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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Feeling great this morning, really good....then this evening driving home I really wanted to stop....made up a goofy shopping list (need nothing as I am trying to clean out things for holiday)...I managed not to stop, got home and found my ex camped out on the sofa "visiting" my girls - I suggested he take them out (of MY home!) and he took them for supper - I grabbed my bag and was all set to head out....half a bar of chocolate later, I am here and not left the house, and signing in...
I was feeling so good, why do these feelings feel they have to keep visiting - I am really happier without them....
Glad to be a LOAM, and will be so happy to wake tomorrow clear headed...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Jane Golden Retrievers are great dogs. Beautiful. I enjoyed the article on relapse. It seems the main point is planning and self care. I personally don't think these two things can be talked about enough. The main thing that keeps me going is planning. And I have learned as I've gone along how important self care is. I too have trouble concentrating on what hubby is daying. Sometimes I find myself daydreaming as he talks about louvers and grills and transitions. Yeah I do.
Today i called my daughter and she was having a bit of a crisis. It felt good to be able to talk to her calmly and logically. To help her get to feeling better. She called again this evening and things are better.
Cowboy I'd love to hear the male perspective on relationships.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Originally posted by narilly View PostHowdy Cowboy!
Jane, I read the relapse link you posted. That is from Alberta Health Services which is located in the province of Alberta where Cowboy and I live. Pretty cool! Daschunds are awesome dogs but they are stubborn and will boss you around if they can they can be hard to potty train because they are stubborn but on the other hand, they are hilarious, cute, cuddly and make you laugh all the time. Our Golden was a big goof ball and was always happy. He did shed a lot and was a bit of a drooler but he was so loving and gentle, he also love to play catch and just loved life.
It was so nice to feel well today; to have energy & feel motivated to accomplish things. I really am curious as to how a 7 days course of Prednisone could totally turn my health around (and Augmentin didn't do anything). The nurse said that it must be because my sinus issue is viral as opposed to bacterial. When I read about Prednisone it seems like more of a band aid than a fix- but this is the 3rd time that I have experienced this. I think feeling better lasts for between 4-8 weeks. Hubs thinks that the mystery illness is below the radar autoimmune- and that this is why the Prednisone provides relief.
SL, I am glad you waded through the mucky mood. My sobriety posture got so thrown off these last few weeks. I've navigated thru it by thinking at every turn what you guys would tell me to do…(post, read, reach out to help someone else) Its working and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer. The good news, I survived another first and learned some valuable lessons:
18 months sober is not a license to fly on autopilot
Expectations need to be kept in check in order to avoid disappointment
Tattling on myself with you guys might be embarrassing, but its a safer bet, AND, it got the job done.
Cunning & baffling only begins to scrape the surface of this disease.
Hi to Pav, TT, G, ABC. Lil B, been missing you! Love to all xoxoAF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
I vote for a dachshund Jane! Nar knows I LOVE them, fantastic naught little entertainers.
Worth all the effort.
Thanks for posting the relapse prevention link. Funny I do a lot of things mentioned. I guess it is all keeping me strong!
Google Crusoe the celebrity dachund for laughs?(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Hi All,
I respect the fact that the board gives folks the option to find their own way (whether they need to believe they can moderate first) or find themselves coming here to be abstinent only. After many years of not wanting to face the truth about my drinking (really, really, really wanted to believe I could continue to drink by controlling my drinking and trying to keep it to only two) I have come to the realization that drinking for me is too risky and that alcohol seems to control me once I start, and I have no idea which direction it will take me (reasonable at two (sometimes even one), or out of control with the horrible craving I have to have more once I start. It got to the point that I could not bring a bottle of wine into the house with the thought I'll only have 2 or 2 1/2. The whole bottle was usually gone come morning.
As a NEW abstainer, I need to find a thread with committed people to abstinence. Not someone who is still cheating and having a glass of wine (my favorite) here or there, or deciding they are going to drink while on vacay, etc. Once again to clarify (I am not prejudiced of other's choices in their recovery) however in the first stages of quitting, I am afraid to hear about other's drinking and want to find a thread committed to abstinence. I am hoping this is that type of thread by the title? If so, would love to jump on board.
Addy (All Done Drinking...Yes!) :love:Last edited by All done drinking; July 23, 2015, 08:44 PM."Control your destiny or somebody else will" ~Jack Welsh~
God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet, so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.
But that was yesterday, and I was a different person then. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Welcome, Addy
This is a thread for people with the personal "mission statement" to be abstinent. That does not mean that if a person makes a mistake or chooses to drink for whatever reason, that they aren't welcome to come back and try again to achieve the goal of not drinking. They are most welcome and encouraged to come back but aren't likely to be told that drinking was ok or no big deal - there are consequences to drinking for an addict that are too serious to be excused or glossed over. Relapse is not inevitable at all and what we're trying to do here is give one another the support and tools to gain and maintain an AF life.
If a person was thinking about drinking and wanted support to help make the decision not to, this also would be a great place to post!
You're fortunate to know what you want - it makes all of this so much easier.
Feel free to ask any questions of us or about us. Most of us aren't very shy. :welcome:
Hi Addy! Thanks for introducing yourself, and welcome to Gloamers! (Loam = acronym for Ladies on a Mission. The G got added due to the fact that we have a handful of guys (brave souls) that post regularly- Gentleman & Ladies on a mission...
This thread is near and dear to me. I quit drinking in January of 2014. In the early months I posted a lot in the Nest, with time I found myself peeking into this thread and its become my main hang out.
We are a determined bunch of peeps and have seen the power of strength in numbers! Looking forward to learning more about you. xoLast edited by jane27; July 23, 2015, 09:59 AM.AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
Yes Addy - that is what we are. We do know we are human, I made a mistake in June after 15months and was able to return to logically discuss it. I know i let myself down and this group which made it tough but at some level I am glad I did as I had many thoughts (what next, maybe cured, maybe I can do it etc) and this put them to rest.
We chat to stay in touch and are honest when things come up. Not drinking is our focus and this is the check in that keeps us there, reminds us as to why (when we doubt ourselves) - we are all over the world, so though it may sometimes be quiet there is usually someone around.
Hi everyone else - happily UnHung this morning ....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Hi Addy. Welcome to this thread. As others stated we are committed to trying to remain sober. I have been sober since October 2012 and the support if the abstinence threads was crucial in that. I don't need chatter about moderating or little sips here and there. However I understand that we are human and it's not always smooth sailing. So we have a mission.
We talk a lot also about our sober lives because we recognise that the stresses and surprises there can be challenging for us.
A lot of us have children and/or demanding jobs but not all do. What we have in common most of all is an understanding of the abusive role AL had in our lives and the much better lives we have without this in the mix.
What a great day! My eldest passed both her summer school classes - one with a C and one a B+ (the (w)itch teacher did not show up one day and did not return, so things turned around! Yahoo! :yay:And she passed the written test to get her permit.:welldone:
Hopefully this is all an omen for a great Junior school year! Someone said we were due for a turn in the tides, and hoping it just may have happened.
So, now I have to pay for drivers lessons and purple hair streaks for passing summer school!:egad:
Happy mother here! Is it Fridaylease: Maybe I will be on TT's time!
“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
So happy for both of you SL. You are due for a turn.
welcome Addy. I don't ever want to feel that crappy, hopeless feeling drinking was making me feel again. I am dedicated to this mission.
Jane is understood Prednisone was for inflammation and antibiotics for infection. So if the inflammation is under control you would feel better. I have the same thing with my ear.
I am going to check out that dachshund.
We are having record breaking heat here. 2nd hottest July in over 100 years. First the rain, and now this. Parents here are petitioning for a later start to the school year due to the extreme heat this year.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.