When someone who was a fairly active poster that I had had some meaningful interaction with disappears, I usually send them a PM. I figure the risk I'm taking in being viewed as a pushy and annoying pain in the butt is worth it if a note of encouragement might be enough to help a person who is struggling try again. Sometimes there is no response and sometimes the person is fine but needs a break from MWO. When that is the case, it is nice to know about it and not worry. There are a couple of friends who aren't posting and told me they are fine but I'm concerned that might not be true. This is when it is hard for me to decide whether to be relentless or step back

I'm sorry you're kind of down lately. It is tough to learn to actually live with those feelings when you can no longer just shut them down in an alcohol-haze. You and a couple others mentioned missing that feeling of oblivion. I do, too. It was such a relief. Although not as powerful, I can feel relaxed in a similar way in a sauna or while getting a massage. I think many people get a similar feeling (without the horrendous consequences) from meditation. I am going to try to put more focus on that in the upcoming months.
I have another day of activities but today AL isn't even invited so I don't have to show him how little I care.
Have a great MAE, Loamers, and please post, you quiet ones, so we know how you're doing

:h NS