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SL I deserve a treat this weekend and I am going to have one. Either a rented movie or a picnic at the beach. Depends upon how much energy I have on Sunday.
Feeling sad today. One of my beagle doggie friends died today. At one of my clients houses. Very sudden. Cancer of the lymph nodes.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
I am very sorry for you LB. Yes, you deserve a treat - as you should every weekend. And SL - make sure you have that walk.
Treats, where we do things - or engage with people -sound good to me. Make sure you treat yourself Jane, NS, Nar, Pat - everyone.
I think my treatism might be watching something mindless as my brain needs dis-engaging.
Thanks for explaining the fish fry Dots. I had visions of people going fishing and frying the fish over a campfire - but that didn't quite square with what you were saying. Yes I know all about the Catholic fish on Fridays habit - although I am not a Catholic. In fact we are having fish tonight, actually its Saturday and I am doing a version of fish tacos (a healthy version and since I can't buy limes, its definitely a version!!!). But the fish is very fresh, I am lucky to live where, for a price, there is usually good fresh ocean fish.
Dottie, the fish fry sounds yummy.mhope you enjoyed it or at least found some comfort there.
I too had fleeting drinking thoughts today. It was a really warm day +21C/72F and I walked home. I was so tired and I thought it would be so nice to get some wine and put ice cubes in it and sit in the sun and just drink it. I thought about it for a minute and then just forgot about it. I thought 'I don't drink'. I made sure I posted here tonight. Accountability keeps me sober.
Thank you Gloamers.
LilB, sorry about the beagle. Xo
Pav, I agree, people can be a pain in the ass to work with.
El, nice reading your posts. Hubby did not get the job. Lots of people losing their jobs here right now.
Way to go staying away from the wine in 7-11 NS.
TT, I watched 2 seasons of Mr Selfridge and really enjoyed it. It's an English show on Netflix.
Cowboy, hope you are doing well.
Have a great sober Friday night everyone.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Having a CHALLENGING time with my 2nd son - I may say that a lot, because it happens a lot. As I said in the nest, I want to hug him and kick his butt. When I was his age I had a hard time, too, so I just have to remember that. He is struggling in school, socially, and making some - shall we say - bad choices. I feel so sorry for him AND I'm mad at him. Figuring out that I have about as much control over my kids' personalities and behaviors as I do anyones - not so much. I feel stressed and sad right now and it is not helped by a long and trying week at work.
I will have a nice day tomorrow - we're having a good hike and a birthday party for a couple of family members. That should help.
Jane - I agree - posting about fleeting thoughts helps me. Eloise - I had a big struggle at about a year - I was thinking about drinking a lot, and feeling very sorry for myself. Stay close here, post about what you're going through. This, too, shall pass.
NS - Not much from you lately other than a couple of pop ins. I hope you're having some fun on whatever business trip you're on, and that you haven't had too much small talk.
TT - my treat was some ice cream.
LB - Sorry about your beagle friend. Sad.
SL, Nar, Ava, Pat and everyone - hope you all are ok this Friday evening.
Morning ladies,
Phone rang at 5:30 from the nursing home telling me that dad fell and that the ambulance was taking him to the I got up, let the dogs out and drove to the hospital. These are the times I really miss hubby. He would have been there for me and kept me sane. Now I had to do it all by myself. Dad is fine they put stitches in the gash and I took him back just in time for breakfast. Had a meltdown when I got home. I just dont understand any of this....
Hey Nar!!
How goes it??Sorry about your husband's job, mine is in the same boat these days.
Not a good time for many.
Hope you are doing great!!
Originally posted by narilly View PostDottie, the fish fry sounds yummy.mhope you enjoyed it or at least found some comfort there.
I too had fleeting drinking thoughts today. It was a really warm day +21C/72F and I walked home. I was so tired and I thought it would be so nice to get some wine and put ice cubes in it and sit in the sun and just drink it. I thought about it for a minute and then just forgot about it. I thought 'I don't drink'. I made sure I posted here tonight. Accountability keeps me sober.
Thank you Gloamers.
LilB, sorry about the beagle. Xo
Pav, I agree, people can be a pain in the ass to work with.
El, nice reading your posts. Hubby did not get the job. Lots of people losing their jobs here right now.
Way to go staying away from the wine in 7-11 NS.
TT, I watched 2 seasons of Mr Selfridge and really enjoyed it. It's an English show on Netflix.
Cowboy, hope you are doing well.
Have a great sober Friday night everyone.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Oh Dottie.... so sorry it is just coming at you from all sides.
Originally posted by Dottie Belle View PostMorning ladies,
Phone rang at 5:30 from the nursing home telling me that dad fell and that the ambulance was taking him to the I got up, let the dogs out and drove to the hospital. These are the times I really miss hubby. He would have been there for me and kept me sane. Now I had to do it all by myself. Dad is fine they put stitches in the gash and I took him back just in time for breakfast. Had a meltdown when I got home. I just dont understand any of this....Last edited by Eloise; March 28, 2015, 02:33 PM.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
evening everyone,in pjs on sofa ready for evening hanging out with cat and tv and early night.My treat is just that - being lazy and staying in,OH has gig tonight so I'm just cosying up.Had stitch and bitch sesh with derby girls,loved it,had text from one of them I'm close to asking why I left the team,was it just time - replied honestly.Not sure what's going on, if she/someone else is unhappy - guess I'll find out.She knew I felt really isolated by team mates in December.
