What you wrote about feeling stressed about mail, catalogs, options, etc. really resonates with me. I get a ton of stupid women's magazines b/c my mom had to buy subscriptions from my nephew for a school fundraiser a long time ago and although she hasn't paid in years, they keep coming!! I would always put them in piles for "later" and then on some evening, finally work my way quickly through all of them, like it was a job or something. But by then, the next month's would have started to arrive. I finally stopped the madness and now I dump them straight into the recycle bin (which has a lot more room than it used to :wink

Diet seems to be a pretty unpopular topic here but I'd be interested in hearing how you're doing. It makes sense that what we consume over and over would greatly affect how we feel!
Nar, I can't imagine you don't win over everyone you meet - hope that pays off with the potential job.
Have a great day, GLoamers, NS