to anyone besides, I am sober which is great!
Wow, Ava, what a post! I am glad you are going to visit your mom again, sober. It will be so nice and this time trying to stay sober won't be such an issue.
Pepper, I agree, being bored and watching curling is pretty sweet.
Pav, I am sure your friend appreciates you but ya, that is hard to watch.
Hi TT!
Have a great evening everyone.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Hi everyone - its great to see everyone here doing their damnedest (not sure about my spelling?) to not only be sober but also deal with and surmount the life problems we all seem to face - some more sudden and intense than others. Thats the thing, we can never know what life will deal us. And how wonderful, Ava, that you are planning to do a drug and al course. That will be a challenge. Meanwhile enjoy the trip with your Mum.
I am sorry LB that you are having tough time - please keep close here and try to sound out some ideas with us. Its hard when we don't know exactly your circumstances but it should help.
Well I haven't had such a good weekend - actually, I have had a horrible weekend - having to suddenly deal with some very awkward work related stuff - such that I couldn't sleep last night. Eventually did get to sleep but have felt so tired today, Sunday. I have taken action to deal with the problem but its ruined my weekend and involved a lot of energy on my part. Tomorrow will be tricky as well. All I can say is that I think being AF helped me to look at things as calmly as I could, and being able to deal with the issue.
Had a brief walk with my daughter though- not as long as we usually manage on a Sunday - but she dragged me up a nearby hill and we admired the view. I have to laugh - last night she got into frenzy dyeing her tights weird and wonderful colors and today the bathroom looks like a vaudeville makeup room - do any of you remember experimenting with makeup for fun? I bet there are a few blue eyeshadow memories lurking on the thread!
Sorry to be a bit of a downer but the work thing has been tough and very emotionally draining. Catch you later!
Hi all,
TT, LB sorry to hear of down times or work stress but you are right TT - never know when those things are going to happen..
I've been so fatigued lately it's been really depressing me.. Had the bloods and they were all good except the hormones.. It seems I am right in the middle of menopause not over it as I had assumed. I've decide to take some HRT short term to help with some symptoms.
Anyway interesting that the cholesterol came back fine at 3.4. It seems like that high fat, high protein, low carb Paleo thing is a great eating style for me and I love it. I'm a big fan of Chris Kessler and have put kind of blind faith in his functional medicine theories and nutritional analyses. The blood work shows me there are no deficiencies etc and magnesium is within normal range ( I do take a supplement). Really glad I don't have to go on any medication long term ..
I was also cheered to see no liver issues, not drinking is really paying me so many rewards!
Have a great Mae
Great news about the bloods Pat.
Yes, menopause can last for years I believe. I figured I did my penance for having female bits long before menopause!
My cholesterol issues possibly are hereditary. thats what the specialist thinks. I had a heart person do me over as well. No probs with my blood pressure - was told I had the BP of a teenager - whatever that means. So for me its the lipids thing.
In NZ drs don't advise going on HRT for too long.