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SF I have had much the same issue here lately. No real enjoyment from the things I use to really enjoy. Just forcing myself to do things to keep busy.
Life just isn't enjoyable right now. I'm sorry. Don'tEan to be a downer. But I'm truly struggling. Wish I could just numb this pain. I'm just using an old thing I learned on here. Fake it until you make it. Hope that works out.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Hi Gloamers,
Jane, I really hope you get the meds sorted soon; I know how very, very hard the interim period can be. :hug:
Soft Focus and Little Beagle: Yes, that's where I'm at at the moment, too. Feel like I've really lost my mojo. There are external 'life circumstances' feeding into it, but also just a sense that I can't find any joi de vivre (is that how you spell it?!) It manifests as a heavy, flat, nothingness, and I can't shake it. I didn't want to post this, but I've had drinking thoughts accompanying it.
However I know that drinking would only make things worse, no doubt about that. So am going to have to set some small, achievable goals, so i can feel like i have some control over my life. Another tactic is to focus on others; compiling a list of nice things i can do for people in my life.
That's about if from me for now, time to loll about on the couch feeling sorry for myself again!osteroops:
Take care everyone,
SteadyAF free since April 29, 2013
Originally posted by STEADFAST View Post, but I've had drinking thoughts accompanying it.
So am going to have to set some small, achievable goals, so i can feel like i have some control over my life.
Take care of yourself Steady. You rock and you are worth it buddy!
Big waves to all!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Man, I'm sorry to hear so many Gloamers aren't feeling well lately but so glad that we all finally understand that drinking won't help anything and will just re-open that Pandora's box of worse problems. Alcohol was probably the main issue for most of us but like Kuya said, getting that out of our lives is just a start. (I'm glad you're feeling so much better, Kuya).
Like Mr G, I'm in no position to give advice, only to tell you what I try to do when I'm in that dull, apathetic state - I start learning about something new that really interests me and usually that relates to whatever I'm experiencing. I love all the resources the internet offers on just about any topic. Podcasts make it possible to be a passive learner when reading a book or article feels too overwhelming.
Right now, I'm learning more about intermittent fasting and am amazed at the positive effects it can have and the underlying mechanisms. Recently I came across a new way of looking at depression: Depression Is A Symptom, Not The Disease - The Best Brain Possible. It may or may not relate to what some of you are experiencing but for me, reading about possible solutions to whatever negative thing I'm experiencing gives me hope and ideas for self-experiments I can try. To be learning and where possible taking some actions gives me a sense of control and that alone makes me feel somewhat better. Anyway, I'm thinking of all of you and hope you find some peace and contentment soon. xx, NS
I like this little video about (self) forgiveness and letting go of the past: YouTubeLast edited by NoSugar; April 27, 2016, 12:36 PM.
Originally posted by kuyaMy point being that life is full of ups and downs and would be boring any other way!
Hey everyone, I hope y'all start feeling better. Nice to read your posts. I have been super busy and now am going on my cruise tomorrow. I will come back in a few weeks. It will be my first sober cruise...actually my first cruise, so that is pretty cool.
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Morning all. Well last night I watched the new doco with Louis Theroux on Drinking to Oblivion. Its similar to Rain in my Heart.
very moving and depicts very serious AL addiction. Am in 2 minds - these are extreme cases and many viewers may just think, that it couldn't happen to me. Whats kind of telling is that Theroux also mentions his own drinking - suggests that sometimes its up to 2 bottle of wine in an afternoon (he may have meant in a social group). Whatever. It also shows the frustration of those who deal with AL addicts in crisis - in this case in South London. Where I live, we certainly don't have liver specialists like the ones in this doco - and it can be very hard to get the kind of regular medical treatment for end-stage liver disease. I recommend the doco if you think it would interest you and be relevant. The importance of social support also struck me as significant to recovery for these very ill people.
Hope those who have been sick in one way or another are feeling a little better.
I am off overseas again in less than 2 weeks and have a pile of work to do beforehand. But I must get some exercise this weekend so I hope i can do one of my longish walks.
You all be good and safe.
Great posts today. How is it Australia gets G-man and we don't! He is a rare man who reaches out and understands women. I haven't met a guy with his understanding, and for that I am grateful. I'm going through a rough patch right now and G's posts remind me it won't be forever and to appreciate a good day.Enlightened by MWO
Yo Gloamers near and not so far,
You are too kind SK. But i must point out an error in your post and a small confession. Um, no i don't understand women! lol. Wishing you a happy peaceful weekend. Hope you are spending some of it doing something you enjoy.
Safe travels Narilly! Sheesh, if you can survive a cruise, and i'm sure you will, you will be one tough cookie! It sounds like a real blast. Regard's to Jasmine and Sophie in the Mermaid bar.
Will check out that doco TT. Thanks.
All good here. Have a beaut weekend y'all.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
TT - I feel the same. Sometimes it is SO extreme that you think - well, that's not me. What got me about one of the docos I watched was the mother choosing to drink knowing she was going to lose her kids. That makes me truly understand that at that point, alcohol is in control, not the woman. I can't imagine a mother giving up her kids on purpose.
Yes, I am sorry everyone is feeling so bad. I would say that in addition to what NS says, I would say that if you look at the stages of relapse, feeling bad and romanticizing drinking is one of the stages. At that point, I try to take direct action to try to head off the thoughts and feelings. Post here more, exercise, talk to a professional, reach out to a sober buddy/sponsor - whatever you need. Those feelings are going to come. It is how we deal with them that will lead to long term success.
Off to get some stuff done. Not sure if you're going to check in, Nar, but have a fabulous time.
Hey nice to see you Sam. Don't be a stranger. Are you looking for pointers on the male-female insights from that Aussie bloke?I am telling you, these Australian and Kiwi men are full of charms - you should have seen what my partner Mr GB was going to wear to the supermarket yesterday! He had his weekend clothes on - old paint spotted, grass strained trousers that he wears high above the waist with a ripped tee-shirt tucked - with the :eek-new:tee-shirt tucked in!!! And he is very rotund. Its so appealing, a visual feast - but fortunately the daughter forbad him to leave the house in such attire. The good news is that he now does more supermarket shopping and he actually reads my lists.
Hi there Pav - hope you are doing well this weekend. And to all others. Time for me to get some breakfast.