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Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

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    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

    Here is a follow-up on a guy from the show Intervention Canada. While I have never had an intervention, he pretty much sums up how I felt about trying to moderate. I am happy for those who can do it and support them in their efforts, but moderation is not for me.[/video]]Follow-up with BARRY on INTERVENTION CANADA - YouTube
    Every AF day is a milestone.


      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

      HumbleRider;1600314 wrote: Here is a follow-up on a guy from the show Intervention Canada. While I have never had an intervention, he pretty much sums up how I felt about trying to moderate. I am happy for those who can do it and support them in their efforts, but moderation is not for me.[/video]]Follow-up with BARRY on INTERVENTION CANADA - YouTube
      Thanks for the link!

      You know, I'm not very good at being moderate in anything so why I thought I could pull it off with an addictive substance is beyond me .


        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

        Hi Cougars and Gman!

        NS - You make an excellent point. I have 26 pairs of boots. If I go overboard with boots, why do I think I can limit myself with alcohol??? And yes, I may need a boot-intervention soon! LOL

        I actually had a very realistic/scary dream last night that I drank again. I mean I could literally taste the beer and feel the pounding head. It was exactly what I needed to re-confirm my committment. Maybe it was all our talk yesterday about moderating? Whatever, I'm grateful for the reminder.

        I taught my daughter how to crochet, but she has passed me up. She can make these super-cute beret hats, meanwhile I am still stuck doing straight lines. I just remembered that I bought a couple of little needlepoint projects while I was laying on the couch for 9 weeks with a broken foot. I started one but never finished. Guess I could dig those out one of these days.

        Everyone stay strong, we are all doing great :l Keep it up, it just gets better and better!

        p.s. Tonight I am going for the Hallie Berry haircut...I'll try to post pictures tomorrow, even if it turns out crappy. LOL
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

          Hi ladies and gent,
          I am feeling better today..sleep was not so great but overall I feel better...maybe the meds are working. One day may not be enough to tell but I am hopeful..
          I cant moderate anything either..I have more shoes than any one woman could use and that goes for cookbooks too....I see a pattern here...

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

            My grandma taught me to do the crochet chain-stitch when I was a kid and gave me a skein of yarn to practice. Well... I chain stitched THE WHOLE THING and then asked her what to do next ...


              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

              Okay, if this hilarious take on us drunkards doesn't firm your resolve to stay sober, I don't know what will.

    [/video]]Hilarious Bill Cosby - About drunk people - YouTube
              Every AF day is a milestone.


                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                OMG! You ladies crack me up!!!!! NS, I did a big belly laugh after reading about your crochet chain stitch experience.

                Shoes, you wanna talk about shoes and boots! I could open up my own shoe store...My weakness...

                I used to cross stitch back in the day before I loved AL more than anything else. Maybe I'll get back to that and make some pretty things! They're always nice for gifts.

                Pauly, I have heard about the 90 day thing. But I'm willing to wait a lifetime now. It'll get here. If you're not taking your calcium supps, be sure to eat cheese, yogart, drink milk. Glad you're not gonna try that mod route!

                Humble, I read in the Newbie's Nest that you said something was "different" this time. I feel it too, girlie! Even though this depression is getting me down, I did think that if I did drink, it would make things much worse. I don't want that. I feel stronger than ever mentally in that respect. Now if my depression would back the hell off, which it will, then watch out world! And you made me belly laugh too when you said about your husband being God's mouthpiece on earth. Oh! Husbands!

                G-man, thank you for your concern!! Not too good in the exercise dept. right now. I know it makes me feel so much better, and once I get to exercising, I love it. That, I will tackle after the new year along with healthier eating habits. I've also started on the patch a few weeks ago, so working on two demons at once. Exercise would be the best thing for me at this time, but I'm too busy posting, reading, and loving just relaxing a bit, sober.

                Nar, our brains can easily fool us, sweetie. Don't let that happen. Alcohol is the fool this time.

                Pav, thanks for your concern! I'm feeling better today, not great, but better. I'd love to read your blog when you feel up to sharing. And glad you're sharing what your counselor said. The roller coaster ride in the early days can make me a bit dizzy, but I'll take that over a drunken dizzy. I posted in my journal yesterday about my feelings, and how depressed I was. I really didn't pinpoint it to any one reason because this happens to me from time to time. I just need to let it ride out. But being honest is good and letting someone know how you feel helps immensely. Like you said, as long as we don't use our sadness as an excuse to drink. Glad you had fun putting the tree up with kids and hubby!!!

