Dottie your doggies are cuties.
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Those are sweet pups, DB.
Congratulations on 90 days, Giraffe! Just keep doing what you're doing -it's working!
Miley, AL didn't make anything better and it made me forget many good things - books, movies, dinners, conversations... It stole a chunk of my life that I can't get back. I'm not giving up any more of my life to that or anything else.
I'm so glad you're coming out of your shell, Ava - you're going to feel so much better when you start expressing yourself :H:H:H. Speaking of speaking up, it was great to see you over in the Nest, Narilly. Stories of people at all stages of success are so important over there.
I hope you are safely home, j-vo. The extreme cold is returning here tonight so I'm afraid you won't be getting a warm welcome tomorrow... You were so strong on your trip! I'm so glad you enjoyed it more than past ones with AL.
To quote multiple people, you tap that little quote button in the lower right of the screen each time you see a post you want to respond to. Then, when you finally hit Reply, all of them will be waiting for you in the response field. You can edit the quotes so that only the part you want is there and then type below or above it. The important thing is not to delete any of the coding; e.g. the [,],, etc.
Pat, I stole your quote about taking time to create the life we want - that is a great thought. Thanks for sharing it!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Dot your puppies are so cute and look like they totally rule the roost. I so love dogs and i think they love the new sober me as they get so much more attention. It doesnt matter about the size, you did it!
NS if you could have heard me an hour ago yelling at my boys! FFS i told them i was having a nap and closed my door and then it sounded like they invited half of Australia over. Gees didnt they get a blast about being inconsiderate, having no respect, that i soon would be the mother of two daughters only. Then i realised i have forgotten to take my ad's since Friday, no wonder i want to freaking kill them and its hot and my steam mop wont steam and i am cranky today. Sorry for the rant. I need sleep sigh.
Thanks for showing how to quote but i am thinking it will make my posts even longer and at the end of the day we really dont want that.
I'm going to find my pills:nutso::nutso::nutso:AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Dottie, love the puppies! They obviously rule the house
Ava, don't kill your boys! I get woken up all the time by teens, I love them but they can drive me nuts!
Things are great here right now. In bed on time and my dog is curled up beside me, until hubby comes upstairs anyway.
Nice to be sober, this is the life I want (Pat, NS) and HAVE!
Besides the fact that it's going to -18C tomorrow, life is great!
Goodnight sweet ladies! Talk to you tomorrow.Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Miley;1618705 wrote:
One question I was asking myself before I came back to MWO when I would have a drink was "did AL really make this experience better"? I can tell you that 100% of the time, the answer was no. It didn't make spending an evening watching TV better, it didn't make dinner better, it didn't make spending time with my daughter better, it didn't make cooking better, etc....
Sorry to be long-winded but just wanted to get that off my chest and wanted to put out there the struggles I could be experiencing this week. I will be taking Ipad to work so I can be close to MWO.....
Miley - You're not long winded. Working things out here is what we're all about. One of the wise people here, I think NoSugar, recommended that if I want a drink to play out the scenario to the end. One leads to two leads to... then waking at 3 with anxiety and regret, hangover, etc. etc. I couldn't think of one instance when one drink would be worth it. As June3 wrote in her thread yesterday, if only one, why not none?
scottish lass;1618681 wrote:
I know when i first started I thought stopping drinking was my key to eternal happiness and was so saddened when it wasn't- as so many have said, we have ability to numb our feelings and stopping that makes feelings there to deal with, and isn't that interesting!
Nar - You sound so great right now. So happily sober. Congratulations.
Giraffe - Way to go! 90 is such a great accomplishment. Thanks for checking in and letting us know you're ok.
Dottie - LOVE the picture. I am a dog lover but am away at work too much to get a dog just now. Some day... I wish we could have one for the boys to grow up with, but they'll have to wait, too. SO cute (and yes, they obviously run the house...)
