Choices, maybe it seems a bit harder this time because you know it is for real? You've accepted the fact that you'll not drink again so you're having a bit more rebellion? Someone else wrote about that once here. Anyway - glad you had a good day, and are having a good vacation.
J-Vo - It's not really LYING, more like omitting the truth. It is ok - whatever you need to do to get by. Glad you had fun.
Someone once complimented my work in such a way that I KNEW she understood my leadership style - more under the radar than in your face. It made me feel good, because generally I'm the type of leader who gives the credit to others. It feels good to be noticed for skills that I have worked hard to develop. Thanks for asking, Jane. Good to think about that.
Hi, El. Glad you stopped in. You, too, LB. Hope all is well.
Night, Gloamers.