j-vo :huggy :l :groupluv:
As others have said, any disappointment or sadness here is not AT you or ABOUT you, it is FOR you. I'm so sorry to hear your news because even though I'm fairly new to this circle, I know for sure this isn't what you wanted to happen.
The desire to be and feel normal runs strong. I think this is human nature, and is probably hard-wired in our primitive brains. Unfortunately, normal looks like drinking in many parts of modern society. Wow, I feel this tug very strongly at times.
I believe that all of us here can truly sympathize if not empathize with what you've wrestled with over the past few days and with what you're feeling now. If ever there were a group to understand, it is here within the Loamers and on MWO.
One additional comment I'd like to make, and maybe others won't share my view but it's how I feel... Drinking on one day does not in any way UNDO all of the hard work and progress you've made over the past 100+ days (or far longer than that actually). Does it disrupt your string of AF days? Yes. Could it lead back down a dangerous path? Potentially, as that's the nature of AL. But should you scrap everything and feel like you're back at ground zero? In my opinion, no. I think it's very likely that you will be stronger and wiser going forward after having this experience. Not advocating that people do this on purpose, but it is what it is and you can't change it now. What you DO get to choose is how you frame it in your mind. I encourage you to frame it as a blip, a detour - one that reset your odometer but that did not erase your accomplishments.
:l again. We're here for you.