Hi loamers
Well Wag a big hug for 70 days, days ending in an 0 are great and when there are a couple of 00s it is fantastic. So proud of your achievement.
Nar well today will be 90 days for you girl and being an original loamer this makes it pretty special. due to the fact that you had a few stops and starts and fuck its along the way and look where you are now. I have found around 6 months that my emotions seemed to even out but hey every day is different, being a recovering alcoholic definitely has its moments.
My last couple of days at work have been really stressful and crap. I had a situation that finally made me decide that i cannot work where i am anymore. i deserve respect and compassion and caring, just like my patients get from me. I was supposed to get an xray and ultrasound of my shoulder as the dr thinks it is bursitis so i went to work and made an appt within the hospital for 3pm, rang the acting office manager (also known as hitler) and told her i had this appt, she then asked why i cannot do this in "my time", i replied with "fine" (meaning i was so pissed off) and changed the appt to 1st August. she then came to the desk and asked if it was sorted, i said yes i have a new appt in August, she then says oh you could have had that one today, i said you could but to make appts out of hours. I said i was making it out of hours and of course she changed everything around to make it look like she was being compassionate etc. i told her to leave me alone as i was very unhappy about what she said, i was in constant pain with my shoulder but i would wait to suit her needs. This was when i decided sober that i have been walked over, on, through and under, enough. at the end of the day another coworker said that she was working back to make up time to have off. I was deeply disappointed and sad to think that i truly give my everything to that job and i love my job but the good news is i have an interview to work as a casual in the staff bank which works for different departments when their staff members are off sick or on leave. i may not get 5 days a week, the pay may be worse but i need at this stage to be happy in this aspect of my life. I am expecting a chat from the village idiot office manager when he gets back from leave and i am going to listen to what he says and then tell him also what i think about the department i work in, in a logical and coherent manner. I have left work early 4 times in the last month and a half and always made up the time. Now i find i have typed this out very logically but fuck i am so pissed off it is unbelievable but i will not let them get to me, i am a good person. the great thing is not once did an al thought come into my brain. how good is that?
Well its friday and i was going to have a sicky but i wont let her think she has won, i am a better person than her. it was quite amusing seeing her trying to turn the conversation around until i asked her to leave. i would never ever have done that with a hangover, the guilt would have been too much.
sorry about the rant.
love to all
oh moderating, mmm i went on that thread once in my early days and thought i could do that, so like the champion i am, i did and wow i failed completely. I was not the ONE that could successfully moderate which i thought i could be!