J-Vo and everyone - thanks for your concern for my son. He's seeing another surgeon tomorrow and will have the surgery this week most likely. We are hopeful to get it over with as soon as possible so he can start healing.
NS - Thanks for the tip with multi quoting - I think I figured it out - we'll see when I hit send.
I am going to send this one and go back and read more. Ava - hold on to your seat, there's more coming...
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Nar - your posts these days really do cheer me up. You sound so great, and I am always in awe of humans that can live in those conditions! I do think it is too bad we didn't all meet in person - I have a feeling I would love to hang out with you at that hip cafe WITHOUT alcohol.
Miley ? As you know, a long and stressful day is NO reason to drink. It will just make it worse. Relieve your stress another way ? exercise is my favorite. I also just downloaded the meditation app that Softy recommended ? Calm. I forked over $10 for the year, and have already done two sessions. I did it today when I was feeling pretty down, and darn if it didn?t help me relax and feel better. Not a miracle cure, but much better than booze!
Love it when you pop by, Dream. Especially when you bring dancing elephants. Happy Sonday to you!
Byrdie, you too. How does that PP of yours stay so involved?!
Ava ? Do you get in the bath WITH the dogs?? You do seem to clean a lot. Reading about it always inspires me to WANT to clean, but I usually just look around and say ?good enough.? A steam mop sounds pretty cool, though. Hope you have/had a lovely day off. Who?s in your new pic with you?? I had a tizzy at my son and his friends this morning (he had three friends spend the night). I think to myself ? WHO raised these savages ? and then I remember. I did.
NS ? I am trying the other ways for relaxation ? I?m going to schedule a massage for next weekend, I got a short hike in today, and I?ve meditated two days in a row. The exercise gives me that same calm, as does a big, giant hug from my husband which he freely gives ? I just have to remember to ask when I?m not irritated by something he?s done! I have to remember my gratitude with him, too. Nobody?s perfect, and after all, he puts up with me?
J-Vo ? Your vacation sounds divine. I hope you had safe travels home tonight and are tucked safely in bed. Thanks for your support and well wishes. I did hid a lot of these feelings with alcohol. Even if it wasn?t a drunk night, I could always wash away the worry with a drink before bed? Too bad the worry was there, just multiplied the next morning.
I am feeling a bit better tonight. Still have allergies and feel foggy as a result. There?s about a 30% chance of rain on Thursday and it is front-page news around here. No need to dance naked, but perhaps a positive thought or two?
OK, Ava. There?s your something to read with your cuppa. Sleep tight, loamers. Thanks for being there for me when I am feeling low. It really helped to read your stories ? of your sobriety, but also just of your lives. It is great to get to know you all.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Dottie, love your dogs! That's such a cute picture. I'm about ready to hit the hay. Dh and I were going nonstop from the time we got up. No thought of drinking, and it will be 90 days for me on the 31st, thanks in large part to being here. Giraffe, again, congrats! xoEvery AF day is a milestone.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
X post, Humble, my fellow west coaster. I always seem to miss replying to you because your posts are so far away by the time I post.
I'm excited to help you celebrate your 90 days - my 60th is on the 30th, and Ava's is on the 29th, so we'll have a lot to celebrate next week. Hope you're doing well!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Loamers hello from the furnace called Australia. Shoot me now and put me out of my misery! 41 tomorrow FFS mid 20's last week now back to 40's. Throw me some snow please.
Nar go and clean that spare room i will be over in 24 hours, i will clean for you as board no problems there. I love my boys too but when i say i am going for a nap it does not mean turn the volume up 1000 decibels to piss me off. I may love them tomorrow but maybe not. -17 heaven, enjoy that for me please.
