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Originally posted by starty View PostOhhh I thought Mozart was an incontinent dog!!!!! That is why he wasn't allowed on your sick bed
Imagine a big horse standing in our bedroom sniffing my hair while I lie in bed snoozing.Then all of a sudden he makes the poop groan... look out!! Haha! Horse humour I guess.
I'm silly. It is funny when I bring my dog to the stable, she sits down in front of him and stares at him. Kind of like 'okay, mommie. Now I see where you sneak off to, geez he is kinda big."(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
i did something quite similar for years Jvo. teaching is so demanding and we do feel we 'deserve a treat' after dealing with the kids all week.
you know it took me months to catch up on my rest.
i was rather amazed after 6 months how i managed to keep up that drinking schedule. i was also amazed at how tired i was in spite of not drinking anymore. we do deserve a break, but a REAL break. I think you should reward yourself each week but maybe with a massage on Saturday afternoon? manicure pedi? whatever you like, eventually you won't need it anymore but it might help to jump start things. it did for me! so glad you are back. :hug:
Originally posted by j-vo View Postit's Friday night in my neck of the woods. I'm typing on iPad so apologies in advance for any typos.
I'm glad I got to come home and rest after work. It's been a long week starting with last weekend driving out to see folks then driving back, jury duty two days and work the other three. I'm tired and my body is happy that it'll recover this weekend so I'm rejuvenTed for Monday morning. So many years, decades, I'd work hard throughout the week, feel tired like I do right now, but then the abuse would start, because hey! I deserved it. So beginning on Friday, I'd drink, pass out, Saturday wake up feeling like poop, get nothing done because my body is a mess, and now I'm not just tired like I was on Friday, I'm totally hungover. So late afternoon, I'd start again, usually, and end up in bed early. I'd lose a lot of my Saturday nights because I was too tired or drunk to do anything. Then I'd get beer on Sunday's because our liquor stores aren't open on that day. I'd lose a lot of what should have been a relaxing Sunday evening because I'd be too tired again, go to bed, not enjoy a nice movie or tv show. Monday hits, 5:15 and I feel like shit. It would take me until Wednesday to start feeling better, and by Thursday, I've almost made it to the weekend so I'd rewRd myself and by a bottle of wine which I'd plan to only have two glasses. Ha! That's funny. I'd finish the whole bottle and usually my Friday mornings were foggy, depressing because of a nasty hangover. Repeat, week after week, month after month. Well, that life sounds so freaking pathetic. I'm so pleasantly tired right now, and even though I am, I may just get up and exercise a bit, because I can...on a Friday night at 8:00 pm because I'm not drunk and in bed already.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Did you hear me calling out for you across the miles yesterday, LC :hug:? It's great to hear from you and I really hope you're back to stay. I remember how happy you were with your AF self a couple years ago. I hope you can find a way to be like a happy, excited teenager without a drink. It must have been fun to feel that way again. xx
It's great to see posts from people all around the world - keep this mission going 24/7 :smile:!
I was picturing you snuggling with a horse, El. Starty, you're sounding like you're settling back into AF life. It is definitely the place to be.
TT, I'm sorry you had a tough week. I hope you don't back off from posting right when you might most need some friends. This exact subject was discussed on the Army thread yesterday. The point of a support group is to give and get the help we all need. That means for all the stuff of life - not just the drinking - because in the end, it is all related. Maybe some relapses wouldn't happen if the person were in the habit of interacting with sober friends. Congratulations on your daughter's achievements - especially the one that showed the type of person she is. She is like the boy in one of my all-time favorite HONY posts: https://m.facebook.com/humansofnewyo...en_US&__tn__=E
Thank you very much for welcoming me back. I did see your call out yesterday, NS, which is part of the reason I was able to actually post something today. I've been thinking about it for a long time, but haven't trusted myself to stick to what I plan/say. The usual. And today is proving to be difficult, with feeling agitated and unfocussed, wanting to ignore the truth and carry on as I have been. But that isn't really what I want. What I want is to be free of the constant battle, to be true to myself, to treat myself well, to be 100% present in my life, to be able to work out at 8pm if I want (ha!), to be able to recognise and embrace real feelings
I know it's possible to feel like I have been again without the alcohol! In fact I remember feeling better than ever a few years ago.. thank you for reminding me.
I'm going to have a lavender bath in a bit..
Good Sober, Unhung, Saturday Morning,
Sooooooo great to see you back LC! I just came back as well, as you can see from my roll call (19 days reborn). It feels great, and I know a few things that got me here, and without struggling...I have finally accepted that I can never drink safely, and I have stopped fighting. It's an amazing feeling, that this weight is lifted, and I know I don't have to put myself or my loved ones in pain anymore. I've struggled too long, too many years, decades, and I'm done. I'm excited for the new life that is ahead of me.
One thing that has been instrumental is the gratitude tool. Noticing the smallest good things around me daily. I'm focused on that. I'm also feeling very honest about how my life really was, and I don't want that life anymore. I don't have to have that struggle, neither do you. I do pray a lot, have daily devotions that I read, post, read. It doesn't have to be a constant battle anymore. We can embrace the true, real feelings much better when we're sober. Read the gratitude thread, post there daily, as it's the small things that make us feel grateful. I'm done ignoring the truth about my drinking problems. I know I can say that is the way I am, but it's not going to define me. I'm so much more than a drinking problem. The problem was, while I was actively abusing al, I didn't know that. All I knew was drinking to get through. Now I can learn about myself, the person I really am.
TT, sorry you've been feeling sad. I've got lots of emotional stuff as it's my son's last year of high school, so many lasts for him, for me and my husband. He's grown into a wonderful young man, and I'm really super proud of him and his accomplishments. But like you, this will be a new chapter in our lives, with our babies leaving home to live the life that we've taught them. Congrats on your daughters awards and accomplishments.
