Picked up some local strawberries - so sweet and juicy, can't believe the fruit stands are open so soon.
sorted out my tomatoes - had lots of "volunteers' from last years fallen ones, so weekend them out and planted the strongest ones - the forecast calls for some rain tomorrow so hopefully they will get a good watering.
Hot today - one teenager lying out in a bikini and another one slaving over her homework.
Need to go by ice-cream for my strawberries - there were two cartons in the freezer, so thought I was fine - but both just had a tiny bit left in the bottom and that was eaten last night....can't be bothered to move now I sat down though....hmmm, what is a girl to do???
Got my 5 mile walk in, it was beautiful....not a great nights sleep but blaming it on the full moon. Have started taking magnesium following a discussion on another thread, my leg cramps are diminishing, and that is a blessing for sure.
Happy Easter dear ladies, and any gents stopping by