I love logging in and seeing celebrations - a welcome back party for J-Vo and a 1,000 day party for NoSugar. J-Vo - we all think of you a lot - your name IS on this thread. I'm glad you came back.
NS - What can I say. Thanks a million for the 1,000 days you've shared with us. You are so kind and wise, and I am very glad to call you my friend. Thanks for everything, and congratulations. I hope you're celebrating with that sweet family of yours.
I have terrible allergies suddenly in my later years - sinus, eyes, etc. I figure most of my aches and pains are due to well lived life, and I used to think that my puffy eyes were only due to alcohol. At least that's ONE thing I did on my own. I guess that was the rub - life keeps on going UUUUPPPP and DDDOOOWWWNNN, alcohol or not. Taking that roller coaster without that alcohol makes dealing with it all so much easier, though.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Trying to type fast so I can get to bed.
PS - it is time for a Jane waffle. Hope you're good, Jane.