                Available, good for you pretty lady, on your lunch yesterday!

                Giraffe, congrats on your 51 days. Don't ever give up! We're here and let's cheer each other on.

                Dottie, glad you're feeling better, dear!

                K-9, can't wait to see the new Halle Berry!

                To all you beautiful ladies and gent, have a great day.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                  forgot to mention,

                  I go to get my mail in the office today and what do I find??? A bottle of wine. A teacher friend of mine owns a winery, which, btw, is absolutely beautiful. Well, from time to time, he brings me a bottle in. Regift!!!
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                    Morning here ladies and Mr G. Last day of work for me woo hoo. Going to be a stinker also but cant do much about that one except be in air con all day.

                    thanks Humble for the links,i will look at them after work this afternoon. Now remember politics and religion all cause arguments. I dont follow either so it puts me in a safe place.

                    NS hello, now what did you do with that whole line of crotcheted stitches lol, too funny. I just made a lot of squares, a lot I must say.

                    Dot glad you are feeling better, fingers crossed those pills are going to do the trick for you.

                    K9 where is the pic. I asked my daughter who is a hairdresser to bring her scissors the other day but she didnt, she had a hangover so could not be bothered. She is not a real drinker thank god but i was annoyed. Should not be as i let her down plenty of times during the years.

                    Thanks Jvo, it wasnt that hard not to drink but everyday now i am thinking about "just one glass" or "maybe i can have a drink on xmas day" . At least they are not consistent thoughts wearing me down but they are there. I will not buy al, its not a reward for us alkies, it is a poison that i do not want to ingest. Bring on those 90 days ASAP i say. Thank god you guys are here and understand these thoughts and feelings as it would be so easy to cave in without your support.

                    I am obsessed with dresses, everytime i go to the op shop i always have to have a dress. My hanger in the wardrobe has fallen down due to the weight so maybe i can clean it out when i am off work.

                    Well have a lovely evening everyone. If i have forgotten anyone sorry. Time for a shower and work.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                      Hello Girls!
                      I watched the Canada Intervention clip NS and Humble. It was interesting.

                      Boot collection, oh yeah! I have a lot of boots. I need them in Canada eh!

                      Been reading your posts you crafty girls. A lot of crochet people out there, sort My mom is a great knitter but it is something I have never gotten into.
                      Now I have more time though so you never know what I might learn.

                      Lets get those 90 days girls. A drink on Christmas Day? No way! Why spoil Christmas? We can do it, just get through it, eat lots of turkey and make that gravy lake in your potatoes (love that!)

                      I am going to brine my turkey this year and my in laws will be coming over. Probably 14 of us. I will be drinking tea, grapefruit soda, or whatever. Anything but AL. I know my in laws will be asking me on Christmas Eve especially to have a drink. I will just have to decline and pour something in a wine glass before my mother in law pours one for me.

                      Avail, lucky you don't work after today. I have two more days and I am busier that hell.

                      Hey J-Vo, good on you for regifting that bottle. That is tough. My friend just stayed over for 3 nights and she owns a winery. This time she brought no wine, which was unusual AND I was sick so there was no opportunity for drinking. How good is that? Everything lined up for that visit. Being sick for all the Christmas parties this year worked well in my favour!

                      Talk to you beauties later.

                      I don't drink.

                      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                      AF April 12, 2014


                        Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                        Ava, thinking back to Pav's counseling session: It's good to be honest about our thoughts and feelings about AL. Of course, we think about that! It's not magically going to disappear, but we can use those visualization techniques and take a big bat and whack the crush the bottle/glass to pieces when we think of this. This takes time, one day at a time. That's why we're here for each other. And also what was important to remember that when we have these longing thoughts, don't act on them. Come here and post. Call someone.

                        Nar, glad you're feeling better! And wow, you escaped that three day stay rather nicely! So both our friends own winery's. Jeez! Nobody makes it easy for us...My after work party is tomorrow. Won't be going. Maybe next year when I'm feeling stronger and more confident.
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                          Humble, good one! Love Bill Cosby. Those were his younger days. And, yep, that's what we do because we deserve it! We get obliterated and sick, because we worked hard all week!
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                            Humble, that was good. He sure was young then. I feel really strong about being AF this time. It kinda scares me. I really want this to last a long time. Day by day I guess.

                            J-Vo, it was way easier dealing with my wine friend when I was sick. There was no question I wasn't going to drink. Pretty crazy, both of us have friends who own wineries. Nothing's easy!

                            Goodnight all.

                            I don't drink.

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                              MAE, All:

                              Since J-Vo is always quoting us, I give you something she wrote on her own thread:

                              I've learned some things today. Giving things that you actually need will fulfill those needs. Giving thoughtful responses to people on this site, will make me stronger as a sober person. Giving a hug to someone will make me love them more. Teaching my students makes me learn more about them and myself. Give someone a second chance, and I may get one. Give forgiveness and I may forgive myself. Giving...

                              I actually needed some inspirational words today. I had a long and relatively painful meeting all day today - my fight or flight hormones were activated all day - usually a time when a drink would bring me right as rain (for a bit, anyway). That's the thing with alcohol - it is very good at what it does (numbing), and it acts VERY quickly. But I was ok, and then we had another work party with a white elephant gift exchange. Normally I drink with my co-workers. Not a ton - none of them would know I am an alcoholic. But we meet for drinks to commiserate, support, laugh, etc., so a few of them questioned why I was not drinking. I said I was going for a sober December because I'm trying to see if I would be in a better mood overall - they couldn't believe it. Then, during the gift exchange, I'd say 1/3 of the gifts were nice bottles of wine, beer and champagne. I knew what shapes to stay away from (!) but one co-worker and friend kept talking about sharing a nice bottle, etc. Alcohol is EVERYWHERE.

                              Then I got home and the kitchen was a mess, DH is out for a work thing, youngest son was watching TV having NOT done his homework, and the older son did not put dinner in the oven even though I had called. I had a slight hissy fit and then stood in the kitchen, fists clenched in frustration, about to cry, yell, whatever just to let it all out. I ended up breathing deeply, counting to 10, and then began calmly getting things done. I washed dishes while the dinner heated and I quizzed son on his test for tomorrow. Within 5 minutes my mood had returned to normal and I was ok. Had I been hungover, I'm pretty sure I would not have breathed myself out of a fit, and had I been drinking, I'm sure the kitchen would still be a mess and the studying would not have been done. I would have ignored it. So, tonight I am thankful to be sober for my sons.

                              It wasn't hard to resist the alcohol at the party (I think my flight response was still activated and I just wanted to get the heck out of there), but the thought that I would NEVER have a beer with these folks again made me feel sad, angry, frustrated, you name it. I know I will not drink for a couple of reasons. One, I admitted my drinking to my therapist, a professional who has heard my story and said, "you, my dear, are an alcoholic." Two, I have the memory of the Thanksgiving drinking binge and absolutely awful recovery still fresh in my mind. However, were it not for those two things I think that at this moment I would be thinking to myself, as you said you were, Ava, "what's one on Christmas?" Good gracious, this is a nasty drug.

                              NS, The whole ball of yarn crochet chain made me laugh. Can't wait to see your haircut, K9. Pauly, thanks for the article reference. 51 days is outstanding, Giraffe. Narilly, Humble, I feel strong this time, too (even if I get sad and frustrated). Anyone else I missed, woo hoo - you're kicking AL's a$$. I have two more work parties, but they are at school so no AL. Next step is the concert on Saturday night.

                              Thanks for letting me rant on this thread - you are by no means obligated to read it all!

                              Good bye, day 17. And good riddance.


                                Ladies on a Mission: The Official Site

                                I just saw this article on another thread from End of the Line. A good read. Warning - he can (and has ) had two glasses plus a bit since he quit.

                                This paragraph struck me:
                                I guess that's the problem most ex-drinkers have with sobriety: it's an oddly low-key experience. It's like you're in a film which, without warning, changes from being a high-concept bio-pic to an understated ensemble piece and you only have a walk-on part. In short, your world changes but almost everyone else's world stays the same. Sometimes, sitting in the pub, surrounded by all that exaggerated bonhomie, you wish you were back there. Sometimes - when you see people falling down, or throwing up, or screaming at their partners on the street - you are so glad you're not.

