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    Originally posted by Pavati View Post
    Now to celebrate I will torture myself with homework and a middle schooler.
    But so much easier and more successful sober :smile:! I'm glad you're a GLoamer, Pav. xx


      Hope homework went well, Pav.

      It's a new day, well almost. Went to bed very early and up earlier than usual. Yesterday, I was afraid of those old extreme anxiety symptoms returning. But I need to remember how far I've come in that area of my life. It's not me anymore. But I also need to accept that if an attack comes along, I will get through it, and without alcohol. Alcohol would only make it 1,000x worse. Have a good day.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Sometimes relatively better is very, very good, J-vo. I hope you're proud of yourself for using the tools you had put into place and made it past what was a very tough day. Today might be a little unsettled after what you went through so stay alert, ok? xx, NS


          Sorry I missed checking in yesterday - wanted to shout out for Pav - so here I am a day late.
          Really tough day at work yesterday - up most of the night with the case - terribly sad on many levels, but a reminder to be grateful for what I have as in comparison to some, it is wonderful.
          Very tired today and quiet, but off to work I go...
          Glad to be sober....
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            It is amazing what a good nights sleep can do for us.
            Are you taking the All-in-one vitamin powder by chance Jvo?
            I still take it 3-4x a week and feel it helps on a lot of levels ( currently thinking I need extra vitamins for my thumb).
            I do think it helps me feel a bit more balanced.
            Husband got fired today Jvo. Somehow we are handling it okay. With all that is going on we are getting used to things just going wrong. A sign from the gods maybe?
            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


              I went to the chiropractor yesterday, and plan to stay on top of my adjustments as I know it helps me greatly. I also saw a Nutritional Response Therapy Professional, and she decides what I needs as far as supplements go. So Im glad to have gotten back on track with this as it's a part of my holistic approach. Some other things I need to do next, but one thing at a time. El, I get my vitamins and other supps from chiropractic office. How's your thumb?
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Thumb hurts like a xyz... You get the idea. I kept bumping it in the night so it was quite sore this morning.
                I am thinking we must be at the end of the line regarding the number of things that can go wrong in any given period? Certainly things have to start to turn around?

                Good you are getting help from chiropractor.
                Getting tired of watching tv, but it keeps me still.
                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                  Hi Gloamers!

                  SL, I'm also so glad you're sober. Hope you're able to rest up and regain your strength. What kind of work are you doing? Do you get to have the weekends off?

                  El, it seems there must be a turning around point for you soon. I'm very sorry to hear about your husband losing his job. Did you all have any idea that was coming on. I can't remember if you've mentioned that. What did the docs say about your thumb at the last check up? I like your avatar..

                  J-vo, I'm glad things are looking up today. Sounds like you had a good appointment with your Chiropractor.. I'm also interested in the Nutritional response therapist.. is she helping you with supplements and diet? I meant to answer your questions a couple of days ago.. but this is the first evening I haven't fallen asleep at 830 with the girls! It's already 10 past 10..amazing. You were asking about the kids and language, etc. They are bilingual, speaking German with their dad and with each other when they are at his place (with the exception of certain games) and at school, and English with me and with each other here. My eldest has more of an affinity to the U.S.. When she was younger, most of my friends and their kids were from English speaking countries so it was her first language. The younger feels more German.. though they both prefer and have and American/English sense of humour (thank goodness) and they prefer to play in English. As far as accents go, I don't think they have one in either language.. When they speak English here, they sound more American, next to a Brit, for instance.. but when we're in the States or with family here, they don't. The older one would like to study at some point or do a year abroad in the U.S.. We'll see. I think she has a travel bug and will be all over the place. Not sure about the younger one. I sure hope that at some point they decide to settle down near each other.. though I guess that would be pure luck. My sister and I are close and we haven't lived in the same city since 1986.. well for one year a long time ago! But it would be very practical for me if they stayed close. ha!:happy2:

                  Ok Ladies and G, wishing you all a nice rest of your Thursday, or Friday if it's already started.. I'm so looking forward to the weekend.. Do you all have some nice plans?
                  How's your new job going, Nar?
                  Last edited by lifechange; December 3, 2015, 04:32 PM.


                    It wasnt a good job anyway Lifechange, but gave him a routine.
                    He saw it coming, I did not. He is really easy going at work so I am surprised .

