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I don't blame you for being angry little B! I'd be seeing red. I lived with my ex for a year during collage because we were starving students. It just felt like limbo and it was until we could graduate and go our separate ways. Ug, not a good place to be. But.. Like you said you just have to go strait through it. You will get to the other side.. Even though it doesn't seam like it. The crack addiction is such a negative influence on your life . Once your free from having to deal with that it will be so liberating. Can you cut your losses and just get a different living situation?AF January 7, 2018
LB, hope you're doing ok. I know that's a silly statement, but I just wanna know that you're not drinking. Have you been able to talk to your daughter about what's going on? Text me anytime.
Today in my class, one of my students stood up to another student and said "shut the fuck up" seven times. I counted as I like my documentation to be accurate! I stayed very calm, then told him to leave. It was a strange situation. Very. Then he kept saying "Damn, Damn" to her. I put that all in my report, too. I'll see what consequence he gets, if any, which is always frustrating.
TT, my mom never learned how to ride a bike. She was intimidated by them, and when they moved to Florida for the winters, she was going to get one of those tricycles that ride low, but never did. What awesome news about your daughter's scholarship!!!! We're working on essays and scholarships. There are so many available and I hear from others that a lot of people don't take advantage of them. They're lots of work, but if we get free money, then it's all worth it. Good luck to your daughter with her upcoming classes.
Have a good night.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Permission to swear a lot for you LB.
Smugness can't last forever - its a state of mind and an expression that eventually breaks. Its a horrible state of being. Not on my emotional scale if I can help it.
If you have to have him living with you for the time being try to think of it as a survival tactic for you and as a means to an end. Think like Machiavelli would.
I would be indifferent not nice - but thats all very well for me to say. And I would cook the food I want to eat - if I could be bothered cooking at all.
Take special care of yourself.
Hi all, long time no see! Today it's day 843!!! 2,3 years! Unbelievable. My hubby is doing same - still AF. I am still doing my hot yoga almost every day, my studio is using me in radio commercials and coupon in a weekly city little paperI am glad to help them as much I can to help other people with addictions to use yoga and meditation as a therapy.
LB - my heart is going out to you - I sent you a private message - please respond! I am here for you.AF since 10/20/2013
Smoke free since 09/24/2007
Meat free since 09/20/2008
With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles
I'm here My Luck.
TT that smugness is breking down. Last night we had a bit of a talk. I'm leaving or getting on the treadmill when the emotion gets too much for me. I am not going to say or do anything I'll regret later I've decided. And by tge way, he has not actually met tge other woman in person yet. Or else we would not even be having THIS discussion. We'd be talking about how to get over him once and for all! Right now they are pen pals. Met on stupid FACEBOOK! LOL LOLNo matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Thinking of you little B. You definitely don't need any of that drama!
Waking up here, last night I remembered a few times how I would have spent an evening when hubs was on a business trip. Glad to not be doing that anymore. I'm of course glad I'm not hungover.. But I am getting use to that now... And mornings are feeling hard again on the tired front! I crashed at 10 pm last night which is early for me, so hopefully I can wake up soon. This heat is suffocating.AF January 7, 2018
Good to hear from you MyLuck! And what a success story!
LB, continuing to think about you.
I'm sooooo tired. Not in the mood to type, just wanted to say goodnight.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Lil, From a logistics perspective I'm wondering where this new FB thing fits in with his binge schedule. My memory isn't the greatest but I think I recall that his pattern is to go on a 7 day bender every 4 -5 weeks. Has he hold the girl about his habit and has he yet tried to engage in his binging while keeping up FB communication with her?
My biggest worry with regard to you living together is that he seems very comfortable being wrapped up in himself with no real regard for how his actions will impact you. Maybe that's a stereotypical addict posture (desperate to keep the craziness going at any cost and by any means including generous amounts of self delusion. )I'm only guessing, but from his perspective I imagine he sees you as functional, independent, strong, capable, determined to land on your feet (and with a long, proven record of doing just that).
When you boil that down in an addicts head, he doesn't need to worry about you, AND you're a resource for shelter, food and love with no strings attached/ aka unconditional love. In you he has a personal vending machine with everything he needs at arms length. I'm worried about the ways he might fuck you over if his needs exceed his means. (Is anything is sacred/ out of the question?) If there isn't there's plenty of room for him to hurt you even more.
What's it going to take for you to say, I'm done? From your post it sounds like your giving him some wiggle room in the dog house for the fact that he hasn't actually met the girl. We've all seen these FB things go down before- if not her, it will be someone else. There's plenty of places to look for online connection near and far- and he's looking because his life has a void he is trying to fill. Who hasn't done that? Its one of the easiest ways there is to escape from reality- have an affair.
I know you love him and he is loveable- I know you feel a connection with him and have a long history. Understand, nothing here is black and white, and this doesn't have to be like ripping duct tape off a wound. You have lots of options including living together as roommates until other arrangements are feasible. Maybe he dates, you date. I don't know- I'm just giving examples. Those sound like they could be really uncomfortable situations and while I'm personally petrified of change (drastic change especially), the situation seems so similar to quitting drinking where in the end, the plan that guarantees the greatest chance for success IS making the drastic change- no drinking period.
Gonna try calling you shortly. Love to all my Gloamers. xoxoAF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*
Jane you will be proud of me. I have left. At least for the weekend. And told him I can no longer trust him. I have my 4 dependants so will have to go back some so I do not wear out my welcome here. But the days of him using me are over. I told him he is now untrustworthy and damaged goods. Sure it will hurt. I am taking it 15 minutes at a time.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.