I'll be flying back north tomorrow evening. Won't get home until about 11 p.m. So at least I'll see Mr. jvo and pup before midnight. Son will be going downtown ice skating and dinner with friends.
I posted this in Gratitude thread and wanted to share here:
This is my final night with Mom and Dad. I know I"ll be back in a few weeks (this upcoming trip was planned months ago before things began progressing faster with Mom) but it was nice being able to help whenever either parent needed me. Not drinking leads to the ability to be completely reliable and responsible. And believe me. Mom and Dad have seen me at my worst, so I'm sure they're grateful that they had the sober me this week. And they'll have it again in the near future.
Being reliable is a really good feeling. But I did break down a bit and cried as I'd been holding it in all week. Not a lot of crying, but just to tell them I feel angry at this disease mom has to endure for the rest of her life, and it only gets worse. I'm sad. My emotions are kind of all over the place right now. I'm glad I talked about this, because we all feel it. Mom and Dad talked about what they were feeling. It was good for us to do that. I told them it felt a little hard at times, as I'm facing all of these emotions without numbing myself with alcohol, and they're glad I'm not using alcohol to do that. I talked about MWO being a huge help. So thank you for being here for me.:love: