SL - good for you; you are staying strong. No time for a long post but giving you my support and good thoughts as well. :h. Personally, I vote for FWad. :H:H
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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
SL - good for you; you are staying strong. No time for a long post but giving you my support and good thoughts as well. :h. Personally, I vote for FWad. :H:HMary Lou
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
What a wonderful, supportive group of ladies.
Glad to see so many days adding up.
Yes we did enjoy the snow NS but oh I am glad to get back to normal today. Up to 75 on Saturday again.
I am tired from trying to cram a weeks work into two days so off to bed for me.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hey SLass; take that twat, soap his arse and let him slide on........he's doing himself no favours, even in his children's eyes.....pity....
But; you, on the other hand, are their constant, their reliable and their love - you have already given them what you need to - now, give yourself the big pat on the back that you deserve!
As for those other things; trust in God, for this too shall pass......thinking of you....IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MaryLou, SL, FWad it is.
Definition: FWad: an older man dating a younger woman, this woman is usually 1/2 his age and young enough to be his daughter. In many instances FWad will leave his family for this woman. This makes sense because after all, he is an FWad FFS!
J-Vo, I didn't even notice! I thought you said it to meI can read your mind.
Ava, your boss sounds like a dick!
Pav, hope things are going well
NS, love your messages
Well gals, it's bed time for this gal. Have a great night.
Big hugs, extra hug to you SL. Oh, and Pat. One day at a time, like SL said, you can keep count together!Narilly
"Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
"You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"
AF April 12, 2014
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
narilly;1620805 wrote: MaryLou, SL, FWad it is.
Definition: FWad: an older man dating a younger woman, this woman is usually 1/2 his age and young enough to be his daughter. In many instances FWad will leave his family for this woman. This makes sense because after all, he is an FWad FFS!
Perfect, Nar, you crack me up.
SL, I am just now checking in, so sorry to hear about this but so very glad you can come here for strong women to listen to you and support you. You are strong yourself, making a good life for your family, sober! There seems to be more than one of us who has gone through something with the old FWad, from what I've been reading tonight, and these women have great stories, advice, wisdom, as usual. Myself, I haven't had an FWad around recently, thank God.
My eyes are closing, ladies, and it's not even 10. Everyone seems to be sober around here, yay, me too. Off to bed. :l:hEvery AF day is a milestone.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
MAE, Ladies:
SL - So sorry about what you're going through, and I am glad you came here to let it out. We are here to celebrate the good and the bad - so type away. And then you'll get great definitions of the FWad he is. The NERVE. Maybe you can hope that she'll want to marry him and he'll pay for a divorce? My sister just got a book called getting a divorce at home or something like that - she has no money either but did it herself at home. They really didn't have any money or things to split up, so it worked out. Good luck to you. Your daughters will realize that they have a mom who is normal and a FWad for a dad, but they will learn to deal with him on their own terms. I agree with Ava, though. Don't let his dickishness cause YOU to drink. Your girls need a sober mom more than ever...
I think of that movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High (oh, did I just reveal too much about my teen years?) when Phoebe Cates tells Stacy that Damon is a "Little Prick." They even spray paint it on his car. So - "Star - he's a little prick."
Narilly - I am with you, sister. Here's to another 50 (I'm a much younger woman - will turn 48 in July). You crack me up.
Ok - here's what I posted in the Nest about my night:
I did have dinner with some very good friends tonight – I haven’t seen them since I quit. I always call them my truth serum friends because for whatever reason I spill my guts when I’m with them. Tonight was no exception – they heard the whole story of the painful year I just went through, the Thanksgiving Massacre, and finding my way out by finding you wonderful people. We laughed and we cried. It felt SO wonderful to get it out in person - face to face with great friends who understand. Like a weight off my shoulders. It was fortuitous that it came on Day 60 – a rather large milestone in my book.
Night, Ladies. All I can say is what Nar already said - thank you, thank you, thank you. I think it is so telling that in my three drinking dreams I am most afraid of coming here to report to you all that I've been drinking. That helps keep me focused and strong. Thank you! I'm sure Humble will be around to tuck you all in.
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hi Loamers, well you are all snug in bed and i am just reflecting on my day. Yet again i am over working with idiots but not much i can do about that unless i leave and i have been there 6 years and i want long service leave so i can get out of the place for three months and enjoy not being there.
Pauly thanks for your congrats, its nice when you pop in.
Nice to see Jvo that you are always thinking of me but i am keeping these 60 days thanks. Apparently tonight Ian Thorpe had a shoulder operation and he was not put into rehab. Yep right, i am sure a few of us have had shoulder operations!
Nar yes i will not disagree with you about my boss and he is my age. Drive me nuts but what can you do. I love my job otherwise.
Pav what a lovely dinner for you and to be able to share your journey with your friends is just lovely and i am sure makes you more determined to keep on this journey.
Humble glad your cat woke you so you could say goodnight. Yes you are right it is my dinner time and i am enjoying that it is friday night and i dont have to go to work tomorrow.
Well i have mixed emotions tonight, had a funny day really. My mother tried to ring me at work and i was at lunch so she messaged and i told her i would ring her afterwards. My first thought was her best friend had died as she is really unwell so i rang and asked her what was the matter. Her first words were "i am not coming for your birthday", was like "really!. Why should you, i mean its only my 50th". then she proceeds to tell me Thai Airlines have a flight special and would i like to go to thailand for two weeks and she would pay for my birthday. Well that blew me away, the last time she was here she was never coming again, i only used her for her money and etc etc etc. My second thought was "oh i can have a drink, only a few, moderate, its cheap, im on holidays". Havent even got there yet! FFS brain what and how does it get from holidays to drinking in .2 of a second. I want to go, i love my mum and maybe it will be time to have that chat that i have not really had with her. She is now pretty excited and i suppose in her own way its an olive branch to say she is sorry as she would never say sorry herself. So i am going to thailand in april for my 50th, woo hoo and i wont be damn drinking. Nar when do you turn 50?
so thats my story for today, there is more but i will save it for later though NS does prefer me to the news which is great.
love you guys xxxx
hello to all that i did not comment on, i'm still feeling a bit blah. xxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Ava, lovely treat for your birthday - and, as you said, have that talk (no, don't think you'd have to do the birds and the bees talk as well:H:H:H:H). And you can now look forward to a whole week-end without the boss man as well - life is good, isn't it!14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Dream i think i know about that one now after 4 children or maybe i dont! I love Thailand and now i can start saving that money that i used to spend on al. i have not told my mum i am not drinking yet as i didnt want negatives and she has a few wines everynight to relax. i am sure they will have some lovely cocktails that are non al. god i am planning my non drinking already but that is not a bad thing right? God that wanker, i do not have a thought about him as of 4.30pm on Friday! Life is great.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Planning not drinking is probably the best thing you can do (except planning what shoes to pack, of course). Think there's a thread here for mocktails - maybe have a look at that, unless you plan to stick to your LLB. And sorry for reminding you about the wanker:upset: :H
Been on and off the boards like a flea on a dog todday - better go and do something productive - anything productive - before the day is over.14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!
Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site
Hey Humble.
Ava planning is what has helped get me where I am. Glad you ARE thinking ahead. You lucky thing. Thailand sounds wonderful.
Morning Jane. I like the hard work thing.No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.