Pav today i had to take tye to the airport and i was awake at 3.30am and left at 5am to drive him. we were talking about alcoholism in the family and he said he knew he had the potential so we then talked about how better it would be to stop sooner rather than later but i understood how hard that was when he is only 21. We also talked about when i was driniking that driving him to the airport i would have been hungover or still drunk and so angry towards him that I HAD TO DRIVE HIM. Today i was happy, chatty and went for an hour walk when i got to work. He told me that he loves the new me.
Im with you, i never want to drink. The memories may be cringeable at times but we did what we did but we dont do it anymore.
Im so tired now though, may get that good 8 hours that i can do as i am sober at 251 days. So not long till a year, im excited.