El, I love your idea of the rewards. Actually, I have two free massages that my MIL got for me last xmas and I've never used them. I love massages!!!!! Glad you got to see your beloved Mozart today.
Starty...incontinent dog...heeehee!
NS, great link. Warmed my heart.
I managed to walk on my treadmill last night at 8:15. Yes! That's almost like in the middle of the night for me. And I was in bed at 11 with a peaceful feeling, and it was great knowing that i could sleep in this morning. Wow. Thank you Saturday!
Today, Mr. J-vo and I will do some shopping, then our good friends are picking up their new pups today and we'll visit them and play. That's it. Have a great day all. Thanks for being here for me.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
LC, Welcome back! I have news! Any negative feeling (embarrassment, shame or guilt) that you are having about posting here is coming from a big bad wolf named AL who wants to keep you pinned down and trapped. You are welcome AND wanted here, so please pull up a chair (and tell the big bad wolf to screw off). Wishing everyone a nice day.
Are we ridiculous to attempt replacing the faucet in our bathroom sans professional help? We shall soon find out! xoAF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
a friend of mine just learnt she will not be allowed to volunteer for the hospice unit at her local hospital because of a DUI from 2.5 years ago. It makes her unreliable they said. She has turned things around drastically since this DUI and much happier for it I feel I must add.
Originally posted by scottish lass View PostIsn't this the truth - very well said j-vo! I am not going to exercise tonight (5pm here), but I am not going to drink either and will wake up feeling great on Saturday and enjoy the precious weekend....
Just heard a story on the news of a school superintendent arrested on his second DUI in 5 months - gave me a shiver...(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober
Hi everyone, I haven't read back.., I'd scene last night where TT asked if I was OK. Thanks TT, yes, I'm doing a lot better. I switched to my journal thread because I had a lot of sad upset feelings that it helped to post... But I always feel conscious of just slamming a thread with my out stuff... I probably overthink it... But I'm back and will read through later... I did see jury duty didn't work out j-vo. Bummer! Gotta run! Hope everyone is wellAF January 7, 2018
Originally posted by j-vo View PostHope u feel better El,
I've got major issues! My iPad keyboard died! ��
Nar, JT...sizzling HOT! How will you be able to really focus on the issues and not his sexy, dreamy eyes?
Wow, lots of great posts here. LC, so nice to see you. Glad you are back, let's kick AL in the butt together.
LilB, I am truly jealous of your warm weather but then again I love wearing my winter coats and sweaters. Its a nice change. I have an awesome pair of Mukluks which I wear around the house in the winter and they keep me warm.
Matcha is very popular in Argentina, everyone drinks it. I have drank it lots of times and it is pretty good. It is sort of like tea and is supposed to be good for all kinds of things. Eloise, nice to read your posts. Hope you are feeling better.
Well, I am sober and UnHung which is totally awesome. I got up at 8am this morning and am feeling good I almost take it for granted now since I have not drank for about 1 1/2 years. It was so hard to quit drinking but now that I have it has totally become my way of life and no one offers me booze unless they don't know me. Yesterday after work some co-workers invited me out for beers and I just said No Thanks. It was a relief not to have to go drink and have to be so careful about not losing control around my co-workers only to go home and get drunk afterwards.
Have a great Saturday, glad you are feeling better Choices.
xoLast edited by narilly; November 7, 2015, 02:26 PM.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Busy here again today - TT, hugs dear lady, sorry for the blues....you too Jane.
LC - I came back too, and a little surprised as to how comfy I feel being back - glad to see you, hope you stick with us, I am planning to stick to this...
J-vo & El - my managers just interviewed a young man who got the top contender for a position with us - he was great, good personality as well as all the skills. His final interview with me was being scheduled when a DUI from 6 years ago came to light and he is out of the running. Such a shame, this was a great career move for him, and it is gone now...
Had a peaceful sober Friday night and woke to a cold sunny day - so managed a 6 mile walk whilst girls were riding. Got to get jobs done this afternoon, then taking girls to see a band who plays Pink Floyd and has a light show etc - will be good fun for the three of us...
Rain heading in tomorrow - managed to see snow in the mountains from my walk - a welcome sight indeed...
Well off to nag and to get my stuff done too - Happy Saturday/Sunday all....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
SL, that's so sad, that a mistake he made years ago is affecting his job opportunities today. But that's reality for most professional careers. Something to not take lightly. Love pink Floyd and music with the light show should be awesome!
I had a great sober day. Took a nice loooong nap, went shopping with mr. J-vo, then dinner. Pleasant day. But I do have thoughts that enter my mind frequently about boozing. These were my thoughts today:
I thought about being "sick" today. Sick for many years. This thing I have, and I'm gonna call it alcoholism, is a sickness. Well, I think it's a sickness being an active alcoholic, but in recovery, im well. That word sick kept popping up in my head today. I'm not going to think of it as any less, because it's too serious of a disease that kept me ill for so long, both mentally and physically. I'm not going to be angry about it, because I really want pleasant feelings right now, but I want to remember all the times that I was sick and did things that I would never do if I was well. Just tonight, we were out to dinner, and I really enjoyed my meal. I appreciated it. When I was sick, I only cared about the next drink, not the next bite. I think a lot about the thousands of times where this sickness made me do inappropriate things, say the wrong things, and just turn me into a pathetic person. I don't wanna be sick anymore. I wanna be well.
Have a good night all.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
I too think of it as being sick J-vo. Laying in bed recovering after drinking. It really felt terrible.
It's great to see everyone? Lifechange you've been in my mind often. Glad to see you back with us.
Quick post here. counseling with hubby today.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.