                    They just said my thumb is healing and I am very brave.
                    What a misery.
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      Geez El. Sometimes it rains when it pours. Maybe God is steering your lives in such a way as to avoid harm, or even better, to queue you guys up for change that will be rewarding. Let's hope this is one of those cases where this next year, you'll be saying, "Gosh, if only I had known that right around the corner xyz good things were waiting to happen."

                      Aside from that, did they have to actually) remove part of your thumb? How hard did he bite it? It is CRAZY how much pain something like that can cause. And depression. I hope you're finding humor in all the darkness. xoxox
                      PS The woman that owns the horse must feel so badly. Does she? Does Mozart know what's going on?
                      Last edited by jane27; December 3, 2015, 05:50 PM.
                      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                        LC, thanks for the post! I loved reading about that. I have family in Italy and we went to visit them two years ago. It was so amazing. I walked into one of their homes (three different families) and saw my great grandmother and grandfather's picture on the shelf. I remember the picture so well as I knew my great grandmother very well. It was funny to see their picture in a place I'd never been and with these strangers who were my family. I loved Italy! We keep in touch on facebook.

                        I was reading on the relapse thread. Some really good posts that make you think. And I came across mine after I almost killed myself (not literally, but fell down the steps and hit my head-that type of killed myself) destroyed my son and husband right after xmas. And I went back to drinking. For me, a serial relapser, it's always been a quick switch in the brain. I think. I want to be more aware of how I"m feeling, and never let this happen again. It's also interesting to see the people with years of sobriety, and what happens to them. I think the things that lead them to to relapse is complacency, not connecting with MWO, or other community, starting to think "they weren't that bad." It can happen at any time to anyone, so let's make sure we check in daily. I need to learn what real sobriety. I know this mental addiction and thinking about it almost 24/7 will go away, and there will be time for other things. I need to get there, but I won't push it.
                        Last edited by j-vo; December 3, 2015, 07:16 PM.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Hi, All:

                          Sounds like a lot of people are super stressed out and have a lot going on. It may sound simple, but two things have been instrumental in helping me stay sane. The first, gratitude. As a Lav/NoSugar disciple, I think about things I am grateful for even when things seems crappy. Not to be a Polyanna, but to realize that there ARE some good things, even when it doesn't feel that way. The other, as I'm sure you all know, is outdoor exercise. I need to commune with nature, and I need to get my blood flowing. Exercise reduces the need for adrenaline in people who are, what a guru once told me, adrenaline junkies. Type A personalities. So exercise brings a chemical balance in addition to being healthy and peaceful.

                          Anyway - Jane asked a question I have been wondering, El. How much of the thumb did Mozart get? I can't imagine how painful that must be. You have been through quite a lot lately - I am glad you're weathering it sober, and looking to us for support. Drinking wouldn't make any of those things not happen, though, it would just make dealing with them worse.

                          Night, Gloamers. I hope you all have better days tomorrow.


                          And, NS, I'm glad to be here, too!


                            I'm checking in. Sorry but I haven't read back much. I've been reading the 3ps thread. And watching videos. There's a lot of great material there.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              Quick check in for me...hi Lil! We have been watching Silcon Valley...definitley worth some chuckles. Wishing everyone a good night xxx
                              AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                                I will add some other things to Pav's list in helping to stay sane when stressed out or down (or even depressed).

                                (1) Talking. I find it often helpful to talk about my feelings (I know with depression thats not always possible). I don't mean to a counsellor but to a close friend or family, if they are there. Sometimes the other person is not themselves in a space to talk things through. But its what I could do tonight. I was feeling weepy, tired (and I have good reasons for this), but also a bit hard--done-by and a bit sorry for myself. Worrying about things too. Mr GB and my daughter came and sat down and listened and we talked - and were able to share a few mutual concerns. We even had some laughs. Its not like we solved things but I think its the realization - that we are not alone - and that we will get though things. So I am really very grateful to have that love and support in my life.

                                (2) Service. The other thing that helps me sometimes with bad times - is reaching out to help someone else through n active means that involves some effort on your own part. This might be in a small way, or part of my job. But Its good to feel that you can make a tiny wee difference. I guess its what gets called 'service'.

                                (3) Fun. I won't go into detail because some of you might have dirty minds! But there are all kinds of silly things we can do to laugh and be spontaneous.

                                Like Pav, I also like to get outdoors and I am fortunate to live in a great area for this. I love going for a walk, even better if there is a bit of exploring as well.

                                Thats dreadful about your thumb Eloise. This must be such a trying time for you.

                                Have a good day or evening - everyone.

