It was a long week, but productive and I'm happy for that. Also happy for a big game tonight. The season is going fast, too fast. Will be working the concession stand prior to our varsity game. I thought I'd hate this job, but I really love it. Making people happy by serving them treats is fun!
Mom's breathing got evaluated yesterday. She's down to 60% breathing capacity, and although I know her baseline was much higher, don't know exactly what it was. That info. Is in Philadelphia. She'll be getting a machine to help with clearing out the mucus build up that is normal in these patients, but also to help with breathing. This is the same treatment they give to people with cystic fibrosis. I hope that helps with her quality of life. I read that it will in addition to helping her to sleep better.
Lots to do this weekend including filling out more scholarships for college, working on the state and federal aid stuff, school work. Second grading period is over next week. OMG. But I'll be doing this all 'unhung.' That makes a huge difference in my life. Have a good Friday all.