Nar is camping and SL is offline in Scotland so that's why 2 of us are missing.
Maybe it's quiet here because we've become LIMs (Ladies in Maintenance), not LOAMs, Maintenance is never as compelling as the actual doing, no matter what change is being made. There aren't major challenges to overcome, there isn't much new to report, and people generally aren't in a crisis situation. All of this should be a good thing but, for me at least, it kind of leads to apathy and complacency. I really don't have much to say about myself that is relevant or to offer to others who seem to be doing fine.
For me the benefit of posting on MWO is organizing and writing my thoughts on why not drinking is the right decision for me and probably many/most others who make it to this site. I believe that is what keeps my fixed "wiring" intact. But people who post here don't need to read that kind of stuff anymore so I guess that's why I've been pretty quiet. I still am interested in and care about all of you and am so, so glad that all of us are maintaining our AF lives.
:hug: NS