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Glad your keyboard was working while you got all that junk outta your head, Jane. Hope it made you feel better :hug:. I don't usually articulate what is bothering me - I just cry.
I bet most people have been bothered by very similar things to those in your list but usually they don't all hit at once.
Your comment about Jane Fonda cracked me up. I've been watching that show, too. She is obviously older but still looks pretty remarkable. I must admit, it looks to me like way too much work. I would hate to be 77 or whatever she is and still working so hard to appear a certain way. The show is pretty funny, though, isn't it?
I saw a great TED talk on T2D - let me know if you think your husband would pay attention to something like that and I'll find the link.
TT, you have a great attitude about needing to do extra work. I should try to adopt your approach.
Dottie, I'm sorry you're down. You've made it through the crisis without a drink. I know you can handle this part, too. xx
In need of water, rest, quiet, cream everywhere, soothing, pressure removed, energy, freedom to express creativity
In need of space
Sounds like a plan Jane. :thumbsup:
Hiya everyone. :checkin:
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
OMG I fixed the darn thing ALL MY MYSELF (patting back). Is this what you mean by Americans grandstanding TT? lol
Hi G :-)
Originally posted by NoSugar View PostGlad your keyboard was working while you got all that junk outta your head, Jane. Hope it made you feel better :hug:. I don't usually articulate what is bothering me - I just cry.I realized how superficial & funny the Jane Fonda comment was which is why I couldn't resist including it. I am really loving that show. Her character is 70, and she's 77. She does look great and i imagine a lot goes into it. She had breast cancer back in 2010 and opted for a lumpectomy. Maybe it wasn't the aggressive kind- or maybe cancer doesn't spread as quickly when your in your late 70's. I don't know- it seems that mastectomies are more common than lumpectomies these days.
Did you see the episode where Lilly Tomlin says, "oh my God, open your mouth so I can see, I think your capped tooth is cracked!" JF opens mouth and Lilly T swiftly holds up the whipped cream can she's just finished using and sprays it in JF's mouth and says- "HAHA! Now you can't eat until Monday!" They are a great team. I keep hoping Dolly Parton will show up in a cameo. I loved 9 to 5.
I needed to get it out, and thanks for indulging me. The last time I had a problem with depression it was YOU that caught it. Figured I'd be better off marking the mood here because I'm not great at noticing when things are consistently low for a while.
Been looking at some Paleo stuff and feel overwhelmed. Its basically meat (chicken etc), vegetables and fruit if I understand correctly. No dairy or grains, no legumes, of course no sugar. I don't really like meat that much and the same goes for cooking. Ofcourse I do cook- but I guess I'm confused by coconut flour being OK (or not), eggs being OK (or not). I think Id have an easier time just eating 1x per day if that would help minimize food intolerance issues. Not an option for hubs though with his diabetes. What have you eaten today?
Hi everyone else! Thanks for accepting me even when I'm a pain in the arse. Pav, thinking of you.Last edited by jane27; May 27, 2015, 06:16 PM.AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
I haven't made it to that episode yet - I think I would rather be like the Lily Tomlin character!
Paleo is more of an idea than a specific diet. Plus, if your ancestors are from Scandinavia, what they ate sure would be different than if they were from Africa. To me it just makes more sense to eat regular, as nature made it food, and as minimally processed food as possible. I mostly eat meat, whole fat dairy, fish, nuts, fermented food, non-seed oils, berries, melon, apples, and tons of vegetables. I don't bake much but use almond, cashew, or coconut flour when I do. I think that's about it. Oh -88% dark chocolate.
I agree with NS on not getting obsessed with the diet thing but to try to eat healthily. We can't just however eat or do what our ancestors did. Most of us don't really know who our ancestors are - there is a lot of myth making here and most of us are 'mongrels' anyway. Dietary needs can depend also on the environment you live in now. For example - I live in a country where the soils are very low in iodine and selenium - so we must use iodized salt (in tiny quantities). I have a sedentary job - I doubt if my ancestors did - whoever they were. I have a longer life-span than my ancestors - and so I will have different requirements as I age.
I also factor in other things in my food choices like ethical labour practices, transportation, the effect on the environment etc. I have no desire to go out and club a seal to death or eat whale meat - but that is how some people's ancestors ate. For part of the time. Often they were starving.
I also think we exaggerate our intolerance to many foods. Gluten e.g. is not evil but many people say they are intolerant when they are not by clinical standards (I know some people are gluten intolerant and have celiac disease). But some just eat too much and put this down to gluten.
Sorry I could go on and on about this - and I won't. I also get irritated by the whole mega-industry of dietary supplements - the huge amount of money that people waste on this when they could possibly just eat a little better. I better shut-up…..
