SFx, I think people who don't have a problem themselves just don't notice much about who does or doesn't drink and probably don't even think about it being an issue. People who have a problem want to be sure they have access to alcohol and can't imagine that everyone else doesn't feel that way, too. So it's EVERYWHERE! Good job getting rid of it.
Sounds like your full life is rewarding, Pav. It's good to have a meaningful reason to get up every day. And you'll really enjoy your summer holiday this year, I bet! I don't have that drinking issue w/ my family but I do with my friends. It's probably the only thing I would say is the downside of quitting. And it's a price I'm more than willing to pay!
How was the cruise, Nar? And how are things going with you, LB? I hope you've found some peace. xx, NS