Anyway,up early for tomorrow meeting friends for brunch in London,then may go and try on roller skates for outdoor skating.Planning mega lazy day Monday, maybe a pedicure later on, facial and massage either Tuesday or Wednesday.Booking quotes from cleaning company and decorators - exciting!
Got bit of headache and feel very day at a time
oh and I am really finding the drinking thoughts discussion helpful,I had one funnily enough about last night - as last day of work,chilled white wine/prosecco BS - dreamt I had some in the fridge too. I just try to think of th next day now and how rubbish I will feel,how good I feel AF.thanks for being here all of day at a time
Hi there everyone - Sunday here already. I have had a bit of a rough weekend with the reaction to the vaccination on Friday. Nothing serious (I checked with nurse) but very tired and injection site very large and itchy. Also made me tired.
Anyway hang on in there lovely ladies - you are all doing so well in facing these drinking thoughts and posting here as soon as you can.
Dot - seems you have too much happening at the moment so please take special care.
SL - did you get your walk in? I might just sneak a wee one in this morning before the forecasted deluge arrives.
Bear and others - remember we have 'illicit' dreams about all kinds of things and people (I am thinking of sexual dreams) and we would never act on them in real life - or at least not usually. Some of these are good - its like going to the movies - watching, fantasy, dipping one's toes in taboo areas. I don't overanalyze my dreams anymore. Dreams can be bizarre when under stress, travelling - or physically sick, or on meds.
Nar - i have watched Mr Selfridge already - it was on our public television here during the past few years. I started watching 'Bloodline' on Netflix - some great acting, but its rather repetitive and a huge amount of swearing and drinking. The latter doesn't me - but I get fed up with hearing the F word every few minutes!
Some of the scenes of the morning after reminded me of when I lived in the tropics - trying to get through the day with a hangover when it is really really hot and humid. I lived in a place with no air conditioning. And of course it was tempting to start drinking once the sun went down (which was early!) - vicious cycle.
OK - you all remember your instructions for the weekend - treat thyself! I see Pav has the trick sorted out.
Lots of hugs to all….
Walk done!! Turns out girls riding was cancelled, but I was so busy I missed that - so we went out! It was good too, as I would happily had stayed in bed, but made myself walk and loved it - girls hung around the horses and I had quiet time.
Got some lovely (unwashed) farm eggs on way home, and they are so pretty! And some unfiltered honey too.
DB - good grief - you are due for some better luck for sure.
LB - did you get your treat?
My treat is clean sheets - I just love a clean bed, not sure why mine is always last (thought of you Narilly as I was remaking it!)
Pav - so understand - I feel schizophrenic with my eldest - love her to death, she is such a neat person and struggles so much - then she goes and does something I could throttle her for! She seems to have made a new friend - I dropped her off yesterday, and no red flags - phew! Hoping it may last - friends are so important, but she has trouble as she can't do anything ec at school.
As eldest was out, picked up Chinese take away for the youngest - her favorite and the other is not bothered - I couldn't help but have a little, and was so thirsty last night - we don't sue much salt at all and it makes me such a mess when I eat out...
OK - chores to get done....nagging to do :exclaim:
Keep on doing - we are all doing great, even with the pulls and desires...we are working through them....see you on Sunday unless Sat evening starts to call me...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Nursing home called this afternoon to tell me the cut wouldn't stop bleeding so back to the ER for me. They put some surgical glue on it so he couldn't pick at it....whole day lost....I am so tired and hungry. Got the flowers planted at church so that is the only plus to the day.
I know I am strong...always have been but with hubbs I didn't have to be strong all the time. He took some of the heat off me now I am back to doing it all...I can do it I just dont want to.....
Hi, Gloamers:
So sorry, Dot. I hope you find some time to relax and take care of yourself. What a big bunch of crap you are going through. xo
My older son was in a car accident today - he's fine. A bit shaken and a little bruised but they are all ok. It was a new driver error - just in time to freak me out as he is about to get his license. I guess on the bright side I think they all got a lesson about taking driving seriously today. Freaked me out, for sure. But it is all relative. In the long run, everyone was ok. Not a banner week in the lives of my offspring. I told him that when we all feel better he is in for a good lecture as he was not wearing a seatbelt (too many kids in the back seat) - and he's my sensible one! He said he felt the accident was a loud enough lecture, but I think I still have some left in me...
SL - Sounds like a lovely day. I went with a friend to pick up her daughter from a horse ranch a few weeks ago - it was wonderful to see all of the kids work so well to love and take care of the animals.
TT - Hope you feel better.
Bear - I grew up skating outdoors - skates were our main method of transportation for a summer or two. Sounds like a nice plan.
Dreams can rattle me. I had one recently where I had an affair with a good friend of ours who I have always had a little crush on - I felt SO disloyal for the whole next day. And the other night I dreamed I murdered someone - and was going to get away with it but I felt so guilty I knew I had to confess and was going to spend the rest of my life in jail. Not sure what that was about. I don't think they portend anything future action, but they feel so real sometimes that they are hard to shake.
Anyway - good night, gloamers. Hugged my kiddos a little extra tight tonight.