As many veggies as I want whenever I want. Fruit for desserts and my sweet tooth. Unfortunately chocolate has begun to trigger migraines. Bleh!
Jane i think it's great you got all that out. I too feel a lot of those things. Overwhelmed.
Irritated at being woken up tooooo early.
bored with my job. I mean how many toilets can you clean before going crazy with old ladies watching over your shoulder?
Worried about hubby's health.
But underneath it all I feel grateful. Grateful that I am able to scrub floors, work, live.
That I found friends like you to make things easier. To laugh at the absurdities of life with. To cry with me when I need you too.
That I have a life because I don't drink.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Originally posted by little beagle View Post
But underneath it all I feel grateful. Grateful that I am able to scrub floors, work, live.
That I found friends like you to make things easier. To laugh at the absurdities of life with. To cry with me when I need you too.
That I have a life because I don't drink.
Jane - well done for coming here and putting it out there....:hug:
Just having a quick check in yet again.“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Group hug?! I'm in.
Jane you typed out how my head feels sometimes. Good to get it out.
Hiya G.
I stay away from wheat which means bread and pasta which were my go to comfort foods. I have had a post nasal cough for a while and it pretty much went away when I cut out carbs to lose weight so I never added it back. I eat rice and corn in moderation and of course my ice cream. I have managed to keep off 30+ pounds for a couple of years. For me, it is like booze. All or nothing. Much easier to not eat wheat than to measure, count, etc.
Anyway. Home late from son's game. Whist wanted to say hi.
Now back to that group hug..,
hi loamers
Jane my head would explode i think. I try not to dwell on the past or the future really and take each day as it comes. Even if i have to pull the gratitude out my arse i will find something. I look at Robert everyday and say to myself i have nothing in this world as bad as what he is going through but i dont recommend finding a best friend with cancer. I think i am lucky to have him as if i didnt have him then i would have overwhelming days also and i do sometimes now and i send him a text or see him and the gratitude of what i do have have hits me. You are the only one who can make the changes in your life, thats what i realise now that i dont drink and i take it slowly slowly, the ones around me dont like change either. Hugs to you.
I went and seen a nutritionist today before i start the gym program i won. She did mention i didnt eat much and i told her i was a recovering alcoholic and for many years i did not eat and i have still not grasped the concept of three meals a day plus snacks. For me a wave of hunger comes upon me and i have to eat when it does, i missed it this morning, damn it. We worked out an eating program as i know what i have to eat, i just have to eat. I like the thought of being accountable to some else and feel i have to do this for me and her. A change of routine in preparation, lots of veges, grains, fruit and protein. I can do this though, its time for a change.
Well time to make the dogs their dinner and have an early night. Cold nights but nice days, well they look pleasant out the window at work. 2 hours to drive 35km's this morning, unfeckingbelievable! Thank god its Friday tomorrow.
Take care everyone, just wanted to check in.
xxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Originally posted by available View Posthi loamers
Jane my head would explode i think. I try not to dwell on the past or the future really and take each day as it comes. Even if i have to pull the gratitude out my arse i will find something.
Originally posted by MeinSonnenschein View PostHello Ladies
I'm sorry that I have not checked in for the past week. I've really been down in the depression dump. I'm going to look back through your posts from the last week, to give myself some strength. I just want to let you know that I'm still here.Much love
Originally posted by Pavati View PostGroup hug?! I'm in.
Pav, wish I could take you out for a cup of tea and stroll. Maybe pop in small shop bookstore or two.
Today I have the gutter guy coming, and the HVAC here to do a diagnostic on the airflow issues we are having. They are also going to use a product call Aeroseal which supposedly closes up small holes to improve efficiency. Its a bit of a catch 22 (blowing chemicals in to fill up holes), but the company claims is safe. Going to do a little more research while I can.
Wishing everyone a bewdie.
Love to allAF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
Morning ladies,
Diet what an interesting subject. My diet has changed a lot since I lost dh. I dont eat out as much and eat mostly veggies and beans now. No bread either. I am mostly vegetarian but if all there is to eat is chicken I will eat that. But not at home. I have lost 20 pounds in the last 3 months but I think that is a combination of grief where I had no appetite at all and going to the gym 3-4 days a week. I feel better and do look good but I would much rather have dh back but here I am.
I am looking around at some things to do to keep busy. I still cant go through his things so that is not an option. I know someday I will be ready but just no yet.
I take crazy dog to training starting on Monday so that is good. I am finding some exercise things to do too. Just trying to create a new life is interesting but very hard. NOT what I had planned for this summer at all.