Pav so glad you are back to posting and some days it really is hard isnt it, this life business i mean. Today has been like that for me, i just want a rock to climb under and just hide. I have all the triggers for drinking too; i'm tired, i'm cranky, i'm hungry and i'm feeling lonely and i feel like telling everyone to F off. Thankfully i have no al, i dont want al and tomorrow is another day. I do sometimes bath with my dogs depending on the weather but the shitzu hates baths so is forever trying to jump out at me, the other is too fat to turn around in the sink bless her. The boy in the pic is my 22 yr old daughters boyfriend, he is a cutely, not sure about the old chick next to him. I will get naked for you if it helps with the rain, we need some desperately also so surely seeing me naked it will pour down for us all.
Gees Giraffe i hope i did not forget to congratulate you on your 90 days and if so i am so sorry. Such a great amount of time and stand tall as giraffes do!.
Humble another 90 dayer coming up, i am thinking with such positive, beautiful people on loamers how can we ever fail, oh and the fact that we would rip anyone to shreds who contemplated that drink without posting here first and using the tools. We all know the drill.
I cant seem to stop yelling today, my daughter even said "mum you are normally so chilled". oh well we cant all be perfect all of the time, all i know is that i am happy i am not drinking and like lovely Pav i will feel better soon.
xxxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi all
Great on 90 days Giraffe!
Hope tomorrow is a better day Ava, I'm sure it will be.. those days are a pain though and one sure thing is they will always come and go... and booze makes those feelings stay longer!! Glad we are all off it.
Take Care all
Pat x
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Back from Florida. It's going to get bitter cold here tomorrow. OMG. I'm nervous about that,
Ava, he's such a cutie! I love the pic of you two. And stop being such a bitch! Just kidding. Love you. But we cannot be happy and calm all the time. Let the steam off any way you can. Use your boys as punching bags (kidding about that too).
Pav, glad you're feeling better!
Dottie, your doggies are beautiful!!! The love we get from them is so incredible.
Humble, I'm ready to party Al free on your 90th day! Let's go girl!
Miley, you want to talk long-winded...Ava and Pav have that issue (hehe!) We love their long-winded posts. And you're right. AL makes NOTHING better!
NS, SL, Giraffe, Star, Patrice, DTD, Nar and ALL, have a great day.Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hey all, hope tou have room for another one.......after too long a spell of just giving up and drinking, I am so fed up with it all....
Took a wee peep on MWO a couple of days ago and found 2 PMs which really helped me make the decision to go for it and come back here. I forgot how good it was to feel understood and supported. Been a rough year and a half but I feel 2014 is going to be a good one!
Have been drinking 2 bottles of wine most nights for about 8 months now. At least before this I had AF spells. This is my worst since first coming here in 2010!
Afraid to even say day 1 in case I don't get there.....IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi all
Hectic day at work - time to go home now.
DreamTD: thank you for the six ellies; I really enjoyed those!
Byrdlady - I wear that crown today with deep gratitude - thank you.
J-Vo - I will get to that speech; there are so many things I want to say. Speeches are not really my thing, but I promise to make an effort soon.
Thank you also to the messages of congrats from
Scottish Lass
Available (twice - I really liked that a lot)
To Daisy45 - you hang in there girl. You are at the right place, and from your post at the right time. I used to do exactly the same - 2 bottles of wine a day. It does catch up with a person, and when it did for me, MWO and all the wonderful LOAMERS and NESTERS were there in a way I never thought possible.
Keep on reading, even if you don't post. Thinking of you!!!
Hope you all have a grand Wednesday.
PS: Dottiebelle - those dogs are too cute!AF since 28 October 2013
600 days on 20 June 2015
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Miley - You're not long winded. Working things out here is what we're all about. One of the wise people here, I think NoSugar, recommended that if I want a drink to play out the scenario to the end. One leads to two leads to... then waking at 3 with anxiety and regret, hangover, etc. etc. I couldn't think of one instance when one drink would be worth it. As June3 wrote in her thread yesterday, if only one, why not none?
Pavati.....Thank you. This is a good way of thinking about it. I love this group!Miley
"The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens..don't give up"
[COLOR=Magenta]Joyfully AF Since 1/22/14